FF, you make me exhausted!!! I love the pics and I can't even imagine doing all this during this kind of weather! Now, I might have missed this, but what kind of insulation are you going to put back in the walls?
All that plumbing and such looks horribly messy! Glad I'm not a plumber!
Is this our thread on "This Old House"? I think it's great that you are documenting your progress, although I am stressing by just looking at it all! I wish we could all be there to help....many hands make light work!
I love old houses but I know this....you never really know what you are getting into when you start to tear into a section of flooring or wall...all kinds of surprises await! Usually costly......
Just think how warm you will be after this....and cool in the summer!
That is one thing I really appreciate about this old house. Although the windows are the old wooden kind and quite leaky, the house stays warm in the winter and cool in the summer. Someone told me that it is insulated with straw and someone else said sawdust...who knows, as long as it feels good and I didn't have to do it!
Spring is right around the corner...I saw a mockingbird today!