Abinormal Butterfly
oooooooh!!! Burrito quilts!!!!
Well, I was thinking of just making it HEAVY. Not weighted. But my mom made me a quilt that just ended up being extremely heavy and I fold it in half and hide under it.

This is going to be black, red, white, and gold. Just blocks lined in gold, basically. And then the fans will be asian fabrics. Some just asian patterns, some with scenes and stuff. It'll be awesome. I want to afford to start it this winter. Embroidery is awesome on my job.
Well, I was thinking of just making it HEAVY. Not weighted. But my mom made me a quilt that just ended up being extremely heavy and I fold it in half and hide under it.
This is going to be black, red, white, and gold. Just blocks lined in gold, basically. And then the fans will be asian fabrics. Some just asian patterns, some with scenes and stuff. It'll be awesome. I want to afford to start it this winter. Embroidery is awesome on my job.