Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
That about sounds like us. This morning, he started to curse. I asked him, what did you say. He immediately changed it. Right now, he's in cleaning the kitchen. I was helping him, but I'm tired! I've worked hard all week, and I need some down time. Plus, I have to go and feed some horses in about an hour. I needed a break, plan and simple. And, if he doesn't like it, tough!


Almost Self-Reliant
Jul 15, 2008
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SE Indiana
Deb, I just have to say...GOOD FOR YOU! Sounds like thats just what he needed, a good old fashioned " kick in the butt"
Stand strong girl!!! Take that break!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Breaks almost over. I have to get more on than I'm wearing, go and feed horses, then come home and change and go to church. But, I feel more rested than I have in awhile. Plus, it's not as hot as it was, and at least Mon-Wed are supposed to be gorgeous, so that should help.

I'm still not all caught up on here, but I'm getting there. So, if everyone could just stop talking for awhile, it would really help me out. :D


Epicurean Goddess
Sep 10, 2008
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Garden Zone 8A Texas
Denim Deb said:
Breaks almost over. I have to get more on than I'm wearing, go and feed horses, then come home and change and go to church. But, I feel more rested than I have in awhile. Plus, it's not as hot as it was, and at least Mon-Wed are supposed to be gorgeous, so that should help.
Glad to hear you got some down time. Hope you have a better week.

Denim Deb said:
I'm still not all caught up on here, but I'm getting there. So, if everyone could just stop talking for awhile, it would really help me out. :D
I agree with you! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It took awhile, but I FINALLY got caught up on all the posts on here. Of course, I did miss the party over at OFG's. :hit

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
It's now been a week since I moved Rerun out to the farm. Cindy still won't come in the tack shed unless I'm giving her some canned food, but she normally doesn't eat it all. She and Rerun will hiss and yowl at each other, though they are getting a little bit better.

I'll admit to having mixed feelings about having Rerun at the farm. In order to try and keep the peace at home, the cats were in the basement. So, they didn't really get the attention I wanted to give them. Now, I'm constantly picking up Rerun and Cindy to give them some loving. Plus, it's not unusual to have one of them come up to me and start telling me all about their day.

When I first took Rerun out, she spent most of her time hiding under the cot. And, she was barely eating. Plus, at some point in time, she peed on the floor. :somad I got some canned food, and even w/that, she wasn't hardly eating. I don't know if she just didn't like some of the varieties I got her or what. Well, she's now eating. I'm hoping she'll start to fill out some more.

Today, I cleaned out my tack shed. I thought it would be a fairly fast job, then I could go home, and work in my garden. After all, it was a nice day. It took me a lot longer than I had planned! I had expected it to take about an hour, it took 4! And, some stuff wasn't really put back where it should have been. I was just too tired and hungry.

While I was cleaning, I left the door opened. For one thing, I wanted the air. But, I also wanted to see what Rerun would do. It took her awhile, but she finally ventured outside. She explored around the shed for a bit, then came back in. Then, she went under the shed and stayed there for quite some time, then came back in. She hasn't tried going very far away from the tack shed, so that's good. Plus, I kept checking on her. I'm wondering if she's liking the farm. After all, she gets more attention, and she gets to go outside.

Truthfully, the only thing that's bothering me right now is Cindy. Cindy doesn't remember that Rerun is her baby. So, while she's hanging around the tack shed, she's not going inside. Instead, she's hanging more w/the farm cats. And, I don't want her to do that. I don't know if I should just pick her up and lock her in the shed w/Rerun, or what. Saturday night, I am planning on staying over. And, I'll keep both cats in and hope they don't fight. If anyone has any suggestions, I'd really appreciate them.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Rerun is definitely enjoying being at the farm, but Cindy still won't come in. And, I feel guilty. We had some rain here, so I check TWC to see if there was rain at the farm. (We've been getting showers here, but nothing much at the farm.) And, the radar showed that a fairly good storm moved over the farm. So since Cindy won't go in the tack shed, she had to find shelter elsewhere. Of course, Rerun was snug in the tack shed.

