FarmerDenise's journal - full on harvest time = busy, busy, busy


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
My vet told me anything that is safe for kittens is ok on chickens. I am hoping that I am catching the lice early :rolleyes:

Today it was the dog's turn for a bath. Her skin infection is not going away. I am going to have to do some research. We just changed her food again. But we think it may be more than just food allergies. I really don't watn to take her back to the vet. For one, we don't have any money, and then I know they'll just put her back on antibiotic. I'll wait just a little longer and see if we can manage to get rid of it. It has improved a lot.

A neighbor came over yesterday with a bale of hay for the goats and a huge bag of day old bread for all of us. This morning he brought over a grocery bag filled with hotel soaps. All he wants in return: fresh fruit and vegies from the garden. His animals have taken over his property and he cannot grow anything anymore. He even started buying feed for his goats, because they have eaten everything down to the nubs. I think he comes over to get a break and to talk our ears off :lol: That's ok, we occasionally do the same to him. Just being neighbrly, that's all :p

Today I cooked up a huge pot of green beans with bacon, I call 'em bavarian beans, because I learned the recipe from a Bavarian woman I worked for as a teenager. Then I made a big peach cobbler. I told the boys, DSS and friend, if they wanted meat for dinner, they had better go and get some and do it early. They checked with SO and went out and bought some groceries :ya
On tonight's dinner menu: bbq'd cheeseburger on day old bread, left over salad, bavarian green beans, grilled squash, left over pizza, ice tea, and peach cobbler. For once everyone was absolutely stuffed.

I made sure I hugged my goats today and squeezed a few chickens ;)

Late at night our alarm went off, several times. SO, DSS and I all quietly run outside to catch whatever. We are wispering to each other. Then we hear squealing. Rats! SO goes running after the noise. DSS gets a gun and goes running off. I hold back. Those two are out there with guns chasing the squealer. I am not getting too close to that scenario. Then I see the dog is frantically running throught the corn, the sunflowers then the broom corn and back into the sunflowers. I see the boys and Spike have things under control :lol: NOT, and figured they are now having a good time hunting. I come back inside to play on the computer. When SO came back inside he told me the dog suffered a nasty injury on the nose. I asked if he brought the dog in. He didn't. Turns out it was a itty bitty scratch, I barely saw it. I cleaned it up and let the dog back out. Then I asked SO how long he thought it would take to get my rat fur coat together. This is the second rat they got today :ep


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
We are finally getting some heat! And boy are we getting it!! 107 yesterday, today it went down to 100. WE are just focusing on keeping everyone as cool as possible. We lost 2 chickens yesterday, one a young handsome gentle cockerel that wasn't to well to start with, and one of our good layers, an ameraucana :(.
I brought several chickens in the house. the heat came on so suddenly, no-one could adjust. I still have one ailing young hen in the house and my 2 Russian Orloff pullets. They are having areal hard time with the heat. I got an icepack out and wraped it in a thin towel for them to stand on. They like that.
I gave most of my adult hens baths yesterday. The mister and sprinkler ran all day yesterday too.
The goats would occasionally run through the sprinkler. I also wet them down several times with a wet sponge. Blossom really likes it, Flower is so-so about it.
I had to change the waterers in the middle of the day and again in the evening, because it was hot. We added electrolites to all the waterers.
A neighbor's uncle was working out in his field and got over heated. They don't have running water, so he called to ask if he could get some of our water. The guy looked terrible. We had him come in the house for a while to cool off and I gave him gatorade. We had no ice at that point, because it all went to the animals, including the fish.
I dehydrated my peaches in the car yesterday, but did little else as far as preserving goes. I am dripping just sitting here at the computer.
I think I will turn it off for a while, because it gives of heat too. I need to go outside and check on the animals again anyway.


Super Self-Sufficient
Oct 20, 2009
Reaction score
Southern Washington State
Hey, I didn't know you could give a chicken a bath? Tell me how.

