Well it isn't magic, Like most chemical reactions they go faster at higher temperatures. According to Wikipedia it is slow at 160F but fairly rapid at 400F. Frankly I don't think the microwave will do much at first since it only heats certain molecule types (like water and fats) since one of the things driven off during the reaction Sodium Bicarbonate>>Heat>>>Sodium Carbonate is water the microwave could be used to dry the material after the reaction had started (but a oven at 400-500F would do the same thing) frankly if you look at all your costs it would be cheaper to buy the washing soda in the first place since baking soda is much more expensive and that amount of heat is not free either. Now would be a good time to check swimming pool supply houses since most won't want to carry a supply over the winter (it is used to adjust the pH of the pool water to make the chlorine work better.~gdNeko-chan said:I keep hearing different temps to bake the baking soda at. 250 and 500 and so on. Just how accurate is this process? (I wouldn't get near the microwave with the stuff. I'm still leery of using it for food.)