Crazy Cat Lady
I do not know about pigs in specific (which really is why I opened this thread at the moment, because I am perpetually contemplating pigs and want to hear more firsthand experience) but as far as electric fences IN GENERAL, the way to deal with dry soil is to run a second wire about 4" away from each live wire (either above or below, and it does NOT need to be on insulators), and have that wire(s) attached directly to the 'ground' terminal of the fencer (to the terminal itself, or to the wire that leads from fencer to ground rods). That way, any time an animal touches the fence enough to be touching both kinds of wires at once, he gets the FULL zap of the fencer's strength, no matter how nonconductive the soil is.
Good luck with your future sausages, and I look forward to reading all about it
Good luck with your future sausages, and I look forward to reading all about it