Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I am slowly but surely making progress! For the first time in years, I'm sitting at my desk while on my computer!

I got all of the stuff from my feed stall up front sorted out. I can't arrange it like I want yet-that has to wait until I'm able to do my feed stall, etc. down back, but at least I now know what I have.

It wasn't easy, but I got my mower out of my field. It would have been much easier if I didn't have the mower deck on it. Even up all the way, it kept getting stuck in the mud. It's not quite where I want it, but at least it's not in the field.

I found all my seeds. So tonight, I'll be going thru all of them and seeing what I have and what, if anything I need. I'll also be writing down when I need to plant stuff, either inside or out and when to transplant it.

I went out in the woods and brought home more wood. What I got this time is even better than what I got last time. And, once I'm able to get in there w/the mower, cart, generator and electric chainsaw, I won't have to worry any more about wood for the year. There is quite a bit of southern red oak, mulberry, cherry, red maple and olive all fairly close to the house. It's just a little too far to drag the generator, and then drag it home. I'm hoping that, other than what we bought, I'll be putting wood in the wood shed instead of taking it out. If at all possible, I want to get that all filled up and make another one and fill it B4 it gets hot. Then, I won't need to do any wood until I get one empty.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Give yourself a pat on the back! AND a treat of some sort. Feels good to say you have felt you accomplished something, doesn't it? I work at the list, which grows, but love to finish anything.

:thumbsup Good Job!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'll be glad when the basement is all done and I can get it arranged like I want. I'll even have a place to sit down and watch the birds. I haven't done that in years. There's no good place to do that now.

Learned something new yesterday. I learned how to make the paracord survival bracelets. Once I figured out how to keep the buckle from moving and really paid attention to what I was doing, it was easy to make. So I'm thinking that when I get my nature business going, that's one of the crafts I'll have. And you can get an interesting buckle for them. They have a compass, whistle and fire striker built in. I need to get some of them.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Sounds like a good "online gift" sale item. Some of the hiker & camper types would be interested in lightweight, multi-function & wearable! Also, scout troops & some type of hunters...who actually still go into woods & hunt.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And they have buckles that I'll be ordering that have a compass, a whistle and a fire striker built in. The buckles aren't that expensive. They have them in Wally World, but only in 2 different colors, and not w/that type of buckle. I can make them for much cheaper than they sell them. I think even w/the other buckle I can make them cheaper. I think I may be able to make some money selling them.

Had a good day today. Hubby and I went to Delaware. I wanted to go to Dover Saddlery, and that's the closest one. I really needed a new pair of muck type boots. The ones I have are old, and they never fit right. Over the years, the back of them wore thru and they would tear up my heels and socks! The boots that I got in TSC are no good in deep mud, so I told hubby I wanted to go and find a new pair. Not only did they have some that fit much better and are more comfortable than my muck boots ever were, they were also $20.00 cheaper! We also got the stall chain guard I needed for Licorice's stall and some new hooks for hanging my buckets. All told, it was just $5.00 or so more than it would have been for a new pair of muck boots.

From there, we tried to find a Christian book store that I had seen last year, but couldn't quite remember where it was. I knew it was near the race track. We were able to find the race track, but came at it from a different direction than I was expecting. So, we never did find it. But we realized we weren't far from Cabela's, so we headed for there and looked around for awhile B4 heading out to eat. I would have liked what I got much more if they hadn't put cilantro in it! If they had listed that as an ingredient, I would have NEVER ordered it. I don't LIKE cilantro. And, it was the only thing on the menu that looked any good. So, we won't go back. Hubby wasn't overly thrilled w/what he got either.

From there, we headed to Wally World. Hubby needed more tank tops. If we didn't get some, I would have had to wash clothes when we got home. This was easier. I also got some seeds! I've been wanting to try Swiss chard, so I got a pack of seeds as well as some pea seeds that are supposed to be good for drying and some flowers.

They opened up a new Amish market that we had to go past on the way home. So, we stopped there as well. You cannot buy raw milk in NJ, but they did have non homogenized. So, I got quart to try. If I like it, even though it's more expensive, I'll be buying my milk there. I have to go past it to get to TSC, so why not? By the time we left, it would have been stupid for me to go home, then go back out to the farm. We were closer to the farm than home. So, I changed into my new boots and we headed over to the farm. What a difference from my old boots!

