Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Well, it's almost noon, and I'm getting ready to leave. But since gas prices have been going up, I wanted to check prices b4 I left so I figured I'd pop in and give more of an update.

This morning, I managed to get not only the wood that I wanted cut, split and stacked, but some other large pieces that my Dad had given me. There's only a few pieces of that left. The one will take me awhile to cut. It's supposedly too big for my chainsaw. So what that means is that I'll cut as far as I can, then knock off chunks of it w/either the axe or a sledge and a wedge. Right now, if it wasn't for most of this stuff being green, w/the warmer temps, once I'm all done getting this stuff cut and split it would have lasted me to the end of the month, maybe longer.

Once I was done that, I ran over to my friend's house. Most of the smaller branches from the tree are gone. I figure whoever cut it down chipped them up. :( I really wish they hadn't. I prefer the smaller pieces, they're easier for me to handle. Much of what's left is going to have to be cut and split in order for me to take it home. I cannot lift it. And, it's on top of some of the smaller stuff. I was able to get about 1/3 of a truck load which I took home and unloaded. Then I came in and heated up some leftover chili. W/some salad, that's lunch.

I forgot that today was opening day of trout season. Maybe it's a good thing. I didn't have time to go fishing anyway. But, I'll be getting my license this week, and plan on going out next Saturday if it's nice. I may even fish from my canoe, and take a ride up the stream. When I was a kid, the lake was always packed on opening day. I was shocked at how few people there were.

As soon as I'm done eating, I'll be leaving. I'll get my gas, then head to a local store and get 3 rolls of horse fence. I won't get them up today, but at least I'll have them for when I'm ready for them. And that way, I'll be able to ride my motorcycle everyday this week.

That's all for now.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
And you enjoy fishing, don't you? That will be fun that the season is opening and you like to get some extra food that way.

Are you still burning wood at your house or collecting wood for your supply at this point? Our house is cold but we have stopped burning fires because we ran out! We needed much more this year than the last two. Hubby does not want to be caught short again. We have a huge woodshed so there is no excuse for him not to have a couple years worth stockpiled in there.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'm still burning, just not as much. And, I used more wood this year than normal too. W/all the wood that I got last year, I expected to have quite a bit left. I've used up all that was seasoned, and started on some that was still pretty green-even though it had been cut in the fall. But, it wasn't cut in wood stove sized lengths, so it didn't really season. In fact, one piece of cherry was putting out leaves!

So, I went to the store to get the fence only to find out that they don't close at 2:00 pm like I thought, they close at 12:00! So, I didn't get the fence. I'll have to get it another day this week.

The guy that was supposed to help me w/the post hold digger didn't come today, but he's supposed to be there tomorrow. So, I'll have him help me then. I did mark out where the posts are all supposed to go. And, I put up the new gate. For now, the old gate is in front of a cracked board in the fence. I have a feeling that the Haflinger, Honey, is the one that cracked it. When I was there, she was leaning against the fence so hard that I was afraid she was going to knock it over. I think I'll be putting up some temp poles w/electric wire and use my battery operated shocker for now. That way, they won't destroy and of the new fence (or board fence) B4 I get it all done.

The tractor isn't running again. So that meant I had to load the manure by hand. It wouldn't have been a problem if it hadn't rained. But, it was soaked! I didn't unload it when I got home. I'll be doing that on Monday.

I didn't bother working on cleaning any of the field today. It's just too wet out there, which meant that the stuff would have been extremely heavy. It should dry out for next week. And once again, I have naked horses. I'm hoping they can stay this way now!

SD, yes I do enjoy fishing. I just haven't gone in a long time. And it's a shame. I have the lake right down the street from me. That was one thing that we liked about this house was how close the lake was. I grew up fishing in that lake. Every year, my Dad would take us on opening day. I don't recall ever catching anything in there, but we had fun. And once I met my DH, we'd go fishing there. We'd be out there every year on opening day.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Maybe you need to put "fishing" on your to-do list more! After all, it could be a free dinner. You like to eat fish, right?

