Do you have SS friends? Or do your friends think you are weird?


Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
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Anyways, who cares what other people think. You enjoy knowing you can survive when times get rough and other people will appreciate your wisdom if times ever do get hard.
EXACTLY!!!! Very well put ;)


Lovin' The Homestead
Aug 16, 2008
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I feel for you. It must be so hard for you at times because you have a lot going on. I think you should be very proud of yourself and your sons for all you have accomplished. I think I wouldn't be as happy about chores and such if I was alone in my endeavors.

Keep your head up. You are the star on this forum and you have many friends who can't wait to hear your opinion on things.

To answer your question, I have been getting strange looks from co-workers as I talk about my new way of life but they love me anyway. My mother is about the only one who is out of sorts and that I feel is because I can't visit with her so often. I have been quite happy the past few months looking at all my accomplishments.

Keep your head up sister.:love


Frugal Homesteader
Sep 11, 2008
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miss_thenorth said:
Homesteadmom said:
[Guess she does not realize where the meat in the grocery stores come from.
Hope you had a great Thanksgiving yesterday. I thought the US wa the only country that celebrated Thanksgiving until I was getting some Thanksgiving info for ds's schoolwork & discovered Canada celebrates on the second Mon of Oct. Very interesting I am going to find out more info on Canada's celebration & compare it for him. Any info you care to share with me?
She knows the where the meat comes from--she just thinks its easier to get it form the store, not to mention--How could you kill such a cute fuzzy bunny? She's young.....She , however, had no problem eating one of my meat birds for her thanksgiving dinner. I didn't do turkey, b/c my meat birds were about the same size as a small turkey anyway, and that way I didn't have to go to the store to buy turkey.

i did bug her though and tell her to pick out a bird from the batch I;m raising right now. I said pick one out and we'll eat it the next time you come over. She said--just don't feed me bunny.

Thanksgiving is celebrated the 2nd monday of October b/c our winter comes sooner (for most of Canada, and it is to thank God for our wonderful and abundant harvest. It has nothing to do with pilgrims and native americans.
It became an official holiday january 31, 1957. It was declared a day of general thanksgiving to Almighty God for the bountiful harvest with which Canada has been blessed. Don't know whether the description of the holiday still includes thaking God or not.
Thanks Miss, I appreciate the info. Never really thought about the winter being an issue of when you would celebrate it. But it does make sense. Our Thanksgiving is supposed to be about thanking God too for all the blessings we have recieved. Crops, or whatever(since not everyone farms). The only real significance that pilgrams & indians play in it are that they celebrated the first one. Lincoln declarred it a national holiday for us. Can't remember when it was declared as the fourth Thurs of Nov., off the top of my head. But I have it in the classrm with my Thanksgiving file of info. Now i will be researching more for Canada too. I wnat him to know as much about these things as possible.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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no one farms like me or lives like family, they all are the neighborhood, big time money making computer consultant types that have tons of money etc.

So no one I know thinks of me as a wierdo except my Mom in a way...HA HA...she is not an animal person and she can't believe I have all these animals. When I say, lets go look at the new baby goats, she says looking from the porch is just fine..HA HA

My area, most people have critters and live like me, even the more affluent money types on the lakefront properties seem down to earth really.....I mean, they don't keep chickens or even have gardens, but they never looked at me wierd when they buy my veggies at the market???? And when I mention canning and such, they all say, AHH, wish I had time for that, cause grandma sure made the best jellies etc.....

I don't know....I live my life simpler now and want to make it even simpler, LOL, but I guess I don't tell too many people that. So I guess they don't have much to respond too or for me to get their opinions???

I was never a self sufficient type growing up...I wanted it all, worked as a computer programmer, made great money, bought expensive stuff, didn't recycle or anything....LOL....I think for me AGE changed me. I know that is not the case for all, but I noticed more people in my 48 year old age group changes a bit from give me, give me and the world is your oyster, to ....OK give me a simpler existence...Hmm...I don't know, but age changed me into this lifestyle more and more.

As I get older I realized I can't have it all, I truly don't want it all, and ALL I do have I should start really enjoying!



