Denim Deb Hay, hay, hay. Thank the Lord!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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And I'm glad I'm done! Now I'm wondering how long it's going to be B4 she does anything w/it.

Got more of the garden done. The actual weeding isn't taking me that long. But, I had to move a bunch of strawberries. I lost count of how many, but I'd say at least 100. I'm still not sure what I'm going to do w/them, so for now, I stuck them in the orchard area. I didn't water them-it's supposed to rain overnight. If it doesn't, then I'll have to water them in the morning. I finished the section I started yesterday, and got another section done. Next section isn't too bad, there's not as many strawberries in it. The section after that has almost no strawberries, but by then, I'm getting into the raspberries-but there's no strawberries in the rest of the garden. So, it's going to depend on how hard it is to move the raspberries as to how long it takes. Plus, I don't know how much grass they'll be on the one side.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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We got some rain last night. I went and checked outside and it looks like it soaked in pretty good. The strawberries all look good. Today, I'm not planning on doing much, just some dishes and I'm wanting to finish cleaning out my truck. I don't really have a whole lot left to do for it to be clean! I had most of it done B4 I took the goats out to the farm. But we could get rain later in the week, and I'm going to need horse feed. This way, I can actually put the feed in the back seat if I need to! That will feel very strange. I could not tell you when the last time was that my truck was all cleaned out. I may even wash it.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Well, I got most of my truck done. I would have had all of it done, but I was helping hubby. He was working on my bike. And, he's finally found out what's wrong w/it! He actually got it running! :weee But, he has a sewing needle in one spot, and it won't run w/out it. And, it will not stay there if I were to try running it on the road. So, he needs to get a couple of parts, then he can finally get it fixed! Hearing it run was so nice. I"ll be so glad when I'm finally able to ride it. It won't be long now.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yep. He found a broken wire. He was concentrating on the right side of the bike since I got nothing when I hit the started switch-which is on the right. But then he realized that the headlight wasn't coming on either, and the light switch is on the left. He found the problem shortly after he started looking over there. I'm not quite sure how he has the needle. I wanted to give him a pin, but he insisted on a needle. I would have rather given him a pin since he cut the needle.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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I just wish progress didn't take so long! :lol:

Still no bike. Hubby doesn't know where to get the part he needs. He's going to write down what he needs so I can check at least one place tomorrow. If they don't have it, I might see about another place that's closer to my chiropractor.

I had another good day today. I decided to not get on the computer this morning. Instead, I got right to work-B4 hubby even left for work. And, I didn't take much of a break. I got the following done.

1. Laundry. I had a whole basket of shirts to iron. I got most of them ironed. I might have been able to finish all of them if most of them weren't long sleeved. We don't need them now, so I was folding them up so I could put them away. I'll get the rest of them done in the morning-and hopefully get a basket of whites put away.

2. Truck. Since it was calm this morning, but they were calling for wind later in the day, I went out this morning and worked on it. It took me longer than I was expecting. But, what's left in the truck is either stuff that belongs in there, or stuff that belongs at the farm. I'm planning on finishing tomorrow.

3. Work. I had to work for 4 hours today. But at least I now have enough for a lesson! I'm hoping to work w/Misty on Wednesday, maybe even saddle her up, and ride her for a bit. I'm not planning on taking any lessons until June. Maybe I'll have enough saved up to take a lesson every week at least for awhile.

4. Dishes. Hubby wants me to use the dishwasher, I prefer to wash the dishes by hand since I use a lot less water and electricity. I don't use even a sink full of water. So, we've compromised-even though he doesn't know it. When he's not around, I wash them by hand. So, I got them all washed today. Found a few hiding in the oven that had to have been in there when I washed dishes on Sunday, but at least for awhile, they were all done.

5. Garden. I got the rest (I hope) of the strawberries transplanted. Some of the ones that I already did died-it was just too hot and dry. And while we could get rain overnight, I wasn't going to risk it. So, I watered them as well as all my plants. I also got another section of the garden weeded. I had hoped to get at least 2 sections done, but there were more strawberries than I realized, so it took me longer to do them than I was expecting.

Now I've had my shower and am relaxing. Hubby's making dinner and I hope it won't be too much longer B4 it's done. I'm hungry!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Another good day. I'm getting so much done on some things that I'm scaring myself! It almost doesn't seem real. Today I got done the following:

1. Starting moving the raspberries and got another 1.5 sections of the garden done. I did some of it this morning, and some this afternoon. Tomorrow, I should have the rest of the area I want planted w/raspberries done. The rest will be taken out and stuck in a bucket of water. I'll be giving away what I can. The rest will go to the auction. I have 3.5 sections of the garden that I still need to prep. If the weather's not too bad tomorrow, I'm hoping to get a lot of it done then.

2. Got a load of clothes washed and on the line. I also got the rest of the shirts ironed and most of a load of whites folded and put away. I just have to finish sorting the socks.

3. Cleaned the bathroom. I've been keeping it pretty clean-which is scary!

4. Finished getting stuff out of my truck. I found a few more things that I missed that had to come in, so they're in. And the truck is organized! I could not tell you when the last time was that that happened. In the not too distant future, I'm hoping to give it a good washing and a good cleaning inside.

5. Finished putting up the fence around my area. And since I got done that earlier than I'd planned, I also worked some more on the posts for my RP.

6. Ran a few errands B4, in the middle of and after my appointments. I now have the registration for my trailer so I can finally go and pick up that mower-or at least I can once I get rid of the wood in front of it.

Hubby isn't home yet. He decided to stop-but didn't tell me. So, after I got my shower, I had to make myself something to eat. I'm hoping I can get to bed B4 he gets home.

In other news. I decided I was going to give up chocolate. I crave sweets-especially chocolate, and I know I eat way too much of the stuff. Since Friday, other than 1 chocolate chip cookie that someone gave me, I have not had any chocolate. I was, for the first couple of days hitting the maple sugar I have on hand. But yesterday, I started mixing honey and coconut oil together. I mix 2 tbs of honey to 1/2 tbs of the coconut oil together and it seems to be helping. Other than the sugar in my coffee, I haven't had any other sugar today. I could not tell you when the last time was that I went this long w/out eating any chocolate.

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