Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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:barnie Basically, I feel like the whole day was wasted. Hubby wanted to go out and do some shopping, food and Mother's Day. Of course, I couldn't tell him to go w/out me, after all, my mother is still living so I needed to get her something. But, I hate to go shopping w/him. It takes forever. I thought we'd be leaving in the morning, so all I did was the dishes. We didn't leave until after 12:00, and didn't get home until after 4:00. And, we spent way more money than we would have if I had gone by myself.

Once home, I put away the groceries, and ran out to the farm to feed Stormy. KN had called earlier. She put Honey in w/the other horses for awhile because she was trying to break down a fence. Then, she rode her for a bit and put her back where she belongs. But, she said she was eating hay w/the others, so hopefully, she'd be fine until I got there. I get to the farm and I immediately know what the problem was. The only hay in the field, other than some that wasn't any good, is all in a pile right by the gate. And, there was quite a bit left. It had been at least 2 hours since I talked to her. Normally, I put out a bale in the morning, and a bale B4 I leave. There may still be some hay when I get ready to leave, but there's normally nothing left in the morning. W/the amount of hay, I have a feeling she didn't put any hay out until she was ready to leave. Plus, when she left, she didn't put her saddle away! It was on the floor of the tack shed.

I had wondered when RU first talked about moving the horses around how I was going to like it. When CL comes, she brings her dogs w/her. I forget how many she has, but she has at least 5. And, if I'm there at the same time, I have to leave my tack shed closed, and leave Cindy inside. Now, CL is sharing the parking area w/me. KN and PT are now down where she was, so they're not parking in the parking area any more. But then I got to thinking about it. I'm rarely there when CL is. I'm more likely to be there when PT and KN are. So that means, I basically have the area to myself. :weee I much prefer that to sharing it w/anyone. I'm thinking I need a sign on my tack shed that says, GO AWAY! But, I can't find one, all the ones I can find say welcome. :/

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Believe me, I'm tempted!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
:lol: W/help like that......

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
framing fowl said:
Here you go:

You're Welcome to Go Away.
:lol: You should make a bunch of them and try to sell them! I'm sure people would buy them!

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