Do you ever . . .


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
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k0xxx said:
JRmom said:
And I'm wondering why in the world everyone has to be sooooooo darn PC these days? This is a public forum... we are all entitled to express an opinion... but it seems lately that some here are constantly picking apart posts to find something to get upset about.

Just in this one thread we've had upset over the hurricane, upset over rich vs. poor, upset over the younger generation. Good grief! Can we get back on topic? It's interesting hearing everyone's opinion ON TOPIC. All this other commentary is useless and irritating.
I can't remember too many times where a group of friends were sitting around together and having a discussion, that the topic didn't stray a bit. It's just normal, and this medium is no different. We may go off on a tangent from time to time (like this post), but someone will generally move things back to the original post.
:thumbsup I believe part of a debate is to look at a subject from all angles and sometimes you get off topic. I thoroughly enjoyed this topic so far. Thank you all.


Frugal Homesteader
Jul 12, 2008
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SW Ontario, CANADA
k0xxx said:
JRmom said:
And I'm wondering why in the world everyone has to be sooooooo darn PC these days? This is a public forum... we are all entitled to express an opinion... but it seems lately that some here are constantly picking apart posts to find something to get upset about.Just in this one thread we've had upset over the hurricane, upset over rich vs. poor, upset over the younger generation. Good grief! Can we get back on topic? It's interesting hearing everyone's opinion ON TOPIC. All this other commentary is useless and irritating.
I can't remember too many times where a group of friends were sitting around together and having a discussion, that the topic didn't stray a bit. It's just normal, and this medium is no different. We may go off on a tangent from time to time (like this post), but someone will generally move things back to the original post.
True, Koxxx, but what is bolded is where the irritation comes in:


Late For Supper
Jan 6, 2009
Reaction score
I dug an old T shirt out from the bottom of my drawer the other day, and smiled. Most of my old shirts have some sort of a saying on them, and this one was far from being PC.
I wore it anyway.

"Don't p!ss me off!! I'm running out of places to hide the bodies. "

:D :D :D :D :D

Do I wish TSHTF would hurry up and get here? Yup.

We are prepared, and besides that.... I need some time off and some target practice. I can kill 2 birds with one stone, so to speak.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
Reaction score
I agree with Avalon, I enjoyed this topic also. Interesting to see who says YES to having a big disaster happen now and those who say NO and for what reason.

You are a hoot SKR!!!! :lol:


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
SKR8PN said:
I dug an old T shirt out from the bottom of my drawer the other day, and smiled. Most of my old shirts have some sort of a saying on them, and this one was far from being PC.
I wore it anyway.

"Don't p!ss me off!! I'm running out of places to hide the bodies. "

:D :D :D :D :D

Do I wish TSHTF would hurry up and get here? Yup.

We are prepared, and besides that.... I need some time off and some target practice. I can kill 2 birds with one stone, so to speak.
What size was that T-Shirt? Do you still have it? :p

oops, I did it again. To come back to the topic now...


Super Self-Sufficient
May 7, 2010
Reaction score
Avalon1984 said:
Icu4dzs said:
The behavior that appears acceptable to the younger folks does not necessarily equate to the behavior acceptable to old fogies like me and Boogity. We came from a different time when people weren't quite so rude and knew rules of social ettiquette. Now, these rules, like so many of the rules of society with which we grew up have been ignored, forgotten or just never taught. The end result is that folks of this "techno-generation" are quite frankly absolutely rude to folks outside their generation.
I guess I am part of the Techno generation you describe and I dont find myself to be rude, or to have different values than my parents or grandparents had. I spend a lot of time at my job dealing with people and it is very easy to stereoptype everybody. Just today I was late for work because an older gentleman took 15min to park his car in 2 parking spots in front of me. Does that lead me to believe that all older people are incapable of driving, dont consider that there are people behind them that dont have all day to waste? No.

I am finding that people are getting too comfortable sticking other people into stereotypes because it is easier to look at them as a stereotype, than to actually get to know the person and see who they truly are. So far I have been defying every stereotype that people have tried to compare me to. I am young, yet I manage a farm mainly by myself. I work very long hours and am extremely careful on how I spend money. Every item bought or sold off the farm is carefully itemized and budgeted out. I dont own a cell phone, neither do I have the desire to own one. I am not on facebook or any of that stuff. My computer is 10 years old and I am now saving up money so I can get me a new one. I drive a very fuel efficient car and believe in sustainable farming, yet I dont chain myself to railroad ties to stop a train carrying atomic waste. I feel that I am fairly educated for my age but I do believe that there is always many more things to learn. When other people talk. I let them finish their sentence before talking. When a see an older lady or gentleman enter the restaurant, I get up and open the door for them. My parents were hay and small livestock farmers in East Germany and I grew up without ever tasting anything besides what was in season. I love to write and hunt for mushrooms. I used to bring flowers and gifts to the local retirement home until I moved too far away...but because I was born in a certain decade some people look at me like somebody that is on facebook 24/7, brags about her newest cell phone and thinks that mommy and daddy will pay for all of their needs.

