Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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savingdogs said:
I've had that happen, isn't it a weird feeling? Weren't you relieved when you realized you still had a whole night to rest?
Sure is. And I woke up at my normal time, even though I had my alarm set for 7:00. I'm still feeling tired, but part of it could be the weather.

OK, my hubby doesn't know this yet, and I'm going to start a new tread cuz all I have right now is questions, but I'm getting ducks! Someone at church wanted to know if I knew anyone who would take them. I thought about it for the whole service, then said I would.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
:hit :hit :hit :hit I missed out! The guy just called back and told me that the person already gave away the ducks. I would have been the proud owner of 3 Peking ducks. I told my hubby, and he was disappointed too. He's heard that they're good eating. So, maybe when I get all set up, I need to find some.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
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Don't you have an incubator? I could send you some hatching eggs. They are muscovy though. I don't know how to ship them but we could learn, right? I was just going to try to incubate a batch here, if it works, I can send you some too. I haven't had a successful hatch here yet so not sure how fertile my eggs are yet. But you could still get ducks that way, it just would be a few months from now if you like that idea.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Thanks for the offer! I can get ducks around here, even eggs. I don't have a clue as to how to ship eggs. And, RU has muscovies. My thought was this way I'd know for sure which were my ducks and which were hers. But, since hubby likes the idea of ducks, maybe when I make my chicken pen, I need to have an area for ducks as well. You all are corrupting me!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Denim Deb said:
:hit :hit :hit :hit I missed out! The guy just called back and told me that the person already gave away the ducks. I would have been the proud owner of 3 Peking ducks. I told my hubby, and he was disappointed too. He's heard that they're good eating. So, maybe when I get all set up, I need to find some.
I have some I'd gladly ship to you that are about to hatch, and I don't want them :hu Uncle gave them to me to put in for him, and THEN decided he didn't want them after they started developing :/ I didn't have the heart to take them out. Figured I'd just give them away or sell them to someone who DOES want them. :hu Dunno how much it'd cost to ship either, but there should be 4 of the little buggers.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Pekins? Can you ship them that young or what? If you can, and they're Pekins, I'll take them! I'm more than willing to pay for shipping. JLMK!


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
My 15 muscovy were shipped to me one day old and were LOST by the post office and took TWO days to get here and were still alive.

You most certainly can ship live ducklings. I think the hatcherys like to ship larger amounts because it keeps them warm.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
We were shocked~ the hatchery couldn't figure out what happened to them because they were told they didn't get put on the plane, but they DID.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
OK guys, I could use some prayers, for both my Dad and myself.

I got a call from my Mom. She said she wanted me to know just in case anything happened, but my Dad is sick. She's had him to both a regular Dr, and to the ER. He's dehydrated and running a fever. The one doctor said is viral, the other said it's an UTI, and put him on antibiotics. She wishes he had stayed in the hospital, but he's home. I don't know if she's told my brother or not, and I'm not calling him to find out. If she didn't, I don't want to be the one to call. But, w/his wife just dying, I'm not sure how strong he is emotionally, and I'm praying that my Dad will be OK in just a short period of time.

And I need some prayers for myself. I know I've mentioned on here B4 that I have a huge Baker's cyst on the back of my right knee. Some days, it hurts, especially if I use that leg a lot. I may have to quit working B4 I had planned on, it's going to depend entirely on that leg. But, I'm thinking I might need to have a talk w/my boss sooner, rather than later. I really want to get the time in now because I do need the money. W/out it, I can't get done everything I want to do. After I got done work today, I basically got nothing else done, just cleaned up some poop, bagged some feed, fed animals and moved a bit of wood, took me less than an hour.

Also, CL and KN are between the 2 of them driving me nuts. CL has several dogs. And when she comes to the farm, she brings at least 4 w/her. Yesterday, I asked her to please be sure to clean up after them because I had stepped in dog poo. I don't own a dog, so I shouldn't have to either clean it up, nor step in it. She told me she ALWAYS cleans it up. Today, I spent about 5 minutes cleaning up dog poo and manure from her horse in the parking area. I know it was from her horse and not one of mine because I had cleaned the area, and hadn't had a horse in there all weekend. This right where she'll tie a horse up to saddle it. I don't know what I'm going to do about it.

KN has an area where she can park, so where does she park? Up near MY tack shed. Right now, the parking area isn't set up right. RU got a free deck to put in front of her tack shed. But, the legs are a hair too long, and need to be cut. Because of her operation, it hasn't been done yet, so it's not quite where it belongs. The best place to park right now is in front of my horse trailer. RU was parked there. The only other place I can park and still put up the electric to keep Stormy in the parking area is in front of the deck. But, I couldn't GET to it because KN was parked in the lane in such a way that I couldn't get to the deck. Plus, she called me while I was at work to tell me that the electric fence looked like it was really loose along the front. If it had been me, and it was "her" horses, I would have just checked to be sure there wasn't a problem, then if it was something that needed to be fixed, I would have called. The only problem was that somehow or another, the handle had come off. I simply reattached it. Problem solved. But she apparently couldn't walk that far to find out what was wrong. At times, I feel like screaming. I so want my own place, but can't afford it right now.

So, between all this, and the weather (they're calling for rain all week), I'm really feeling a bit depressed. So, if y'all can keep me in your prayers, I'd really appreciate it.

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