Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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It had gotten down to 34 the night B4, and they were all fine. And, it was SUPPOSED to be warmer last night. Tonight, I didn't even take a chance. I brought everything in-except the broccoli and cauliflower. They were fine last night, so I'm not worried about them in the least.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I never did get the fence posts in yesterday. W/as cold as it was, I had trouble getting moving, plus not being being able to find that key kind of upset my scheduling. Plus, I had no rototiller to use w/out renting one. Both mine and RU's were not running. Ours needs some welding. RU's needed a new wire in one spot. Hubster told me to bring it home and he'd work on it. Well, he got it running! But, he wants me to wait until tomorrow. He wants to run it a bit to make sure it will be OK for me. It means I'll have a ton of work to do tomorrow, but it WILL get done. Today, I'll be getting the fence posts in. And, I'm hoping to stop on my way there and get a key. There are 2 places I can look for one. If I can get one, I'll be able to dump the cart, plus hopefully get some more stones in. And when I get home, I'll be starting more tomatoes. Come fall, I'm going to be doing the work in the green house I've wanted to do-including finding a way to heat it. Then I shouldn't have this problem next year.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I had to go to the 2nd place, but got the key. And, it's still cold out there! I rode the bike, and was really bundled up to ride. I was late getting to the farm, so I didn't get quite done all that I wanted to do. I got the cart dumped, and decided to work on the stones for a bit. Then, I was going to work on the fence posts. And rather than use the tractor, I was hoping I could pull them out w/the mower. Well, I don't know if it would have worked or not. First I tried a rope. Wasn't sure if it would be strong enough or not. It wasn't. :( So, I went and got my chain. I didn't really want to use it w/the mower for just in case it came apart or something. Figured that could be dangerous, so I decided I'd make it as short as I could to try to pull it out. I get it all hooked up, go to start the mower, and it wouldn't start! :barnie I can't leave the mower in the field-Licky would destroy it. I decided to leave it for a bit, then try to start it. I had a whole bunch of branches I needed to pick up, so I worked on that, then tried to start it. No luck. I ended up pushing it out of the field. By the time I was done w/that, I said forget it. I'm not worrying about the fence posts today.

Now I'm home, trying to get up enough energy to do some housework. I also need wood for tonight, but plain and simply don't feel like it. But, I also know that if I don't do anything, I'm going to regret it later. Maybe if I catch 40 winks, I'll feel better.


Jun 27, 2011
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Hope you had a nice nap! I can't believe how cold it is in some parts right now. It was 80 here today. Hope you got your wood and are settled in for the night!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I didn't get my nap. Instead I got a call from the neighbor-the goats where out. I'm still not done cleaning their pen, and the old hay is really piled up where I put it in their pen. I've watched Sugar stand on one foot while she bends over to get the tall grass on the other side. I figure she must have fallen out, and Gidget jumped over to join her. So, I took a garden fork, and cleaned right along the fence. I still have a ton more to go. I dragged home some wood-got enough to last for 2 days, made my split pea soup, had some for dinner, then went to bed.

Hubby didn't get home until late, so he didn't mess w/the tiller. So, that means I won't get my field tilled and seeded today. Instead, I think I'll work on the stones. Now I'm going to have to wait. They were calling for rain tonight which is one reason I wanted to get it done. I'll have to wait and see when I can do it instead. :(

It got cold again last nigh-down to the low 30s. I wish it would warm up and stay warm-just not too hot! I'm not ready for that yet. But, this continued cold is making me NOT want to do anything once I get home. And, I have so much to do. It's supposed to be warmer today, so hopefully I'll be able to get some stuff done. I need to get the potato bin set up. It's getting late to get them in, but I should have them in by the end of the week.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Today I hated going to the farm. For once, I felt like doing housework. So, I did get part of my kitchen cleaned. I would have had more done, but didn't get home from the farm early enough. I had to run some errands B4 I ever went, and the one store was closed when I got there, so I had to go back after I got done, so that made me late getting home. And, hubby wanted to go out and run some errands, so I didn't really get anything done once I got home.

I also didn't do much at the farm. I just didn't feel like it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I had a whole day worth of work planned out for the farm. Even though it was going to be nice out, I had to take the truck since I had stuff that HAD to go out-including Stormy's supplement. And, since it was going to be calm, I was going to take a steak and cook it over a fire. But, I figured I'd have most if not all of the stones in the stalls, and maybe work on a couple of other things. Had everything in the truck I needed last night so I wouldn't forget anything. Then, I got the e-mail, a reminder from the Nature Center about a large group they had coming in and needed volunteers for helping. This was a whole grade from one of the schools! I had to leave earlier than I'd planned, forgot to leave the door opened on the greenhouse and forgot to strap my ankle!

I get to the farm, and found Honey and a few others in w/CL's horses! I didn't have time to mess w/them, so I fed my guys and KN's horse and let the chickens out. Mean while, CL's horses are looking at me and nickering to me cuz they wanted to be fed. But, I couldn't feed them w/out first chasing all the other horses out.

I had left later than I'd planned because I had some stomach pains this morning-nothing major, I get them from time to time-so I went back to bed for a bit hoping they'd clear up, they did, but that cut me short for time. Otherwise, I would have unloaded everything from the truck B4 I headed over to the Nature Center.

I'm driving there, and my ankle starts to hurt. That's when I realized I'd never strapped it, nor taken an Ace w/me. I was lucky, they did have one there, so I was able to strap it. And, I could have unloaded the truck. The buses were late.

I had some peanut butter crackers w/me, so when I got hungry, that's what I ate. The kids finally left, I'm ready to head back to the farm when I realized I left the door closed on the greenhouse. By now, it had really warmed up. So, I had to run home and open the door first. It was over 100* in there! I don't really want what few plants I have left to die from the heat.

I would have loved to have taken the bike, but had no choice, I had to take the truck. Get out to the farm, get Stormy fed, feed CL's horses, give KN's horse her 2nd feeding. I had called RU and let her know that Honey was in that field. By the time I got back, she was no longer in there, but was in PT's field. So, I gave her a hand mending some fences the best we could for now. RU is getting ready to go away. When she gets back, we'll be working on the fences-including electric!

RU had gotten some bunnies at auction, and thought she had them separated according to sex. Well, she was wrong. And, the one pair had a litter. She didn't realize that the babies could get out. So, we had to play bunny round up. We found 1 dead one :( and 3 live ones. They, along w/the mother and most of the nest were put in a cage that they can't get out of.

Once we were done all this, I still had stuff I had to finish up at the farm. I finally got it all done. Now, I'm home, relaxing and am about ready to go to sleep! Tomorrow's going to be a busy day. Hubby and I are going to work in the yard, plus he wants to get some plants for the garden. I'm not ready for them yet. If he wants to get some for his section, that's fine. But, if I get any, they'll go in the greenhouse until I'm ready for them.

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