Freemotion's food journal: Expanding the gardens, pics p 53


Goat Whisperer
Mar 28, 2009
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Greyhounds are always like that, you won't believe all the horrible things that I've heard. So creepy. Sounds like your experience was one of the better ones.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
I used to use Greyhound all the time back in the 90's. I took it back and forth from North TX to South TX every weekend or so when I was in college.

I also used Greyhound to get from Washington D.C. to Dallas in 1993. I never had a bad experience.

Put your duffel bag on the chair next to you, pretend you are fast asleep when new passengers get on and you will be ok. :p It really helped to send the creeps to another chair. Also, sit right behind the bus driver and nobody will give you he-double L. ;)

I guess things have changed since I've "grown up".* Sad.

(*if that is what you wanna call it. :p )


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Yep, not everyone takes their meds regularly! My favorite was the guy in front of me who applied his deodorant just before he got off.....after talking to himself quite a bit. He wasn't subtle about it either....those arms went up like he was hailing a cab, then some vigorous scrubbing with the deodorant stick.....well, at least he didn't smell!

The second leg of the trip, when I actually was to take a Greyhound, the woman in the information/customer service booth looked like she took a double dose of her meds. She couldn't tell us anything about why our bus was a full hour late and for some of us, whether the other busline would hold our bus in Bangor, since there would not likely be any other way to go the next 200 miles to our destination. Then she casually got up, put on her coat, inspected the bus outside that she'd told us wasn't ours, boarded us, and she was the DRIVER!!!! She lost a couple of minutes at each stop, and once, actually left us in the bus while she slowly walked up a street and disappeared into a candy shop for ten minutes.

I spent several hours making phone calls, trying to find a way to get from the closed bus station in Bangor to my final stop. Couldn't get another bus, no car rental places that I could leave a car up North, and we couldn't even find a U-Haul truck place open in Bangor after 6 PM on a Friday. The other woman who really was in a panic was going to try to see her mother in the hospital before she died, as she'd suffered a stroke the night before. A one-way flight would be $700. Hence the bus, at $97.

Finally, just five minutes before the station in Bangor was to close, she called and talked to an employee who was touched by her story and agreed to ask the driver to turn around and come get us, over an hour late. The driver agreed, and the employee stayed and kept the station open for us, too. AND the driver actually dropped the other lady off right at the emergency entrance of the hospital, and dropped me off ten miles closer to my parent's house. I actually arrived at their house a few minutes AHEAD of schedule. So it turned out ok, but boy, were my shoulders up by my ears by then!

I won't even talk about my seat-mate. Wish I'd thought of the backpack thing. But a woman asked if she could sit with me because she was scared of the deodorant guy. She seemed harmless, so I said ok. Yikes. She drove me nuts. Quadrupled my stress level, if that was possible!

Ahhh, just had some popcorn with butter and romano cheese and a large glass of cold chocolate milk. Here is how I made the chocolate milk....I heated up a little water, stirred in a couple of spoonfuls of Hershey's baking cocoa, a tiny pinch of sea salt, and three squirts of stevia extract. I stirred, stirred, stirred, then added cold goat's milk, not shaking the bottle so I would get a little extra cream. I used a pint of milk, and added a little homemade vanilla extract. Mmmmmmm.......


Revolution in Progress
Aug 3, 2008
Reaction score
Southern California
Wow! Well that trip will certainly make you appreciate home and all of it's comforts!

Glad that you made it safely and that your parents are with you.

So, they moved in huh? That is nice that you get along so well!


Almost Self-Reliant
May 12, 2009
Reaction score
North Central Miss'ippy
Oh free! What a nightmare. DH took a 20 hour bus ride. They more than doubled a normal 8 hour trip by car by going north to Tenn, then East past Alabama, then South into Atlanta, GA. Never again he says, I don't blame you a bit.

It's awesome that you have such a close relationship with your folks.

big brown horse

Hoof In Mouth
Apr 23, 2009
Reaction score
Puget Sound, WA
I won't even talk about my seat-mate. Wish I'd thought of the backpack thing. But a woman asked if she could sit with me because she was scared of the deodorant guy. She seemed harmless, so I said ok. Yikes. She drove me nuts. Quadrupled my stress level, if that was possible!
That is why you pretend you are in a deep sleep. :gig

(But if there is no other seet, you have to move it.)

I'm making some chocolate milk right now!! Thanks for the recipe. :)


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Who says I still have my sanity???? :D

Dad wanted to milk Mya tonight. That was so fun, doing my favorite chores with my dad.....sniff, think I'm getting teary-eyed......


Food Guru
Jan 1, 2009
Reaction score
Southwick, MA
Tonight's supper was so good, I have to post it. Also, trying to get used to feeding four instead of two is a challenge, and I am back to work this week full-speed ahead, so time will be limited again. Poo.

So I actually made a menu for the week and a shopping list based on the menu. First time ever doing that, believe it or not!

Tonight was supposed to be chicken, but I started this afternoon by making a soup for lunches and it smelled so good, we ditched the chicken idea until tomorrow night and had soup. So much for the menu plan!

It was not from a recipe, but here it is. It was based on what I had and what looked good at the store, so feel free to substitute:

Beef veggie soup

1.25 lbs grass-fed flank steak, cut up into 1/2 inch pieces, browned in the cast iron skillet in chicken fat. (Bacon grease would be better!)

2 large onions, cut into chunks, saute in leavings from browning meat
6 large cloves garlic, chunked and saute'd when onions were almost done

Meanwhile, in a two-gallon pot, I put (meat and onions added as they are ready):

2 large (28 oz) cans diced tomatoes
2 bay leaves
Whatever broth I had in the freezer, about 3 pints of turkey broth. Ideally, it would be beef broth. So what!
2 cups puree'd pumpkin
diced rutabaga (2-3 c?)
diced beets (1 medium or 1 cup....don't like beets!)
diced carrots (3-4 c?)
diced parsnip (3 leftover parsnips, small)
diced sweet potato (half a medium, leftover)

Simmer until almost tender, then add:

green beans, cut into 1" pieces (3+ c?)
brocolli florets, cut smallish (3 c?)

I served it with choice of wheat crackers or toast, and a generous grating of goat cheddar. Thank goodness I made so much. We ate half the pot, and had something like 10 servings of veggies each!

When making the soup, I opened a can of crushed tomatoes by mistake, so I made a batch of spaghetti sauce on another burner. That will be used in two lasagnas, one to eat and one to freeze, and spaghetti with sausage on another night.

I have two home-raised chickens in the fridge that I will cook tomorrow for supper, and make soup for lunch the following day. I also have a couple of turkeys thawing in a bucket in the cellar....what was I thinking, thawing those???

Another night will be Cobb salads, and a lunch or supper will be nachos.

Also have room for bison burgers with cheese and steamed, buttered veggies for a night that dh cooks.
