Wow. I'm always amazed at other women's birth stories. They tried to induce me twice and finally on the day he was due and when they were planning to try inducing a 3rd time, he decided to meander downwards, getting the cords wrapped around his neck in the process. C-section.
I was amazed at the difference between brooder-raised chicks and broody-hen-raised chicks (in regards to pasty butt). Not once have I seen any crust on broody-hen-raised chicks! I suppose that the moms (Mama May [3] and Lola [6]) are keeping up with it, even tho I haven't caught them at it.
Thinking we're NEVER gettiing hatchery chicks again, or using a brooder-coop. We do have 2 places set up as "maternity wards" and also glad we got silkies this year.
Although our first broody, Mama May, is a black australorp, and our second, Lola, is an easter egger.
We are having about 15-20 black australorps processed on Saturday. I had asked for straight run and got pullets so will be choosing carefully because I want to keep 2-3 to help raise next year's "harvest".
I have 3 crockpots ready for when Hubby brings the birds home so I'll be putting 3-4-5 birds in them. Then the freezer will get as many as I can fit, then the rest go in the fridge for crockpotting after the others are done and dehydrated. YUM!