I guess my point is that we need to be careful sometimes not to put people into categories such as rich, poor, young, old, baby boomers, democrat, republican, black, white, hispanic etc. I take great offense when people say that just because I belong to a certain generation I am lazy, looking for instant gratification and I am rude. It just shows me that this very person himself was too lazy to get to know me and learn who I really am. In the end it is their loss. My husband, who is way older than me (I call him old fart) always comes up with the argument that stereotyping can be justified when 8 out of 10 people fit it. I tell him thats too bad because one may just lose out on the opportunity to get to know 2 really interesting people, people you may actually learn from. Why- because it was easier to put them into a category.

I would ask the question what you refer to when you say social etiquette? If it has anything to do with cell phones, facebook and such, Id hate to say it but many of my friends in their 30s,40s and 50s are just as bad if not worse than younger people I know. If you say social etiquette means to respect your fellow human beings, that too can go both ways. I am sorry if you have had bad experiences with people of other generations but I believe it is unfair to put everybody in one pot because of it.

Now, to get back to the actual topic. I would be afraid of something bad happening. I may be better prepared than some other people down the road but I would not feel superior or better because of it. And I may just realize after a couple of days of SHTF that I am not as self sufficient as I thought. Better have the knowledge and not need it, than have the need for it and not have it.
It would appear that you feel singled out because of the behavior of others with whom you do not associate or relate.
That is wonderful. Perhaps spending some time in that setting might enlighten you as to how they behave and what THEY are like.
No one says you are among that grouping simply because you are their age. If your grandparents came from East Germany, they had a set of standards that obviously were passed down to you. Unfortunately, that is NOT always true for many who DO fall into the age group you happen to occupy.

While I am sorry you took personal offense at something that was not aimed at you personally, it is clear that we can all take any approach to a topic and find some form of personal offense in it if we choose. It isn't always that way for everyone. Perhaps you have some other issue that causes you to take offense but from what you said, you DO NOT appear to have a lot of experience with the type of folks mentioned and while age is not an excuse to behave one way or the other, it is a factor. What you say makes perfect sense and I'm certain that you are a fine person. However, I'd be willing to guess that if you found yourself in the midst of the type of folks Boogity was describing, you'd feel just as uncomfortable.

Trim sends


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 22, 2011
Reaction score
A somewhat uncomfortable subject - such makes people more likely to feel defensive

I think (IMO) the original post was as much a venting as anything else, tho it should have made people ask themselves some tough questions.

Where did the OP go, anyway? Boogity seems to have dropped this bomb and walked away?


Almost Self-Reliant
Jan 18, 2010
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I think this has been a very good discussion. Of course some folks react differently than others - and it's OK. That's how we're built. Some replied more tactfully, some more vocal, and some went off on a totally different tangent. Topic drift is always happening in good discussions because the topic conjures up other thoughts and emotions and we express them. In total, I personally think everyone has been great.

A few of you have brought up wonderful ideas and opinions that I hadn't even thought about. It's amazing to me how much we learn about each other in these discussions. I love you guys.

To summarize my original post: (sorta)
I witnessed a group of humans (not male, not female, not young, not old, not rich, not poor), at a function that usually is intended to allow or promote fellowship and exchange of ideas and pleasantries, acting extremely (in my opinion) spoiled, boorish, rude, aloof, and sophomoric. Each person in the group was so "into" themselves that there was practically no real communication at all (oh! here's another parenthetic phrase - you're probably getting tired of these. Nobody was listening to anyone. But there was tons of non-verbal communication going on!!!). I got the impression that, even at the age of 28 or older, mommy had to tie their shoes.

As I drove home I realized that my mind was actually stressed by the immature actions of the young group. The fleeting thought sneaked up on me that maybe, just maybe, a dose of real hardship for a few years could possibly make these precious snowflakes a little better SS members of society. Anyone who has ever been through Marine combat training knows the value of hard knocks.