I have my mister on in the run too. The three young ones stay inside the run, while my older ones traverse all over the safe part of the property. Sure is hot here too - we had to turn on the AC around 2 p.m. when it got up to 85. Tomorrow and the weekend will be cooler, FD. Hang tight baby....

104.7 F
Humidity: 14%
Dew Point: 48 F
Wind: 1.0 mph from the SW
Wind Gust: 10.0 mph
Pressure: 29.72 in (Falling)
Visibility: 10.0 miles
UV: 7 out of 16
Pollen: 7.00 out of 12
Clouds: Clear -
(Above Ground Level)
Elevation: 2142 ft


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 17, 2009
Reaction score
Maryville, Tennessee
I feel your pain. It's been in the mid to upper 90's for weeks here. I couldn't function in over 100 degree weather. This week, thankfully, it's been in the 80's and less humid - feels almost like fall here now.

Stay hydrated and keep all your animals safe, too. I have a friend here in town that lost some hens to heat, but mine have been fine. I hung a shade cloth up on both sides of their run that gets morning and late afternoon sun and kept their water out of direct sun, too.


Out to pasture
Jul 25, 2008
Reaction score
Northern California
In the past few years the temps were consistently in the 100's. But it got there gradually. We went from 75 and winter coats by 5pm to 97, to 107 and today down to 100. It was just too much of a shock to the system for everyone.
The mister in the hen yard never came into the house. We just have it for the chickens. I had put water in plastic jugs and froze them the night before and used them for everyone too. We are accustomed to staying home on these awfully hot days and keeping an eye on the critters. Any that show signs of trouble, get brought in the house.
Amazingly our large rabbit does well in the heat. He has the perfect abode though. he is on a concrete pad that is sheltered from the sun and I also placed a marbely tile piece in his pen. It stays nice and cool, no matter how hot it gets. We still give him bottles of ice, just to be safe, but he usually pushes them aside.
It started to cool off a little while ago. We got our sea breeze back. Everyone is back outside. Everyone got some nice greens and they are looking happy. I found the chickens romping around as well as the goats. It was fun to watch and see that they are feeling better.

As I was locking the henhouse up last night, I noticed a strong amonia smell. Since it was so hot, I just couldn't leave it like that. I raked out the henhouse and we noticed a difference right away. It normally doesn't smell so bad so soon after doing a thorough cleaning of the hen house. I keep saying that we have too many chickens. I guess this heat didn't help either. I locked the chickens out of the hen house today and let the sun shine into it. Then I went and picked the spent lavender and tossed it on the floor. It should smell much better tonight and maybe they'll have sweet dreams.

This heat makes me tired. But I am not tired enough to sleep. Our cable got cut off today. They weren't supposed to turn it off til sunday :he
It should be interesting tonight. I would love to read out loud, but somehouw I doubt that will happen. The boys will probably watch a video :p and I'll read and play on the computer.

I have a nice tub that I bathe my chickens in. I just fill it with water so it is about at the level of the chickens back. I use warm water usually, but yesterday I used cool water. I squeezed in a little soap to get a few suds going. Then I gently lower the chicken into the water. I support them under the breast with one hand and use the other to hold their wings down. some take to it easily. They'll put their feet down and just sit there. Other freak out, flap their wings and scratch like the dickens. I just experiment with what makes each chicken comfortable. Then I splash the water over them and pick them up and swoosh them around in the water to get all the parts. I do this for bug treatments, to clean them and to cool them. I rinse them under the tap and depending on the weather, let them drip dry, towel dry or blow dry them.
Right now I have some very clean girls ;)


City Biddy
Aug 6, 2008
Reaction score
Missouri USA
Here in Missouri we often get those temperature "shocks" both directions. I have seen a day start nice sunny at 75 degrees and be in the 30's (!!) and snowing by the afternoon. Also we have had it like you just experienced nice cool morning followed by killer (literally) heat.

Not much ANYTHING or ANYBODY can do to prepare for those temp swings like that. I sympathize. :hu :hugs

I lost my nice Salmon Faverolle hen the last mad swing like that we had. Makes it tough.