When I was done there, we headed home. I went out and did some wood. Hubby says that he'll help me get it all cut up tomorrow. I'll be needing it in the house then. Then, I fed the goats and am now relaxing. I want to do some more sorting of my seeds, so I'll probably do that tonight.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Finally got caught up on your journal! Glad you're making some big progress! How much did yall end up with all told from that storm? We had 30" and we couldn't have managed without the heavy equipment that belongs to the landlord! We didn't have the high winds they were predicting either, and I am grateful!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
You got much more than we did. We only got about 11 inches, but that was plenty! I was wondering about you since that was the same weekend as the Maryland horse expo. I wondered if you were working there this year. I had thought about going, but since they were supposed to move my shed, didn't plan it. It's just as well.

Good thing I didn't have real plans for today. I got some housework done this morning, then went to the farm and got my run-in cleaned out. It really needed it. I was working on LF's when my phone rang. It was EH. I've been trying to schedule a lesson, either at the farm on Misty, or at her place on one of her horses. Well, it's just too muddy at the farm. But, she wanted to know if I wanted to go over for a lesson this afternoon. Of course, I told her yes. I figured it would be good for me. So, for the first time since October, I rode a horse!

It was a good thing I had my barn boots w/me cuz I don't know if I would have been able to ride in the other boots. The only real problem I had was using one of her saddles, an English saddle. I now know why she tells people to wear half-chaps. The stirrup leathers were rubbing my legs, so that was uncomfortable. Plus, I didn't find the saddle to be that comfortable. But, until I get my field set up, or until I get my truck running so I can haul Misty over, I'll ride that horse. I just need to put my chaps in the Blazer so I have them handy.

After I was done there, I went back to the farm to give Stormy his last feeding. And, I let 1 flock of chickens out. They were quite happy. I had a little bit of trouble getting them in, but they finally figured it out. Tomorrow, I'll let out another flock. They're calling for rain on Wednesday, so I'll let the last flock out on Thursday. Until I get the welded wire fence up, I'm only letting them out for a little while. They go right under the boards, and I don't want them roaming the whole farm. But, it was nice having chickens loose again.

From there, I headed to Wally World. I needed a couple of things they didn't have in the one we went to on Saturday. I also got some seeds. We've ordered take-outs. Once I've eaten, I'm going to get my shower, then I'm thinking of getting some flowers started! Come on Spring!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Right now, there's not much I can do outside due to the weather. I'm hoping I can work on the fence this week since it's warmed up. But that won't be until Thursday. We have someone new, LS, coming out to the farm. She's been riding KN's horse, but wants her own. So she and LF are going to look at a couple of horses today. LS wanted me to go w/them. But I didn't think I could make it. I had hoped to have a lesson today, but since I had it yesterday, I'm going. Out of those going, I'm probably the best judge of whether or not the horses will be OK for them. They're supposed to be horses anyone can ride. And the one that LF is looking at is a Tennessee walker! She doesn't know that she wants to keep it once she becomes a better rider. However, I've been thinking that when I lose Stormy, I want a horse anyone can ride. So, if I like the horse, I'd buy her off of LF eventually.

After I get back, I need to make it so rain can't blow in the hay stall or the feed stall. They're calling for a lot of rain tomorrow, maybe even thunder! And, it's supposed to be windy. So, I want to get this done. Eventually I want to see if I can make something that I'd be able to put up to block the wind from coming in the feed stall when it's going to be wet and windy, but can take down when it's going to be nice. If I left it up during the summer, it would probably get too hot in there. And I need to put the rain sheets back on the horses. It's been warm enough the past few days that I took their blankets off.

Hubby has left for work, and I need to get moving. I need to clean my bathroom and do dishes B4 I leave, and I need to leave early.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Its a good thing you didn't come anyway because they ended up cancelling after Friday. I know the organizer lost a lost of money on it, I feel really bad. Friday was terrible, a lot of vendors didn't show up at all, the crowd was really really thin, and many of the demo horses never made it, and several clinicians never made it. I might try to make it to Harrisburg to shop. I spoke with one vendor when I had some time to walk around on Friday and he said he's going to have some nice boots, so I might go take a look.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I thought about going to Harrisburg, but there's nothing I need, and no clinics I want to go to, so why bother? I can't afford to go just to go. If it was closer, I'd try and make it, but it's just too far to run up for the day.