That's all there was to it. Just an old guy's fleeting thought. I'm glad that the topic has stimulated so many emotions and thoughts. It's probably good for us. :p


Super Self-Sufficient
Aug 7, 2011
Reaction score
PamsPride said:
Yes, I secretly wish it would too! But deep down I am not even sure if I could handle it REALLY hitting the fan! All of the people that Ewwed at me for milking my own goats and eating my own eggs, canning my own food, putting my own meat in the freezer, carrying a gun...and knowing how to use one as well as my kids knowing how.
Sometimes I wish I was the 'cool' kid just because I KNOW HOW TO TAKE CARE OF MYSELF! Instead of being the outcast because I know how to take care of myself and my kids. I just secretly wish I would get a few more "I wish I could do what you are doing." Instead of "Eww!" Does that make sense?
I just got this far in "TSHTF" forum. :lol:

Well...I wonder who will be asking you for food....milk to drink, eggs to eat....veggies to enjoy.... when TS really HTF. Just MHO :D


Lovin' The Homestead
Jul 26, 2011
Reaction score
Icu4dzs said:
Avalon1984 said:
Icu4dzs said:
The behavior that appears acceptable to the younger folks does not necessarily equate to the behavior acceptable to old fogies like me and Boogity. We came from a different time when people weren't quite so rude and knew rules of social ettiquette. Now, these rules, like so many of the rules of society with which we grew up have been ignored, forgotten or just never taught. The end result is that folks of this "techno-generation" are quite frankly absolutely rude to folks outside their generation.
I guess I am part of the Techno generation you describe and I dont find myself to be rude, or to have different values than my parents or grandparents had. I spend a lot of time at my job dealing with people and it is very easy to stereoptype everybody. Just today I was late for work because an older gentleman took 15min to park his car in 2 parking spots in front of me. Does that lead me to believe that all older people are incapable of driving, dont consider that there are people behind them that dont have all day to waste? No.

I am finding that people are getting too comfortable sticking other people into stereotypes because it is easier to look at them as a stereotype, than to actually get to know the person and see who they truly are. So far I have been defying every stereotype that people have tried to compare me to. I am young, yet I manage a farm mainly by myself. I work very long hours and am extremely careful on how I spend money. Every item bought or sold off the farm is carefully itemized and budgeted out. I dont own a cell phone, neither do I have the desire to own one. I am not on facebook or any of that stuff. My computer is 10 years old and I am now saving up money so I can get me a new one. I drive a very fuel efficient car and believe in sustainable farming, yet I dont chain myself to railroad ties to stop a train carrying atomic waste. I feel that I am fairly educated for my age but I do believe that there is always many more things to learn. When other people talk. I let them finish their sentence before talking. When a see an older lady or gentleman enter the restaurant, I get up and open the door for them. My parents were hay and small livestock farmers in East Germany and I grew up without ever tasting anything besides what was in season. I love to write and hunt for mushrooms. I used to bring flowers and gifts to the local retirement home until I moved too far away...but because I was born in a certain decade some people look at me like somebody that is on facebook 24/7, brags about her newest cell phone and thinks that mommy and daddy will pay for all of their needs.

I guess my point is that we need to be careful sometimes not to put people into categories such as rich, poor, young, old, baby boomers, democrat, republican, black, white, hispanic etc. I take great offense when people say that just because I belong to a certain generation I am lazy, looking for instant gratification and I am rude. It just shows me that this very person himself was too lazy to get to know me and learn who I really am. In the end it is their loss. My husband, who is way older than me (I call him old fart) always comes up with the argument that stereotyping can be justified when 8 out of 10 people fit it. I tell him thats too bad because one may just lose out on the opportunity to get to know 2 really interesting people, people you may actually learn from. Why- because it was easier to put them into a category.

I would ask the question what you refer to when you say social etiquette? If it has anything to do with cell phones, facebook and such, Id hate to say it but many of my friends in their 30s,40s and 50s are just as bad if not worse than younger people I know. If you say social etiquette means to respect your fellow human beings, that too can go both ways. I am sorry if you have had bad experiences with people of other generations but I believe it is unfair to put everybody in one pot because of it.

Now, to get back to the actual topic. I would be afraid of something bad happening. I may be better prepared than some other people down the road but I would not feel superior or better because of it. And I may just realize after a couple of days of SHTF that I am not as self sufficient as I thought. Better have the knowledge and not need it, than have the need for it and not have it.
It would appear that you feel singled out because of the behavior of others with whom you do not associate or relate.
That is wonderful. Perhaps spending some time in that setting might enlighten you as to how they behave and what THEY are like.
No one says you are among that grouping simply because you are their age. If your grandparents came from East Germany, they had a set of standards that obviously were passed down to you. Unfortunately, that is NOT always true for many who DO fall into the age group you happen to occupy.

While I am sorry you took personal offense at something that was not aimed at you personally, it is clear that we can all take any approach to a topic and find some form of personal offense in it if we choose. It isn't always that way for everyone. Perhaps you have some other issue that causes you to take offense but from what you said, you DO NOT appear to have a lot of experience with the type of folks mentioned and while age is not an excuse to behave one way or the other, it is a factor. What you say makes perfect sense and I'm certain that you are a fine person. However, I'd be willing to guess that if you found yourself in the midst of the type of folks Boogity was describing, you'd feel just as uncomfortable.

Trim sends
I can completely agree with that. I am sorry I misunderstood your post. :hugs

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