Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Not having my truck has set me so far back it's not even funny! Right now, I'm waiting for the sun to hit the coop. It's too cold to even think about doing anything outside.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
What a day! First off, DD needed her vehicle back, so she got it the other day. DS was working at the same place hubby is, so he picked him up on Monday and Tuesday. But, since they work construction, and DS was the low man, he got laid off yesterday. Monday I called my parents and asked if I could borrow their Blazer. They said yes. But, since I had my appointments yesterday, I couldn't pick it up until this afternoon. So, that meant I had to take hubby to work this morning.

Hubby has a truck that he uses on the job, but can't take home. Yesterday, he left it in the parking area where he's working. We get there, he goes to unlock it and doesn't have the key! And that was the only key for the truck. So, we had to turn around and go home. When he took his other keys out of his pocket this morning, he dropped that key. It was in front of the front door. So we got the key, then went back to his work and I dropped him off.

W/him dropped off, I went to the farm. I forgot my gloves, and just about froze my hands getting everyone fed and watered this morning. The waterer in my field freezes, so I put the heater in my stock tank the other day and filled it up. Then, I plugged the cord into an extension cord. When I got there this morning, that was frozen as well. I forgot to plug the extension cord into the outlet. So, I took a sledge hammer and broke the ice. W/everyone fed, I headed home.

I was now over an hour later than I wanted to be, but I needed to eat breakfast first. After I ate, I finally made it outside. Putting the tarp up like we did worked great! It was warm enough inside to paint! I was doing good, and it looked like I'd have enough paint for the whole thing-until I knocked over the bucket. I used as much of that paint as I could, but it just wasn't enough.

Since I couldn't paint anymore, and hadn't had the time to do it B4, I went ahead and made my nesting boxes. I figure 2 boxes is plenty for 4 hens. I just need a piece to put in front so the eggs won't get kicked out easily. I also put up a roost. Then I got stuff put away and headed back to the farm. Gave Stormy his 2nd feeding, and went and got hubby.

Hubby dropped me off at my parents. I visited w/them for a few, then left. First thing I had to do was get more paint. They sell paint in the feed store, but I don't like it. It doesn't seem to cover as well as what I've been buying in Lowes and TSC doesn't have any. So, that meant I had to go in the wrong direction and get they paint. I needed a couple of things in Dollar Tree, which is right there, so I got them as well. Then, I headed back to the farm. I got Stormy fed, took care of the chickens and got hay out.

I had noticed a couple of metal fence posts that no one wanted, so I checked them out. They were the right size, so I put them in the Blazer along w/the piece of wood I needed and some hand tools I need. Then, I went to TSC. I got feed and a roll of welded wire fencing. I need cattle panels for the goats, but that won't keep chickens in. And, if I just put up the welded wire, the goats would destroy it, so I have to have both. Then I got gas, and headed home.

Because of how crazy today was, I didn't get as far as I wanted to. So, tomorrow I'll be going out as early as I can. I plan on doing some of the fence and maybe some of the painting-if it's warm enough. Then, I'll head to the farm and feed b4 heading home. Stormy may only get fed 2x tomorrow. It's going to depend on how long it takes me to finish everything up.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I believe you have said Stormy is an elder horse, right? Is he in a field by himself? Since I have several senior horses, I have found that I can put out enough feed for all day to those who are not sharing a feed tub. They just "graze" from it all day. Of course, most are stallions. But none of them get hay as they can't chew without their jaw teeth. This is a complete feed, extruded and easy for them to crunch. It's like a cereal, actually, in respect to the feel of it when chewing. Just a thought as it could save you some time/trips.

A farmer with no truck is hard. I hope yours get repaired soon. You have more patience than I.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Stormy isn't by himself, otherwise I could do something like that. He's on a senior feed. I used to have him on an extruded feed, then he decided he didn't like it, so I had to find something else he would eat. And, I can't just let him in the one area w/the feed, he wouldn't get much of it. There's a bunch of ducks that want to "help" him eat.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Changed my plans. I went to the farm as early as I could. I didn't want o have to pack everything up, then pull it all out again when I got home. And, it took longer than I was expecting to make the door between the 2 areas. It also took longer than I was expecting to finish painting the inside. But, I got it done, then finished painting the rest of the outside!

By the time I got done, it was almost 2:30. I could have probably finished everything if I had worked late. But, I didn't feel right about Stormy not getting fed 3x a day, so I packed everything up and went to the farm. Fed Stormy, then did some cleaning up in the one area, then fed him his 3rd feeding.

Tomorrow, I will not be coming home to work on the goat/chicken house. I have the farrier coming in the morning. I'm hoping to work on it some in the morning, then maybe finish it when I get home. I just won't be able to bring my chickens home now until Sunday.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I was going to work on the fence today and said forget it. As much as I want it done, it doesn't have t be done now. Instead, I did some cleaning up. The area coming into my field is now basically clean. On Monday, I'll be getting my field all clean as well as LF's. She also has some welded wire fencing she wants up, so that will be done then as well.

Then, I'm going to get some dirt in the stalls so I can get the stone out of my old feed stall, then put down the solid pallets I have for that. I get that done, and all the junk that's in my feed stall can get out of there.

W/that done, I'll get all of my stuff where it belongs. They're supposed to come and move my shed on the 30th. So, I'm not going to worry about either the fence or the RP until I have everything all done for that. The one thing I may do is put a post in where I'm going to be hanging a gate into my area. If I wait, I may not be able to get it in.

Got home, and got the roof on the chicken/goat house. While I was working on that a guy showed up w/a load of wood. Bad thing is, I can get all the wood I want for free, I just haven't been able to do it. But I had an idea. We have 2 wild black cherries that are basically dead in our yard. But w/where they are, I can't cut them down, so I asked the wood guy how much he'd charge to take them down. As long as I help him, he'll take them both down for $100, cut and split them! So he's supposed to come next Saturday! I'm so glad I said something. That may give me enough wood for the rest of the winter! I'll mix it w/what he delivered today.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That's what I say. I've been wanting these trees down for years!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I have breakfast out this morning, then a party this evening. So, in between I'm finishing my goat/chicken house, the fencing and working in my garden. I don't know that I'll be able to do any work in there after today. It's supposed to get colder this week and stay colder.