You are a tonic! I must confess my patience is wearing thin at the moment... We underpriced the farm deliberately, hoping for a quick sale, but nearly 6 months and endless views later I'm starting to wonder what on earth people want? Is it not enough that they are getting a bargain? This property is very nice, the location is great, it has huge potential for development, income etc... Why hasn't it sold yet? Hopefully our tenants or the others will come through for us next month.
because sumi its not time yet. and nothing you can do will make it happen until its time. how frustrating is that!! will continue with the finger and toe thing.
Look what I found: This place has "potential" written all over it and omg that barn… The house looks o.k. but for the vandalised bits, the roof looks great and did I mention the barn? LOL This place is exactly what I'm looking for, beside the disrepair, it's the right size land, the outbuildings are heavenly and will save me piles of money and it's way cheaper than I expected to pay for something like this. It would cost me more than the entire asking price of this place to build a decent size barn somewhere else...
Our tenant just told us his son is coming in 2 week's time and he's interested
price is good, house looks solid, and the size is ok, just trashed. why do people feel the need to do stupid things like that? out buildings look to be in good shape too. will you be satisfied with 2.75 acres? is that enough for all the things you want to do? something to think about
Goatgurl, I would love more land, but that will cover the basics and at that price, it's a good deal. IF I can get this place I would give it serious consideration.
Yep, I've sent them an e-mail asking for more info, so we'll see what happens. If it doesn't have high tension wires near it and if the road isn't busy, and if it isn't too wet, that's something I wouldn't mind owning.
You can do a lot on that much land. Is that a good price for property in the US? I've no idea about that side of the pond, though I consider myself a bit of an expert on irish properties after stalking daft.i.e for the last 3 years LOL