I don't like what we have to catch locally very much is my issue, I like the flavor of most deep sea fish best.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I'll eat bass, panfish and trout, but I prefer flounder and weakfish. I just can't catch them in the lake. I've tried to get my hubby to go fishing in the Delaware Bay, but haven't had any luck. :(


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Trout has too many bones for me. I've never heard of weakfish!

We have sturgeon in the Columbia River, and salmon, but we are not really very close,about a 1/2 hour drive, whereas there is a local lake with mostly bass that I could walk to.

Our area is known for its salmon and I sometimes get it free, people who fish sometimes don't really eat it and look for "homes" for their catches. I always offer it a great home! :cool:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Weakfish is more or less a saltwater trout.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
For the first time in quite some time, I'm getting vertigo attacks. :barnie :hit And, it's not much fun. My OH gave me a bit of a hassle because I didn't make dinner, and he worked 12 hours. There's not much I can do when an attack hits me. He KNOWS this. I've only lived w/this for at least 23, 24 years.

I'm wondering if part of it is because I didn't sleep very well last night. I couldn't sleep until after 11:00, and woke up b4 4:00. I tried to go back to sleep after he left for work, but couldn't sleep. And, I wasn't hungry. I tried to eat some left over KFC biscuits, but just couldn't eat them. And, I can't force myself to. I'll throw up. As it was, I started to feel really sick while I was driving to work. Though I was going to toss my cookies while I was riding my motorcycle. Not a good feeling.

Once I was done work, I stopped and got a BLT. There wasn't anything in the house when I left that I could take for an easy lunch. (Note to self, get bread and hard boil some eggs for egg salad.) I had no bread, so I couldn't even make myself a PB and J. Then, I went to the bank, then to the farm.

KN wasn't working this morning. So, since I had to feed all of the horses, I didn't go until I was done work. Got them fed, then ate my own lunch. I started doing more work on my field, but was really feeling beat. So, I tried to take a nap. Still no luck. So, I got up, went and visited w/RU for awhile, then went back and got up all the manure in the area that I've already cleaned, as well as just a bit more. Then I went home.

Saturday, I brought home some manure. It was still in the back of my truck, so I went ahead and unloaded that. I still need 1 more truck load, then I can finally get stuff in! But I did notice that I have asparagus coming up, as well as my rhubarb! Once I get all the manure in, I'm going to have to get my fence up ASAP. Roxi has decided that's a good place to look for bugs. And, while I don't mind that, I don't want her eating the seeds I plant. I don't want her to think it's a good place to find buried treasure. I plan on having electric at the top-have a problem w/a ground hog, so hope that will keep him out.

I'm finally feeling tired, so guess I'm going to get to bed soon.


Queen Filksinger
Dec 2, 2009
Reaction score
Vertigo sucks!

Have you tried drinking a bunch of water? Taking a nap? Drinking ginger with honey tea? Getting a neck rub? Don't eat salt! No bacon, missy! It has two things that will aggravate you. Save the bacon until you are feeling well. It has processed stuff that will aggravate you. Did you get some decent meds for this? Call up your doctor and ask for some Alprozalem! They just give me.25 mg, it is very mild, you can just go about your day, perhaps a little tired, but if you get vertigo it will make you tired anyway so there is no avoiding that. Or try anything that would be a dieuretic, I know nettles tea is a natural one but boosts your immune system so don't do that. Maybe Wifezilla or Mackay would know of a natural dieuretic tea. Those things should help you when you are heading into a bout. Also, anything you can do to reduce allergy symptoms.

Tell people you are "destressing" and don't talk about stuff with people if it isn't pleasant and light conversations and don't get yourself too hot, too cold or eat too much sugar at one time or fast and not eat. If you can't eat, nibble something, even like crackers.

Those are strategies I use to fight vertigo. I know we are all different but I didn't add the things i do that I know are specific just to me (avoiding wheat and eggs).

Did you accidently get some caffeine again possibly?

Is there a big storm coming?


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
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Southern California
I don't know much about vertigo, so nothing to offer but a hug and a prayer that you feel better soon.

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