From now on, I will try and remember to put my gloves on when I do anything in the garden. I found a black widow in one of my garden beds today. These three beds had shade cloths over them where I was experimentally (trying something new) growing spinach, lettuce, and radishes using shade. I was pulling up some old spinach that had gone to seed, and I saw a spider web that looked very familiar. We have a bad problem with black widow spiders here. Sure enough, after diligent searching, it was definitely a black widow. The problem is; the spider took off before I could kill it so it is still somewhere in my garden bed.
Thankfully, I have not been bitten by one yet, even though on several different occasions, I have accidentally stuck my hand in their webs living at this particular location. Last year, I found a black widow in one of my garden beds on the other side of the yard. I thought that was just an isolated incident, but I guess not. Gloves from on when working in the garden for me...