Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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My boots they only had in one height, so maybe they're not the same. But, my feet have been nice and warm-until I have snow fall down them!

In spite of the snow and the cold temps, it didn't feel too bad out there when I went out to give the animals some water. I also had to feed the chickens and Thumper. But, the wind wasn't blowing, so I was fine.

I have to get the dishes all done this morning, then I need to clean part of the basement so I can get to my snowshoes. I think it's the only way I'm going to be able to do stuff at the farm today. I just hope KN is able to get down there to feed this morning. Once Stormy is eating his lunch, I'll go ahead and get everyone else taken care of. But at least it's supposed to warm up this week. That will help.

In spite of the cold and the snow, we could have had it much worse. We didn't lose our power. And even though the wood we have isn't the greatest, it did keep the house warm enough. I don't know if the guy didn't know what he was cutting, or if he thought we wouldn't. We were expecting oak. There's very little oak in it, some mulberry and walnut and sycamore. The rest I'm not 100% sure about. It splits easily, but seems to burn fast and w/very little coals. It may be Norway maple, but I'm not sure. I'm not used to seeing it as firewood, so that makes it a bit harder to ID. Oh, and I did find what looks to be some pine and some that's cedar for sure! Neither is something that we burn.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jun 11, 2010
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Lafourche Parish, LA
I wouldn't for sure burn pine or cedar. I have burned a lot of other woods, but I use a potbelly and a boxwood, so its not like the smell or smoke gets in the house. I am late splitting a lot of my cut logs and some of them are really hard. I think I might one day set up a log splitter Its just too hard sometimes. Or maybe I'm too soft.....idk.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Some wood is almost impossible to split. I'll admit to really liking stuff that splits easily. Walnut is one of my favorite woods to split.

I will be so glad when this snow all melts! I spent most of the day at the farm shoveling snow. W/the storm being a Nor'easter, the snow was piled up in the north east corner of my field, in other words, right in front of my feed stall and Stormy's stall. Plus, the snow blew in on my hay and even in my feed stall! I'm glad I had the foresight to put my straw up on some pieces of 4x4s and cover it w/a tarp. I had about 4" of snow in the trailer! So, I started by shoveling in front of the stall. It took me most of the morning. But w/that done, it meant the horses could get in that easily, plus it was easier to get out of the gate.

After lunch, I tackled the drift in front of the feed stall. I couldn't open the gate all the way w/that there. I finally got enough of it done. I also shoveled where my mower is supposed to go, then behind the trailer so I could get in it. I shoveled that out as well.

Hubby had put a tire on my mower on Thursday, but I couldn't get it to start on Friday. It didn't help that the choke was frozen in place. Today was warmer, so I was able to start it. I couldn't get it out of the field. I had shoveled around it, but there was still too much snow. I'll be trying everyday until I can get it out. At least it's supposed to be warmer.

Once I got home, I went out in the woods w/my battery operated chainsaw. I got some cut down and dragged it home. I tried putting it on a sled. That didn't work. It kept falling off.

By the time I was done getting that, I was beat. So, I fed the goats and made dinner. I may go to be early tonight.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I feel like I'm trying to come down w/a cold, so I did the smart thing today. I did some housework this morning, then fed and went to Bible study. When I got back, I gave Stormy his lunch, then went up to my tack shed, took the stuff off the cot and took a nap B4 giving him his dinner and heading for my appointments.

While I was at the allergist's, I got both a text and a call about dinner w/my new motorcycle group, SS. They were meeting at a local Chinese buffet for dinner at 6:00. So I did the smart thing. It was late by the time I was able to get my shot, so it was late by the time I left. If I had gone home, fed the goats, brought in wood and then gone back, I would have been late. Plus, I would have been backtracking. So I headed for the buffet. And since I was getting there early, and there's an Aldi's in the same parking lot, I ran in there. I wanted some chocolate chips and condensed milk.

After dinner, I came home, fed the goats and brought in some firewood. I'm not sure if I'm going to make a fire tonight or not. I don't feel like it. I may just go to bed and make a fire in the morning.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I definitely have a cold. I was afraid last week that I was going to get sick. I overdid it trying to get stuff done B4 the blizzard. So, this morning, I got some housework done, went to the farm, got everyone fed, then went in my shed and took a nap. When I got up, even thought it was a bit early, I fed Stormy his lunch, then worked on cleaning out my feed stall. I got most of it done, then fed him early and went home.

Got home and relaxed for a bit, then did some dishes. I was going to do wood, but I just wasn't up to it. So, I just brought enough wood in for overnight.

Hubby has ordered take outs. I think once they get here and I eat, I'm going to get a shower and maybe go to bed early. Hopefully, I'll feel better in the morning.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Hope you feel better soon. A long, HOT, shower always makes me feel better.
the steam is good to clear your nasal & lung passages.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I was too beat to even get a shower last night, so I'll get one today. I am feeling better, so I'll be doing the same today like I did yesterday. But at least I think I'll also be able to get the wood done.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I am almost over my cold! I have NEVER gotten over one this quick B4. On Monday night, I put the vapor rub on my feet, then put on socks B4 going to bed. I did the same on Tuesday and Wednesday night. It works. I still took a nap today, but still got quite a bit done.

I did some housework this morning. This is the cleanest my bedroom had been in a long time. It still has a ways to go, but I've gotten most of the junk out of it. And, I'm almost caught up on the dishes. I'll finish them tomorrow morning.

I wasn't able to finish cleaning the feed stall. LF showed up at the farm this afternoon. She had the farrier coming and she has trouble catching her one mini. Plus, she broke her foot a few weeks ago. So, I had to work at it a bit, and I'll admit to bribing him a bit, but I was able to catch him w/out too much trouble. He's been hard to catch for a long time, so I've been making a point of making sure I run my hand down his back when I feed. I'm going to be starting to work on touching his face as well so that I can put my hand on his halter. When I'm able to do that easily, then I'll work on having him pick up his feet w/out freaking out. I think by the time the farrier comes next, he should be easier to catch and easier to do.

I got some of the wood cut up and in the house. The fire seems to be burning better. I'm sitting in front of it on my laptop. I'd rather be sitting at my desk, but I need to do some more cleaning B4 I can do that. However, that's on the list for tomorrow. Slowly but surely, I'm getting caught up. I will be so glad when it's all done.

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