Super Self-Sufficient
Sep 12, 2008
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NOT Southern, Ca. :)

"As I get older I realized I can't have it all, I truly don't want it all, and ALL I do have I should start really enjoying!"

Very profound. I think it would make a nice motto. Perhaps one for the fridge!!

Thanks you, g


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
shareneh said:

I feel for you. It must be so hard for you at times because you have a lot going on. I think you should be very proud of yourself and your sons for all you have accomplished. I think I wouldn't be as happy about chores and such if I was alone in my endeavors.

Keep your head up. You are the star on this forum and you have many friends who can't wait to hear your opinion on things.

To answer your question, I have been getting strange looks from co-workers as I talk about my new way of life but they love me anyway. My mother is about the only one who is out of sorts and that I feel is because I can't visit with her so often. I have been quite happy the past few months looking at all my accomplishments.

Keep your head up sister.:love
Gee, thanks! :) I appreciate your kind words! :bouquet It just occured to me that I whine alot on here! I don't mean to, but its the simple truth that I would kill for a couple of good girlfriends to do things with, you know? :p

One of my patients told me today that she thinks people are just meaner than they used to be and I had to agree with her. Hate to sound pessimistic here, but I've noticed it growing for some years now. No milk of human kindness, except in small doses anymore.

This whole political debate crapola brings it out more doesn't take two seconds for folks to start getting defensive about just any little thing. The only thing I feel THAT passionate about are God and my kids! :D

I like FarmerChicks new motto also!!! Maybe that should be our SS motto, printed in big letters at the top of our home page.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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LOL Tanks
just something I am learning about myself. each time I realize I want something or think I am missing out, I realize I am not.....

Hey, maybe getting older means truly getting wiser....I should be getting very smart then..HA HA HA


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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One of my patients told me today that she thinks people are just meaner than they used to be and I had to agree with her.

*******hey beekissed
I think this is true. For me though not so much meaner, just being "short" on personality. Time, no time for people to chat, too busy, gotta run, gotta go, gotta do this and that.

remember the old "hang out over the picket fence" and chat with a neighbor. Doesn't happen anymore.

sad way we are heading. life being so super fast! super fast we practically miss it!

AND you ain't are just saying some feelings, like the kids are growing up big time and you are looking for new friends and such. Everyone needs companionship.....have ya thought about signing up for a type of class, like pottery, knitting, "anything" to meet some gals like us near your area. You can make some great friends that way?????? just a suggestion!

I make all my friends thru the farmer market and horses. I moved to NC 16 years ago and brought my horse from PA with me. Got to the barn and they were all fancy show people, I asked Henry who around here rides trails and relaxes and he said, Barb, the dairy farmer up the road. Off I went, rode with Barb and we are inseparable ever since. My best you never know when a great best friend will pop up! And ya got us!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
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Mountains of WV
Yep, I got you all! :D Why ya think I'm on here all the time? Finally met some folks that don't think I've got a major screw loose because I want to live meagerly and humble....but, Oh, so richly! . :p

I am a little too busy making ends meet right now to take any classes but, once the kids are gone, I will definitely be taking some painting classes. Used to paint with acrylics on old barn board and I loved it. Used to sell them and folks loved them, but I've never had any formal training. Would love to learn! I would also like to take a class on photography and invest in some good equipment. And then I would like to go to one of the mission trips that help build churches in other places and countries, but I would have to save up money for that as well.


Super Self-Sufficient
Jul 21, 2008
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LOL you will run into some friends that have as "much of a screw loose" as you.

I did...HA HA

WOW on the mission work! I would love to have this type of situation but farming means tied to the land and animals for me.

I remember growing up my Dad didn't even want a dog. He said they "just tie ya down" and now with a ga-zillion animals I understand what he means..HA HA

I love painting. I draw great animals like deer scenes and fab horses! But never followed it up. I should have! AND painting on old barn wood, or old saws and such...I love that type of art! Do some of that and sell at the farmers markets. Great outlet for crafts at the markets! you have me thinking about painting again!

And photos, not for me definitely. I chop off heads all the time in pics....LOL

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