Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, because of all the nasty weather we've been having I'm way behind in all that I'm trying to get done. But, I'm slowly getting things done. I'm still working on cleaning up my pasture, and you can really see a difference in the area that I've already done. It's much drier, so that means less mud! I had hoped to be all done it by tomorrow, but that ain't going to happen. So, instead, I'm hoping to be done by next Saturday. Then, I have to clean out the stalls. Once that's all done, it should be fairly easy to keep the field clean.

Then, I can get started on redoing the fence. I had thought about getting rolls that were 200' long. But, they're too hard for me to handle, so I'll be getting the ones that are 100'. For now, at least, I'm not going to put a board at the top. I'll see how the horses do w/out it. If I find they're trying to destroy it, then I'll add the board.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
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Northern California
We have been in a holding pattern due to the weather also. We repair storm damage as best we can, do chores and try to squeeze in some other farm work. Next week is supposed to get warm. We really need to get planting. We did start some seeds in the house. This morning we found the cat playing in the dirt and he had pulled out the plant labels. Now we don't know what is what :rolleyes:
The little stinker.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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I've been afraid of my cats doing that, so I have all these weird contraptions set up to fall over on them if they attempt to get near the seedlings. I used some recycled parts of an old shoe rack because they were light and easy to stack.

Pretty weird looking contraption if you didn't know what I was doing!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I so hope that once RU is back on her feet, we can finally figure out where animals are getting out. I got a call from her hubby, CU, Friday night around 6:00. 3 horses were out. I get there and find 2 horses and a donkey out. The neighbor had stopped by to help, and had the one horse in the RP. They were trying to round up the donkey, but w/no luck. I tried getting her to go in the barn, but one of the dogs came and started to bark at her, she headed for the RP, so I let her in there for a bit. RU's daughter thought she should go back in w/the donks since she has a baby, and tried to catch her. Of course, she had no luck, and neither did the neighbor. I was able to walk right up to her, get a lead rope around her neck, and get her where she belonged. The neighbor's son found a place he thought she got out, and did a temp fix to it. I realized they were out of water, so I gave them water. I figured that was why she got out. By this time, they had rounded up the other horse, and put him in the RP too. i just left them there. Figured if I put them in where they belonged, they'd just get out. And, I figured the reason they got out was because they were out of hay. It was still too wet to get to where the hay was, but since it was cold overnight, I figured that would help to firm the ground up, and I'd be able to get it out the next day, so I went home.

Saturday, I was just getting ready to leave when CU called. There was animals out again. This time, it was 4 donkeys. I got there, and found that they left the area where they belonged. We had someone new come out to the farm, KW (she's willing to work in exchange for riding), so between the 2 of us, we were able to get the donkeys rounded up, and into a field, just not the one that they belonged in. W/a little bit of feed, I started to work on bribing them into the RP. KN showed up, and between the 3 of us and the feed, we got them in. I was able to push some hay out of the barn for the donkeys. So, for now, I'll probably have to put hay out for them. There's still 1 RB in the barn, but we couldn't get it out, so I'll just peel layers off of it.

Once the animals were all safely penned up, I took the tarp off the tractor, and tried to start it. It wouldn't start. When it does that, you need to let it sit. So, I did. KN, KW and I got some of the horses fed, and I tried to get the tractor to start again. Still no luck. So, I started working on other things. I'd work for a bit, then try the tractor. I finally got it started! First RB I put out went in the riding arena. We still have minis and donks in there, and until someone has the time to fill in the hole in their field, they'll stay in there. But, KN was going to let KW ride so we had an idea of how good a rider she was. She looks to be OK, just needs to lighten up on her hands. I got another RB out and put it in w/the main herd. Then I went to get another part bale out that I was going to stick in w/the goats, but couldn't get it. It was really in my way, but I figured I'd leave it, and see if I couldn't get another bale out. But, I couldn't get them. I was thinking it was just the angle I was coming from-until I noticed the spear was kind of floppy, so I got down and went and looked.

There were 2 bolts that hold the spear onto the bucket of the tractor. RU had lost one and now the other had sheared in half! I found 1 piece of it, moved and shut off the tractor and went to the store. I bought 3 new bolts and nuts, went back to the farm, got 2 bolts on, and threw the extra one in a small tool box on the tractor. I was then able to get the part bale out for the goats, and get the rest out that I needed out. There's only 3 RBs left.

Then KN and I went to feed the horses. They didn't want to come up. They were happy w/the hay. I went out and got one, thinking if I had him, the rest of the herd would come up. Nothing doing. And, I almost lost my boots getting him. The mud was quite literally to the top of my boot! So, I figured if they didn't want to come up, I wasn't going to worry about them and just fed the ones that came up.

By the time I was done all this, it was after 4:00. I had thought I'd be able to leave well b4 then. No such luck. And, I still wanted to get some of my field cleaned. So, I started in on it. The first several feet went pretty quickly. Then, I got to the bad area. There's old hay mixed in w/the manure. I've been raking it up the best I could, then scooping it up w/the manure fork. I've been thinking there has to be an easier way. Then it hit me-pitch fork. I went and got one. What a difference! I was able to get the rest of the area cleaned up real quick. And, w/all that gone, that area dried out right away! As much as I don't like to work on Sunday, I'll be doing another area today. Then, w/what I get done on Monday, I'll be able to drive in the field and get the rest of the manure I want to take home.

