Farmfresh City Homesteader - the sound of falling oaks.


Wannabe Pioneer
Jul 22, 2008
Reaction score
reminds me of what I've got coming this year and next.....I'll use you as my inspiration!


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Whew, girl! You sure are a busy bee! The sun shone all day here today and I only got two productive things done..... :rolleyes:

Sorry about the snow...we are supposed to get more next week. But today we had suuuuunnnnnn! :ya

I can't imagine having all that dirt in my house....would drive me nuts! :barnie Will you show us the after pics also, Farm? I love seeing the end product of a hard job...very satisfying! :)


Almost Self-Reliant
Nov 22, 2009
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New Brunswick, Canada
I can't wait to see after pics too!

Thanks for the corner explanations, that will help tons come spring when we start actually doing things...

It really is an inspiration, I've shown the boyfriend and we're dreaming about tearing out the fake wood panelling that covers our entire upstairs... I can't wait! I hope I have even a tenth of your energy :thumbsup


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
Farm, I had that super sneezing thing last week. It developed into a nasty head cold and I couldn't breath at night, sinus headaches, the works. Thought I better get a jump on it, as I could feel my chest starting to tighten.

Did The Treatment and nipped it right in the bud. Next day, 50% better, the next, 75% and now I'm back to feeling normal. Crisis averted! Whew!!!! I swear by this has saved us numerous times now and I really love the results.


Mountain Sage
Jul 11, 2008
Reaction score
Mountains of WV
I know these old home remedies sound strange coming from a nurse, but I've not found any treatment or med that works quicker than this. And it actually has a medical basis to the actions it employs to diminish infectious processes.

The official treatment is thus and one should not vary from this process, as it seems to be less effective if any one step is left out:

Prepare a hot drink, hot as you can sip.

Take long pants (I use sweatpants and long sleeve shirt), socks and even a toboggan if you can stand it, into the bathroom with you.

Close the doors and run a very hot bath(if you only have a shower, same concept, hot as you can stand).

Immerse your torso into this hot bath and sip your hot drink while soaking. By this time you should feel like your head is about to come off from the heat! :p Do not wash your hair.

Don't stay in the water until it cools, add more hot water if necessary. Get out and towel off briskly.

Use Vicks Vaporub on your chest, nostrils, soles of feet and cover feet with socks. Yes, I said on the soles of your feet (I said the same thing when this old lady told me about this treatment!) :lol:

Dress in your warm clothes and immediately get into bed under very warm blankets and wrap yourself up like a burrito. Stay there as long as you can until you are so hot you just cannot stand it. Then stay longer.

Now, as an added touch to this, I normally take a Benadryl or similar cold remedy that will help me sleep as I am baking~I generally like to sleep in a cold room and often keep my windows open all winter, so this treatment is near torture for me.

The next day I consume at least 3 glasses of orange juice throughout the day. I continue this the next day as well and will often mix other unsweetened fruit juices into this idea. I've tried the Vit. C tablets but they don't seem to get the same good results as the juice or the actual fruit.

When I first heard of this, I scoffed. When I got into trouble with my next cold and couldn't afford to go to the doc, I tried it. It worked like a charm! It even works for severe allergy symptoms in the spring.

It works like a fever, which one generally doesn't get in a viral infection unless it's a severe one. But cold viruses generally don't give you a high enough fever to induce the desired result of speeding up your metabolism enough~ while at rest~ to bring more white blood cells to the source of infection.

The next day you will feel somewhat better and you will think...well, it didn't work~I still have a stuffy head~ but I feel a little better. The next day you will wake up and feel even better but symptoms may still linger~congestion will decrease and you will have more energy. After a few more days you will be sitting around doing something else and realize, "Hey! I can breath and I'm not blowing my nose off!"

Now....when next you get leg or feet cramps I'll tell ya another doozy that makes folks think you are crazy but really works! ;)