Been too busy to get on. I've been trying to post an update in the evenings, but both Tuesday and Wednesday evening were too crazy to do so.

They bought the horses. I rode the one. Neither had been ridden for over 2 years! And for not having been ridden, she didn't do too badly. I kept her at a walk since I could tell the bit was really bothering her. When I got off and asked them about it, they said, oh she's never liked the bit. So then I asked, when was the last time her teeth were done? Their reply? We've never had them done. So I think it's a combination of things as to why she was so concerned about the bit. But, the longer I rode her, the more she calmed down. I might have to ride her for a bit for LF, but then she should be OK.

The other is actually a large pony. And the woman buying her wanted to get on. They used the same saddle and it didn't fit! It was slipping. She's shorter than I am, so while the stirrups were fine for me, they were a bit long for her. I told her not to put her feet in the stirrups, but she did anyway. The pony was a bit more keyed up, and the guy wasn't helping. She had some problems, but it was due more to the owner. He kept her on a long lead, then was basically trying to lunge her and the pony didn't lunge! Then the saddle starting to slip while he was doing that. I started yelling for her to shift her weight the other way, but it was too late. The saddle slipped and she basically just rolled off. But, she hit the ground laughing. W/a bit of work, this pony should be fine, so she's getting her.

By the time we got back, it was almost time for Stormy's dinner, and he hadn't had lunch! So I stayed late. I just didn't have enough time to do anything I wanted to get done-except cut a piece of tarp for the hay stall door. And, I was going out w/my MC group, so didn't have a lot of time in the evening.

Wednesday morning, I had a volunteer meeting, but wanted to get some work done first. I had to replace a D ring on Misty's rain sheet. W/out that on, I couldn't put the one leg strap on. And that could make the sheet slip. The needle bent, so I had to get another one. I put it in the wrong way and didn't realize it. I was getting very frustrated trying to do this simple, 5 minute repair. It finally dawned on me what was wrong, and I got it done. I managed to get the kitchen floor washed B4 I left.

Got to the farm, and got the horses fed, but that was it. I could only hope it didn't start to rain hard B4 I got back. When I was done the meeting, I ran to TSC to get feed. I also looked for a large, plastic drop cloth. No luck. So then I stopped in another store, no luck. Then I went to the feed store. They had them.

I got back to the farm and it still wasn't raining. So, I got the piece of plastic put up. Only problem being, once I got it stapled in place, the wind pulled it off at the bottom. So, I got a board to try and screw it in place. I got one screw in, no problem. Started on another and it managed to pull the piece off and get it wrapped up around the screw. So that wasn't going to work. I ended up just putting the plastic over all the feed cans and my jump box. That was the main thing I was worried about anyway. I've come up w/an idea. I'm going to get some clear shower curtain liners and sew them together. Then I'll put some grommets where needed. When they're calling for bad weather, I'll pull it across, and fasten it on the sides. Hopefully that will keep snow and rain out of the stall. I got the piece of tarp up to block the hay stall w/no problem. I also got the feed in the cans, and feed bagged.

Right about when I got done all this, it started to rain. So I gave Stormy his last feeding, put out hay, got hay sheets on everyone and left. It was a bit early, but that was OK.

Got home and got dishes done, then worked on cleaning off my counters. That's all done. Hubby and I worked together on making dinner. While we were cooking, DS called. He was having problems w/his car, and wasn't sure he was going to make it home. So he was heading for a friend's. They were able to check out the car and find the problem. But he needed parts. I ended up having to run out to the store and picking up the parts, then taking them to him. By the time I got home, I was beat. I just wanted to relax. So, I made a few bracelets-I need them for a party on Saturday, then went to bed.

I wasn't going to get on this morning, but woke up to no power. So I decided to get on since I couldn't do anything else. The power is now back on, so I'm going to get some work done. I need to get a load washed and on the line and clean my bedroom.

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