Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I told hubby about the goats on CL and he was all for me getting one-until I pointed out to him that I don't have the room for one. And I've been looking at chickens as well. Someone has Maran chicks. I've found myself hoping they have them when I want chicks. I don't know if it's true or not, but I've heard that if you cross them w/a green egg layer, you can get eggs that are forest green-my favorite color!

Things have been crazy around here. I have another cold-which isn't helping and this one is worse than the last one! The Vicks did nothing for it. But, I've been taking some C and D and it is finally starting to clear up. So, I haven't been getting much done. I need to do some dishes, some laundry and some housework B4 I can leave for the farm. On my way, I need to stop at TSC. I know I'm getting low on Stormy's feed, chicken feed, and cracked corn. I've been having to put some out for the goat so Willow can eat. But, it's starting to warm up, so I should be able to start working on the fence soon. My only problem for now is going to be getting the tractor in so I can pull posts. It is so wet out here.

Speaking of wet, PT got her car stuck in the parking area on Tuesday. And there was no way I could pull her out. She drives a school bus, so she feeds between her morning and afternoon run. She didn't have time to wait for AAA, so I offered to run her home. We had some very nasty winds. I had to dodge a few downed trees, plus there were wires down. I was unable to put out hay because of how strong the winds were. Plus, there were 2 damaged poles on RU's road.

The winds were so strong that it ripped the roof off of the stall where KN and RU's horses are, flipped it over the roof of my run-in and it is now leaning against my run-in! Thank God, none of the horses got hurt or worse. But the horses wouldn't come near the run-in. They were standing out in the wind and the rain. That meant I couldn't feed Stormy, so I went back out later. I get there, and not only is PT's car still stuck, but so was the tow truck! They were waiting for a bigger truck to pull them out.

Yesterday was still cold and windy. I was going to take a nap, but since LS was there, I took her to a couple of different stores. We had planned on taking her car, but she tried to turn around in the parking area and got stuck! She got pretty much all the grooming supplies she needs as well as a manure fork. On the way back to the farm, we stopped at my house and got some heavy duty plastic boards w/treads on them out of my truck. Between them and since the ground was a bit firmer and drier, she was able to get out w/out calling AAA.

Today is not going to be quite as bad. So, since I'm feeling better, I may straighten up my hay stall. I'm getting low on hay in there. If I don't get my truck soon, I'm going to either have to borrow one, or bring out hay 2 bales at a time. Hubby may work on it tomorrow. It's supposed to be warmer. I'm taking a ladies' self dense class in the morning, then in the afternoon, we're going to take the roof apart and get it out of my field. It's been just too cold, wet and windy to do it.

I'm also going to need to get some more wood in. I may just have to take my wagon and put my generator in it. I want those 2 oak trees as well as the maple, and this might be the only way I can get wood for now. Hubby doesn't want me taking his mower in the woods since I could scratch it. I think if I can afford it this year, I need to get a better mower for out at the farm, then I can bring home this old one I have, take the mower deck off of it, and use it for getting firewood. It's what I've been wanting to do and will make my life so much simpler. I can't get in far w/the generator if it's in the back of the truck, and it's a pain to drag it all thru the woods. This way, I'll be able to drive the mower in where I need to go.

If I'm going to hang clothes out, I need to get off of here and get them in the washer. They won't put themselves in.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
:smackThat should have been ladies' self defense class. :plbb

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Didn't get done as much as I wanted to yesterday. I never got the clothes done until this evening. They're in the dryer now since I need them for tomorrow. I did do the housework I wanted to get done-I finally got my Christmas tree down! It's not as bad as it sounds. I couldn't take it down until after we had our riding club party which had been postponed until 2 weeks ago. I didn't have time during the week after it, and was going to take it down during the weekend. But, it was so bitterly cold, I didn't want to pull down the stairs to the "attic". We were having enough trouble keeping it warm w/out the added cold air. Then I got the cold and had no strength to do it. I still need to put everything upstairs, but that's easier w/2 people. So, it should get done tomorrow. I also didn't do the dishes.

At the farm, I did get the hay stall cleaned up. I have some wood in there as well that I need for various projects and have no other place to store it. I got that moved to just one part of the stall. It is now easier to get to the hay, and I can now see how much I have. I have enough for just under 2 weeks.

Rather than go to TSC B4 heading to the farm, I went after I gave Stormy his lunch. I also ran a couple of other errands. That kept me from exhausting myself. And after I got home, I went to a couple of other stores as well.

The self defense class I went to was good. The instructor, BK, did this one free for family and friends since he wanted the feed back from people he can trust. If my DD hadn't had to work, I would have taken her as well. But as it is, I plan on signing her up for one. She works late often, and is in college. So this is something I really think she should do.

We didn't do the roof. They changed tomorrow's forecast. They're now calling for rain later in the day, just not sure when it's going to hit. So instead, hubby and I went out in the woods. We got down those 2 oak trees and part of a multi stemmed mulberry. We did use the mower. Then I cut the wood into 4 ft. lengths while hubby loaded and unloaded it. All of the wood is home. Hubby started to cut it smaller while I went to the farm. I don't know if he's going to finish tomorrow or what, but if he doesn't, it will be covered w/a tarp and I'll work on it on Monday. 2 nice things are, we still had wood from the last time we got it. And, more importantly, we did it together! It was so much easier w/2 people. I'm hoping that we can fill the wood holder in the basement tomorrow, and then get more wood B4 it's empty. That way, we can hopefully start cutting for next year as well.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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So glad you got some help with the wood. You're right - an extra pair of hands makes most jobs so much easier!

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
Easier and more tolerable, enjoyable, productive.

I pulled a log from the woods and to daughters shed yesterday, on way to pull more turnips for the hogs/chickens. Yep, Instead of putting into feed bags, loading those in truck and unloading them -- alone -- I took tractor, filled front loader and dumped it at home! "Arnie" & I did a good job! Much easier on me!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
If he continues to help me w/the wood, not only will I get the rest of what I need for this winter, but hopefully for next as well. It would make my life so much easier. We took a walk today to look for wood. There is just so much in there that we can get to easily. I'm hoping to clean up the road that is in there so I can get the mower thru it. Right now, it has a lot of either Russian or autumn olive (or both) growing up in it that I need to cut down. W/that done, it will be fairly easy to drive in there to get the wood. And, there's enough room between the trees in the area where we were looking to get close enough to them w/the generator and chainsaw to cut them down.

The roof is out of the field! I'm sure the horses are happy about that. And, the ground has dried up enough that I was able to drive my mower into the field. It is now hooked up to the spreader. Tomorrow, I plan on filling it up, and spreading it. For now, my mower is going to have to live in the field since it gets too muddy to drive thru for now. So, I'll be able to keep my field clean.

It's warmed up again for now. So tomorrow I'm hoping I can work in my garden! Then, next month, I'll be able to get early stuff, like onions and peas going. I think for the first time in years, I'm going to finally be able to do the garden the way I've been wanting to do it.