Once I was done, I went and checked on my chickens and fed Stormy. I also split the herd for overnight. This way, I can just feed half of them this morning. As long as no one has gotten out again, that means I should be able to make it to church much earlier. I'll feed the rest of the herd when I go this afternoon to give Storm his 2nd feeding, and feed everybody else.

By the time I was able to leave, it was around 6:00. So, I went home, fed my animals and did some more wood, mad dinner, and went to bed. I was beat.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm about ready to scream, cry or something. RU has 3 horses that keep getting out. They have hay, they have water, but they're still getting out. Yesterday, a friend of hers work on the fence along the woods. It looks great. I walked along the whole fence line, and found a place that they were getting out, and fixed it the best I could. (I need to put up a new fence post.) I got a call from her later in the day. The horses were out yet again. So today, even though I don't really have the time, I'll be going out there and putting in a fence post or two. I don't have a clue as to where her post hole digger is, which is why I didn't do it yesterday. I'm taking mine. If they get out again, I'll be putting them in a field they shouldn't be able to get out of. Right now, there's no horses in it because it's been too wet to get RBs into it. I think the ground is dry enough to put some out, so I'd put out several. Then, I'd just need to check the water, and they'd be good to leave. (Hopefully)

Monday, someone dropped off a wagon of hay. I'm guessing they pulled the wagon w/a tractor, so they dumped some of the RBs in some of the fields. Only problem being, they dumped 2 of them in "my" field! I don't need them. I have 2 in my horse trailer that I want to get out. Right now, my horse trailer is IN the field. The field is dry, so I can get it out w/no problem. Can't guarantee that I'll be able to do that later in the week, or even next week. So, I had to start up the tractor and get them out. Only problem being, the tractor wouldn't start. I'd try, then let it sit so I didn't wear out the battery, or flood the engine. I finally got it started, picked up the one RB-and the tractor stopped. I had checked it for gas b4 I ever started, and could see gas in the tank. Well, apparently, thatwasn't enough. I could still see gas, but I couldn't start the tractor. So I had to run out and get more gas. Once I put the gas in, I had to let the tractor sit. It started right up after that, so I got them out.

It's taking me forever to get this field cleaned up. I have moved in all probability at least a ton of old hay, manure, pine needles, etc. The pile I'm making is huge! But, when I get an area that has a bunch of old hay cleared, it just a few minutes it dry. I've been trying to get a certain amount done every day. But, it's quite literally taking me hours. And, I'm not getting anything else done. So instead, I'll be working for no more than 2 hours at a time. And, since they're calling for rain on both Friday and Saturday, I doubt I'll get the whole field done this week.

I have a couple of sprouts on my sweet potato piece that are definitely growing! I just don't have a clue as to how to really grow them.

Well, I have to get off. I need to eat something, stuff the stove, hang out a load of laundry, and get to work.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
My goodness, no wonder I don't want a horse. That sounds like so much WORK!

That would be so frustrating to keep finding them outside of where they are supposed to be!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
savingdogs said:
My goodness, no wonder I don't want a horse. That sounds like so much WORK!

That would be so frustrating to keep finding them outside of where they are supposed to be!
Once everything is done that needs to be done, it will be much easier. And, if I was able to keep them the way I'd like to keep them, it would be even less work.

When I got to the farm, I found 4 more horses out. There were already 3 horses in the RP as well as 2 in the unused field. I caught all of them, put them in either the barn or the RP, then walked the fence line again. They tore down what I put up yesterday. :rant There was just no way I was going to be able to do anything w/the fence in that area that would keep the horses in. So, when I was done work, I went to TSC, and got 2 cattle panels (after checking w/her), as well as some fence staples. There was a ton of multiflora rose, honey suckle, poison ivy as well as a couple of trees growing right along the fence line. So, w/the help of her hubby, we cleared the fence in that area. Then, we put one cattle panel up against a fence post, marked the middle, put a fence post there, then did the same at the end. Then, we put staples in, got the other cattle panel out, and just needed to put a fence post at the end.

There's a lot more junk growing along the fence line. RU had left it originally thinking it would keep the horses in. And, it had worked-until it got so bad it was pulling the fence down. So, we'll be clearing it all off bit by bit, making sure the fence is good, then putting up electric. Then, we'll pile everything up, let it dry, get a permit and have a big bonfire back there.

After we were done w/the fence, I fed all the horses, and got them all back where they belonged. When they were done eating, they went and munched on the hay for a bit, then meandered back to where the hole had been. I think they were a tad bit disappointed.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
well, sure, you spoiled all their fun! I'm sure running around was much more exciting!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
How many horses are on how much acreage? :hu

Seems like they spend a lot of time challenging the fences and horses on small lots do that a lot more.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I'm not sure how many acres they're on. I know the back field is 9 acres, and that's where they were getting out. And, I'm too beat to figure out how many horses there are. And, it wasn't the whole herd, just a few horses. Some that I rounded up yesterday had never done this b4-they just followed their friends. The biggest problem is one horse-a Belgian. He's a fence buster. He's been known to break down interior fences if he wants to be in a different field. Someone was supposed to take him, but changed their mind.

Today, I'll be putting out some more hay. It's not really needed, but they're calling for rain tonight, Thursday, Thursday night and showers on Friday. If don't get it out now, I may not be able to when it's needed.

I got nothing done after getting home yesterday-except for feeding the animals, making a fire, taking down a load of clothes and making myself something to eat. I was exhausted, so I went to bed. And, since my clock is messed up, my alarm didn't go off, so I overslept. I could use another couple of good nights sleep to recharge my batteries, then I should be good.

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