Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
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Missouri USA
:/ My sis had a horse like that. :somad I could never stand that particular horse. A big old 17 hand buckskin hunter. Such a jerk you even had to chase him in order to feed him! He would mash fences down, lean on and break posts and even STOOD in her big Rubbermaid tank and broke the bottom out! His fence mashing ways finally came to a halt - the piece of old horse jerky finally died last fall.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It was so nice when I got to the farm today. Not a single horse out. I didn't get any calls last night that there were horses out. And, when I got back after work and picking up feed for RU, there weren't any horses out. Of course, that doesn't mean there won't be b4 we get the fence all done, but at least there weren't any out today.

I was able to get another section of my field all clean. I know there are places that I'm not getting down to the dirt, but I figure since it's not the whole field, it shouldn't matter too much.

Had a friend send me a text message. They took down a dead oak, do I want the wood? Silly question, of course I want the wood! I just need to find the time to go and get it. Since some of what I have is still green, I'll use part of the oak this year, and save the rest for next winter.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
What a windfall about the wood. Heh, is that where that expression comes from?

Yay! the horses stayed inside. Are you the only one they call when they get out or is this just because your friend broke her hip? How is she doing by the way?

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
savingdogs said:
What a windfall about the wood. Heh, is that where that expression comes from?

Yay! the horses stayed inside. Are you the only one they call when they get out or is this just because your friend broke her hip? How is she doing by the way?
I'm the one they call when the horses get out if she's away or whatever. There's no one else they can call that they're sure can both get there and catch the horses. They know me.

And she didn't break her hip, she had a hip replacement. It's my boss that broke her hip.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Oh, I'm confused. It is your boss I was asking about I guess. How nice she has such a loyal employee in you.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Now I'm confused! :lol: I'm not sure we're both on the same page w/the horses. The horses that got out are at RU's farm. This is where I have my horses. RU had a hip replacement, and while she's recovering, I'm taking care of all the animals for her. Her hubby helped me fix the fence. He can't catch the horses, and isn't too happy if they get out. They get out, he calls me.

My boss broke her hip last week in a fall from a horse. Her horses don't normally get out. She has one that likes to take her fence apart (wood rail fence), but since she's bolted all the top boards, he hasn't gotten out. And, he doesn't go any place if he is out. He just stays in the back yard and eats grass.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
I understand better now...didn't realize you were talking about two different places all this time. I thought your horses boarded where you work. Probably because I started reading your thread from the middle, not the beginning, so I didn't hear your whole description of things. I should probably go back and read everyones threads from page one. But I have a hard time keeping up with reading all the new posts on the journals that I find interesting!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I've been having problems w/my truck for months now. I finally got my hubby to look at it, and he replaced the bearing on the left front tire. And, he found the leak in the radiator. (But I'm still waiting for a new radiator.)

About a week after he replaced the bearing, it started making noise again. It sounded like it was coming from the same place. So, he pulled the tire off and found nothing. He thought that maybe the brake was off a bit, and would just go back into the position it was in, and everything would be fine. And, at first, it seemed like he was right. There were times I drove when it didn't make any noise.

Then, I pulled my trailer, and it got worse! And, he COULDN'T look at it. He's working 7 days a week, 12 hours a day. Of course, this happened just when winter decided to have a last fling, and I couldn't ride my bike. Friday, it got really bad. I had a doctor's appointment, and was going to do some shopping. I was listening to the Phillies home opener on the radio while I drove. They were losing, 4-2. It was the bottom of the 9th, 1 out and 2 men on base. All of a sudden, I could just barely hear the game. The noise was horrendous. I slowed way down and found if I didn't go the speed limit, it didn't make as much noise. And, I could hear the game. (They scored 3 runs in the inning, and won!) After my doctor's appointment, I made one stop-at Lowes. I found a thread on BYC on making a killing cone, so I got what I need, and will be making it this week. I stayed on back roads to get home, and I called my son. He agreed to come over and look at it on Saturday. I had to have it in the morning-I had nature club, and was taking my microscope, so I needed my truck.

I waited for a bit for him to come over, then finally went to the farm. He calls me up and tells me, do not drive your truck He thought he found the problem, something about the calipers in the brakes not working properly. My DH picked up a new one on his way home from work. But, it was dark by the time he got home, so that meant no truck for Sunday.

Sunday it was in the lower 40s when I got up. I figured by the time I was ready to leave for the farm to feed the horses, the temps would have gone up. Instead, they went down! It was only in the 30s. I don't ride when it's that cool out. So that meant, the horses didn't get fed. I rode my bike to church, which I don't normally do at this time of year because of all the clothes I have to put on to stay warm, but it's a bit too far to walk.

I get home, no sign of my son. I call him up, he says he's coming later, but doesn't need me to be there. I wait until almost 2:00, then leave. I had a dozen eggs that I was giving to my parents. They went in my backpack. I visited w/my parents for a bit, then headed to the farm and started to feed. The new boarder, PT, was there and she helped me get a RB out of my horse trailer. I'll get the tractor, and put it out today. (Last RB, good thing the auction is tomorrow.) We're rounding up horses to feed when my son calls. The brake line was defective, and broke. He needed to get a new one, but didn't figure he'd be able to get one then. It's Sunday afternoon, after 3:00, and he figured the stores would be closed. Great, just great. I used up the last of one type of RU's horse feed. I know I'm almost out of both rabbit and goat feed. But, at least she's home from rehab now, and says I can use her truck to get feed.

Just as I'm finishing up feeding everybody, my DH calls. He actually got done work early, and was able to get the brake line! :ya My son was still home, so I figured I'd be able to have my truck all fixed for today. He gets home, my son puts it on, puts everything else on takes it for a test drive, comes back and says, that wasn't the problem. :hit So, he's coming over today (early) to fix my truck. Hopefully, he can find the problem. I can't ride my bike tomorrow, it's going to rain. At least it's almost 50* now, so it's warm enough for me to ride.

In other news, I still don't have the field all cleaned up. I hardly got anything done for a few days. I was just exhausted. But, today, I'll be back to it. I'd love to take a week off, but can't.

I still haven't gotten my seeds started, I've just been too busy. But, 2 of the pieces of sweet potato that I stuck in water have sprouted! I'll be able to get at least 4 slips off of them.


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
Reaction score
SE Indiana
Oh Deb, Im sorry you are haveing truck problems. I know that too well. It stinks!! I hope your son and hubby find the time and the problem soon...and its not too costly! Chin up...its getting warmer. :)

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