Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Glad you're on the mend and back at it! That's crazy about the roof, glad that no one got hurt. We had a horse killed at the farm I was at years ago when a tree fell and bounced off the edge of the shed and hit the horse on the way down. It was really traumatic for everyone involved.
Gee, look, we've got more rain coming...

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I can imagine it would be. I looked at how that stall was built. I'm not surprised the roof blew off.

I'm still not 100%, so I'm not getting done as much in a day as I should. But, I got a load of manure out of the field. I got part of the fencing up for LF. I need to get my pruners in order to do the rest of that section, but at least it's started. And, I worked some in my garden. I didn't get a lot done because by then, it was starting to get cold out.

Today and tomorrow, they're calling for rain. So, I need to get everyone's blanket back on. I think that after Bible study, I'm going to go find a store in a near-by small town. They have last year's Baker's Creek seeds on sale for 50% off. I want to see what they have. I won't be doing any outside work today.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Yep, rain here today & tomorrow. Not large amounts but, misty all day. Can't work out in it. Tomorrow supposed to be more rain & heavy winds. Great :barnie

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We had rain today, and they're calling for more rain tomorrow. And tomorrow is supposed to be even worse! At least it's supposed to be warmer. Today I spent at Bible study, then going to some stores. I was able to get some seeds, some chocolate and some supplies for making more bracelets. I want to have a number of them made in different colors. I figure it will be good advertising for the classes I want to teach.

Since it's going to rain again tomorrow, I'm hoping I can get my shed all cleaned out. That way, when it finally dries out, I'll have it ready for moving. It's going to get colder after that, so I won't be doing any work in the garden. Instead, I'll work on wood on Thursday. I'll be needing to fill up the wood holder in the basement, so that will be a good day to do it.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
Reaction score
Fallston, MD
Yup, rain rain rain... its gross out. Its supposed to be warmer today, up to 62, but with that is supposed to come storms. Not thrilled. At least I got the majority of my chores done this morning and won't have to fight winds and storms this afternoon/evening to do them. This is the part of spring that is frustrating!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Nope, I stayed put. We had rain on Tuesday and Wednesday, but at least it wasn't too cold. It didn't get too windy until late yesterday. And now the temps have dropped as well! I didn't really want to spend the whole day at the farm and quite unexpectedly, I didn't have to.

DD's hubby is in Mississippi for some technical training. I've never gotten it quite figured out exactly what it is he's doing, but it's some kind of special program between the air force and air national guard. Needless to say, she misses him. And when a chance came for her to go spend the weekend w/him, she took it. Her FIL was supposed to drive her to Philly International. Well, he had something come up and he couldn't do it. She called last night not knowing what to do. So I said I'd take her. It is only because I love her that I did. I hate driving over the bridge that I needed to take. It is narrower than other bridges. I hate driving on 95. But, I did both.

I left the house early and went and fed, then came home, then took her to the airport, then stopped at the farm on my way back and gave Stormy his lunch, then came home. I drove her Blazer rather than my dad's. His Blazer has a problem w/the brakes, and I didn't think it was a good idea to drive it in traffic like that. But because of all the mud, I didn't want to stay at the farm w/DD's Blazer. Got home, did some dishes and some housework, then went out to the farm, gave Stormy his dinner, took care of the chickens and put out hay.

I was going to do some firewood, but it was just too windy. So, I brought some in. I'll do the same tomorrow, then hopefully I can cut wood on Saturday. It is supposed to start warming up. I hope they're right. I'm tired of the cold.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Today was another cold, windy day. So, I did the smart thing. I left early for the farm, got everyone fed, then went to TSC for some feed, then headed home.

Once I got home, I made some blueberry pancakes for breakfast, then started working on the basement. I had a goal as to how much I had to get done. W/that amount done, it would mean that tomorrow morning I could get seeds started. And I'm happy to say, I got it all done! So tomorrow morning, I'll be starting seeds! I don't know when the last time was that I was able to start them this early. This is when I should be starting them, I just haven't had the time nor the room for the past several years.