Enjoys Recycling
Well today is the day for changing our dogs over to raw food.
George had stomach upsets again yesterday. Don't know if its the dry food or not, but he has had quite a few funny tummies recently.
I've being doing a lot of research and I feel now is the time to make the switch, it's horrifying what is said to be in dry food.
With regard to how much to feed from what I read it is suggested that you should start at around 2% of the body weight and increase/decrease according to condition. Obviously every dog is going to be different.
I am initially going to keep them on just raw meat, bone, tendon, skin, organ meat and a small amount of muscle meat only.
I am not at this stage going to include vegetables, in that I believe dogs are carnivores not omnivores. Supplements I will give if needed.
Well here goes:
George had stomach upsets again yesterday. Don't know if its the dry food or not, but he has had quite a few funny tummies recently.
I've being doing a lot of research and I feel now is the time to make the switch, it's horrifying what is said to be in dry food.
With regard to how much to feed from what I read it is suggested that you should start at around 2% of the body weight and increase/decrease according to condition. Obviously every dog is going to be different.
I am initially going to keep them on just raw meat, bone, tendon, skin, organ meat and a small amount of muscle meat only.
I am not at this stage going to include vegetables, in that I believe dogs are carnivores not omnivores. Supplements I will give if needed.
Well here goes: