This is it. And if it's not, I'll come open up a six-pack of Texas whup-ass all over him and stomp a mudhole in his stupid face. And you can tell him I said so!!!
Thanks baymule When I'm finally in my new home we must make a date and all get together in cyber space and drink a toast. To my rather big new beginning.
I can't wait to see your post on Friday saying the documents are signed and the deal is done!
I guess I am assuming here that things are different in Africa and you don't have all the BS of offer accepted, inspections, repairs, financing, ...
So excited to hear when the move is going to happen, and what property you purchase!
Here's an idea - take lots of pictures. I would love to see what you have now and compare it to where you end up!
It's ready, steady, wait! right now. Ugh. Hopefully things will smoothly and we'll have good news soon. I feel pretty good about this one though.
The buyers need to apply for a loan to make up the purchase price, but they said they will get that by Friday. In the meantime the agent is working on the offer to purchase, he said he was going to send it to them today. They need to sign it, then we need to sign it and then once the money is lodged with our attorney the paperwork goes to the deeds office in Cape Town where it takes 2-3 months (minimum) for the title deeds to get transferred, etc. So, if all goes well now, we'll still have to wait until February probably, before we can do anything, but it's o.k.
Irish properties are completely different from what we have here... Completely. I know which I prefer! lol
No word from the agent, but I just got an email in response to one of the adverts I put online. I phoned the man and he sounds very interested, especially when I told him we have someone else that is VERY interested, but they haven't committed yet. He said he'll make a plan to come view our place asap.
Just when I was starting to wonder if we're ever going to sell this place...
Deb, don't joke! I checked my email again and had 2 more people enquiring. Now both agents have people who are very interested and I have 3 possibles? What's going on here? LOL
I got tired waiting for agent to get back to us, so I phoned him. He said the buyer had a sensible moment and is going to send someone he knows locally round to look at our place on his behalf (he lives half a country away from here), before he commits.
The agent came round (unannounced, as usual) with our buyer's friend, so he can look over our place and report back to the buyer. The friend is someone I know, I worked for his son and have known them for about 14 years. Apparently the buyer already got his loan approved, he just needs to sign the off to purchase now We will hopefully hear something soon.