In other news, I had planned on going to the hay auction today. But, since what I was after was RBs, and since my hubby STILL hasn't fixed the bearing on my trailer, I decided not to go. When I got to work today, my boss told me that she found a guy not too far away that had them for $25.00! She gave me the number and when I was done work, I gave him a call. I thought I was going to have to stop at the bank first, but then realized that I actually did have enough money on me. Only problem being, I won't just put one on the ground-the horses end up wasting it, and they had managed to pretty much get my RB feeder apart. They managed to lose some bolts and nuts, and had a couple others pulled thru the holes! So, I stopped at the farm first, and got one of the bolts out. Then, I went and got the RB. It was kind of lopsided, so he let me have it for $20.00! :weee

From there, I went to TSC and got some bolts, nuts, washers and a hacksaw. Then, I headed back to the farm. That was when I realized how late it was! It was almost 2:00, and RU was leaving for a few days at around 2:00! And, I needed to check to see what she needed done while she was away. She had a list made up, plus she had me put out a RB for the mares.

Once that was done, I went and started working on the feeder. Of course, I had equine help. But, I opened the gate near my tack shed and put Stormy and Misty in the parking area. That got rid of half of my help. Then, I started working on the RB feeder. I was able to get some of the nuts off the old bolts. I cut one I couldn't, and started on another one when the blade broke. :somad So, I left that bolt in. All the rest got replaced. One of the legs that they had managed to bend down finally came off. Hubby told me B4 that he should be able to weld them back on, but that can wait.

W/the RB feeder back together, I unlocked the gate. Then, I went and got my truck and drove in the field. Licky and Honey were very happy to see me coming w/that hay. They tried to help me unload it by making it lighter, but it really didn't help much. Because it was lopsided, I did have some trouble getting it out, but was finally able to get it out. Then, I flipped the RB feeder on it's side, rolled it over to the RB, and put it over the top. Then, I drove my truck out and locked the gate. The horses really seem to like this hay, so tomorrow, I'll be calling the guy. I told him if the horses like it, I'd want 24 more. My plan is to get 8 in June, 8 in July and 8 in August. That would be enough hay to get me thru the worst part of the winter and means I DON'T have to go to the hay auction-unless I can't get more squares from the person I got them from. That would make my life so much easier.

Misty and Stormy were still eating the grass, so I grabbed a muck bucket and manure fork, and went to work. Once again, I cleaned all of my field. Then, I started on the stalls. They had a couple of piles in each stall. Not only did I get them out, but I also raked up all the stuff that was really loose. Tomorrow, I'll start working on the stuff that's packed down! By the end of the week, I should have the stalls all cleaned out, and the mountain of manure should be gone! Saturday, I'm planning on going late to feed Stormy his second feeding, then I'll spend the night. I'm looking forward to it.

If I do have the stalls all cleaned out by next week, I can finally start cleaning up the parking area. Part of that will be getting rid of the tall weeds that are growing in some areas. There's a lot of dock and poke growing. By this time next year, I should be able to relax more.


Abinormal Butterfly
Oct 21, 2009
Reaction score
Nice on the hay!!!

I might have found a sewing teacher. She needs a grunt worker to help with costuming in exchange for learning the trade.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm tired! Today, I got started on cleaning all the compacted manure out of Stormy's stall. I got about half of it done, and would have had more done, but RU is away, so I had to feed her animals.

Of course, I could not be in there working w/out some equine help. Stormy and Misty were in the parking area, so that left Honey and Licorice in the field. And, they just HAD to see what I was doing. In order to get the stuff out, I picked a spot, then dug into it w/a spading fork. I did this all in the same area until I had enough loose to fill a small muck bucket. I start putting it in the bucket, when here comes Licky and Honey. Of course, they were in my way trying to get it in the bucket. I try to chase them out, they don't want to go. So, I decide to ignore them. Licky decides to "help". She grabs one of the rope handles on the bucket, and picks it up. I guess she didn't realize that she needed to grab both. Half of what I had just shoveled up was back on the floor. I grab the bucket from her, refill it and take it out and dump it.

Once dumped, I come back in and do some more. Honey tries to eat it, but decides it doesn't really taste that good. I continue to ignore them, and they finally leave. I keep working. I'm not sure how long I worked when I felt something soft on my elbow. I turn around, there's Licky. She's sniffing my elbow. OK, she can be a PITB, but she sure is cute. So, I stop for a sec, and give her a kiss, then get back to work. All told, I got about half of his stall cleaned out. I'm hoping to have all of the stalls done by Friday. The area where I started is actually the worst area, so hopefully, once I get that done, the rest will be easier.

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