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- #781
Out to pasture
My vet told me anything that is safe for kittens is ok on chickens. I am hoping that I am catching the lice early 
Today it was the dog's turn for a bath. Her skin infection is not going away. I am going to have to do some research. We just changed her food again. But we think it may be more than just food allergies. I really don't watn to take her back to the vet. For one, we don't have any money, and then I know they'll just put her back on antibiotic. I'll wait just a little longer and see if we can manage to get rid of it. It has improved a lot.
A neighbor came over yesterday with a bale of hay for the goats and a huge bag of day old bread for all of us. This morning he brought over a grocery bag filled with hotel soaps. All he wants in return: fresh fruit and vegies from the garden. His animals have taken over his property and he cannot grow anything anymore. He even started buying feed for his goats, because they have eaten everything down to the nubs. I think he comes over to get a break and to talk our ears off
That's ok, we occasionally do the same to him. Just being neighbrly, that's all 
Today I cooked up a huge pot of green beans with bacon, I call 'em bavarian beans, because I learned the recipe from a Bavarian woman I worked for as a teenager. Then I made a big peach cobbler. I told the boys, DSS and friend, if they wanted meat for dinner, they had better go and get some and do it early. They checked with SO and went out and bought some groceries
On tonight's dinner menu: bbq'd cheeseburger on day old bread, left over salad, bavarian green beans, grilled squash, left over pizza, ice tea, and peach cobbler. For once everyone was absolutely stuffed.
I made sure I hugged my goats today and squeezed a few chickens
Late at night our alarm went off, several times. SO, DSS and I all quietly run outside to catch whatever. We are wispering to each other. Then we hear squealing. Rats! SO goes running after the noise. DSS gets a gun and goes running off. I hold back. Those two are out there with guns chasing the squealer. I am not getting too close to that scenario. Then I see the dog is frantically running throught the corn, the sunflowers then the broom corn and back into the sunflowers. I see the boys and Spike have things under control
NOT, and figured they are now having a good time hunting. I come back inside to play on the computer. When SO came back inside he told me the dog suffered a nasty injury on the nose. I asked if he brought the dog in. He didn't. Turns out it was a itty bitty scratch, I barely saw it. I cleaned it up and let the dog back out. Then I asked SO how long he thought it would take to get my rat fur coat together. This is the second rat they got today 
Today it was the dog's turn for a bath. Her skin infection is not going away. I am going to have to do some research. We just changed her food again. But we think it may be more than just food allergies. I really don't watn to take her back to the vet. For one, we don't have any money, and then I know they'll just put her back on antibiotic. I'll wait just a little longer and see if we can manage to get rid of it. It has improved a lot.
A neighbor came over yesterday with a bale of hay for the goats and a huge bag of day old bread for all of us. This morning he brought over a grocery bag filled with hotel soaps. All he wants in return: fresh fruit and vegies from the garden. His animals have taken over his property and he cannot grow anything anymore. He even started buying feed for his goats, because they have eaten everything down to the nubs. I think he comes over to get a break and to talk our ears off

Today I cooked up a huge pot of green beans with bacon, I call 'em bavarian beans, because I learned the recipe from a Bavarian woman I worked for as a teenager. Then I made a big peach cobbler. I told the boys, DSS and friend, if they wanted meat for dinner, they had better go and get some and do it early. They checked with SO and went out and bought some groceries

On tonight's dinner menu: bbq'd cheeseburger on day old bread, left over salad, bavarian green beans, grilled squash, left over pizza, ice tea, and peach cobbler. For once everyone was absolutely stuffed.
I made sure I hugged my goats today and squeezed a few chickens
Late at night our alarm went off, several times. SO, DSS and I all quietly run outside to catch whatever. We are wispering to each other. Then we hear squealing. Rats! SO goes running after the noise. DSS gets a gun and goes running off. I hold back. Those two are out there with guns chasing the squealer. I am not getting too close to that scenario. Then I see the dog is frantically running throught the corn, the sunflowers then the broom corn and back into the sunflowers. I see the boys and Spike have things under control