Do you ever feel like giving up...but didn't? New strength to go on...


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
big brown horse said:
Wouldn't it be easier if we all lived near enough to help eachother out when we found ourselves overwhelmed? That is why I think it was easier for folks way back when... They had no other choice except to be ss. They had nobody telling them how kookie they were etc.

Atleast we have this forum to vent and learn and support eachother. (And thank God we are all polite, non judgemental and respectful!!!!)
Very true. And, yes, wouldn't it be nice to have knowledgable and supportive neighbors doing the same stuff you are and willing to help?

I am glad we have this forum too. It is especially nice when you meet someone from this forum who lives close to you . . . it is a step away from having them as a neighbor, but such a relief to meet someone of a similar mind who doesn't live across the country!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I so agree! I have more in common with you folks than anyone else in my life. It makes me lonely to not have someone to call up and chat about our mutual days doing our similar things. This forum fills a gap in my life and you people are true blue.

I truly do wish you all lived on the same stretch of road, right along side of me. Imagine the big "workings" we could have! We could get together and can up our crops, barter back and forth, learn first hand skills from someone who knows and just be a support system all around. Like feeding each other's animals while we are away, or babysitting in a crisis like poor Aly's story, or even helping with animal birthings, illnesses, etc.

What a strong community that would be! And maybe we could go together and purchase our very own windmill.

Dare to dream........sigh! :)


Power Conserver
Jul 19, 2008
Reaction score
DrakeMaiden said:
big brown horse said:
Wouldn't it be easier if we all lived near enough to help eachother out when we found ourselves overwhelmed? That is why I think it was easier for folks way back when... They had no other choice except to be ss. They had nobody telling them how kookie they were etc.

Atleast we have this forum to vent and learn and support eachother. (And thank God we are all polite, non judgemental and respectful!!!!)
Very true. And, yes, wouldn't it be nice to have knowledgable and supportive neighbors doing the same stuff you are and willing to help?

I am glad we have this forum too. It is especially nice when you meet someone from this forum who lives close to you . . . it is a step away from having them as a neighbor, but such a relief to meet someone of a similar mind who doesn't live across the country!
Beekissed said:
I so agree! I have more in common with you folks than anyone else in my life. It makes me lonely to not have someone to call up and chat about our mutual days doing our similar things. This forum fills a gap in my life and you people are true blue.

I truly do wish you all lived on the same stretch of road, right along side of me. Imagine the big "workings" we could have! We could get together and can up our crops, barter back and forth, learn first hand skills from someone who knows and just be a support system all around. Like feeding each other's animals while we are away, or babysitting in a crisis like poor Aly's story, or even helping with animal birthings, illnesses, etc.

What a strong community that would be! And maybe we could go together and purchase our very own windmill.

Dare to dream........sigh! :)
Oh my Goosh :th I just finished this thread, I had one of those leave me alone days at work where I wanted to go outside and scream. :barnie So I didn't see this till today. :caf

I too am one that felt I wish to live up to some of the Beekissed life. And I so do hope you are having a much better day today Bee :hugs I totally wish we all lived within a closer commuinity to be able to run and assist fencing, critter ridding and barn raising type things. As you said Bee dare to Dream,,, :clap

But in our own ways we still do in this area we are here together to share in day and night our trials and triumphs, our fears , tears and cheers :hugs :hugs

I feel right now this group is better than part of my family Whom of which don't understand why DH are trying so hard to complete the SS life style. :he

Have A Great Day All :thumbsup

:frow Karan :D


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 3, 2008
Reaction score
east central Ohio
Oh, I've been there. I'm so blessed, but some days I just feel so tired and wonder if I'm really on the right track. Some people seem to have it greener on the other side of the fence, but mostly that is just an illusion. We all have our problems, I just pray I've chosen the path God wants me on and am doing things to the best of my ability.

I also seem to want to have my SS ducks all in a row overnight, but it takes a lot of time and learning to get there -- so celebrate the baby steps. :clap

Beekissed said:
I truly do wish you all lived on the same stretch of road, right along side of me. Imagine the big "workings" we could have! We could get together and can up our crops, barter back and forth, learn first hand skills from someone who knows and just be a support system all around. Like feeding each other's animals while we are away, or babysitting in a crisis like poor Aly's story, or even helping with animal birthings, illnesses, etc.

What a strong community that would be! And maybe we could go together and purchase our very own windmill.

Dare to dream........sigh! :)
:thumbsup Oh, wouldn't that be just AWESOME! I do have one rather SS neighbor right up the road from me, but she is always running around crazy busy, so we don't often connect or follow through on plans like I'd wish. She did babysit my animals once. :)


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
Just so you know, I put my pants on one leg at a time and often have to lie down on the bed to get them fastened! :lol:
You, too, huh? I hate that I have to lie down occassionally!!

Beekissed said:
C'mon! You guys don't really think of me that way, do you? :hu :hide
Well I don't think you're absolutely perfect, but I do like a lot of your ideas, and sometimes just reading your energetic posts is a good motivator. We don't always agree, but that doesn't mean we don't have similiar goals :)

Beekissed said:
That does are both coming to my house to get a dose of reality! :old :) Snoop through my cupboards and see just how horribly human I really am........ :D :lol:
Well, long as you have ice tea and potato chips....... :gig


Cold is on the Right, Hot is on The Left
Sep 12, 2008
Reaction score
Beekissed said:
I so agree! I have more in common with you folks than anyone else in my life. It makes me lonely to not have someone to call up and chat about our mutual days doing our similar things. This forum fills a gap in my life and you people are true blue.

I truly do wish you all lived on the same stretch of road, right along side of me. Imagine the big "workings" we could have! We could get together and can up our crops, barter back and forth, learn first hand skills from someone who knows and just be a support system all around. Like feeding each other's animals while we are away, or babysitting in a crisis like poor Aly's story, or even helping with animal birthings, illnesses, etc.

What a strong community that would be! And maybe we could go together and purchase our very own windmill.

Dare to dream........sigh! :)
We could always try to by a thousand or two acres someone and all of us get together and start our own community....ROTFL

Divide the acreage buy the number of families to determine how many acres we all get :gig


Sourdough Slave
Oct 30, 2008
Reaction score
I agree with you all (with what Bee said). It would be pretty cool to all be real neighbors.

But, who knows? Maybe some day the people around us will want to follow in our footsteps and we can build SS communities around us. (So long as we are daring to dream). I already have two neighbors getting into chickens, so it isn't so much of a far fetched idea.

You know what I love about this forum? We can all chime in when we have the time to sit down and "talk." In real life we don't always have time to get together and talk in real time at the same time . . . uh oh, that came out funny, are you following me still? With this forum, conversations don't just fall off because of distractions or whatever. :)


Don't Quote Me
Jul 20, 2008
Reaction score
East Tenn.
I like the way you said that: "I'm only 43!!!!!" (we are the same age)

I don't think of you as "perfect", just someone I should model my SS morals after. You are wise beyond your years and a huge mentor on this forum.

Sometimes we all need a good kick in the patootie to get us back on track.

BTW, Aly and I are on our way . . . :gig


Lovin' The Homestead
Jun 25, 2009
Reaction score
The best thing is we can all help each other. I've been reading here for quite sometime before I took the leap to join and I have learned a lot. Thank you for sharing your knowledge everyone!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Bring Sam, will ya? ;)

You guys inspire me as well! I learn so much on here and I tuck it away and then I change the way I do something and then it spreads.....I tell my mother and she tells her sister. Like ripples in a pond, it goes further than you could ever imagine. I love that you guys are posting a lot and I think the journals were the way to go....before then it was hard to communicate on here.

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