In significant part, I think they are NOT lacking as much as you percieve, it is just that there is less AGREEMENT these days on what CONSTITUTES basic manners. The people you are pointing to as "lacking basic manners" would probably be quite surprised and offended, and point out all the important ways in which they are very well-mannered and OTHER people are mysteriously lackingabifae said:So why are such basic manners so lacking?
I think I need to disagree with this (politely, of course ). I think that etiquette in general, and manners in particular, are pretty much absolute. That is their purpose, after all, to make sure that we are all working from the same script. Now I will grant that the *absolute* varies from culture to culture - what we in North America perceive as polite is not necessarily what someone in Asia would agree with. And perhaps not even someone from Europe, for some things. But within our own society the rules are meant to help us get along - as Abi, and Heinlein, says: the lube for the cogs of society - and so must be similar for all. And maybe thats where the problem lies - people don't see the need to follow *antiquated* rules, and want to be free to do their own thing.patandchickens said:All I'm saying is, not everyone's "manners" are YOUR "manners" it is not an absolute.