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- #231
Food Guru
Good plan, BB, a little comedy after....the book is designed to help you feel things you haven't been able to, so take the time to feel those feelings and process them and release them and clear yourself so you can be happy! Smooches and warm hugs from me.
Got home from my teaching job (GREAT group of students this term...it is so much fun again!) and had only a couple hours of daylight left, so I RAN to change, feed the poultry, and load up the car with grain sacks for corn pickin'! I called my dad to come help me but he was at the grocery store, so I went by myself and picked up seven very heavy sacks full of over-ripe sweet corn that was laying on the field, where it fell when the workers harvested the stalks for decorating. I was on my way back...figured that was a good start...when dad called and said he wanted to go.
So I detoured to pick him up and we wheelbarrowed those sacks right out to the pig pasture and dumped all of them in. Mya grabbed one, and I let her have it...only one, though! And the pigs were absolutely ecstatic, bouncing around, grunting happily, and playfully pushing each other out of the way and fake-biting each other's ears.
Did I mention that there was a huge, stuffed and packed down garbage bag of day-old bread on my steps when I drove into my driveway? I threw the last 5 loaves from the last batch that appeared on the same steps last week, no need to make them last.
Dad and I went back to the field and filled......FOURTEEN sacks!!! Gorgeous, plump ears. There are more, but I will wait for the current stalks to be harvested and a lot of the remaining corn was obviously on the ground for a long time and was developing some mold at the silk end. Not a huge problem, but we had 21 sacks of corn so why bother, right?
I dropped Dad off at home and called dh to meet me so we could dump all those sacks of corn into the pig pasture. We drove the car through the farm next door, as their nice road runs along my pasture fence, so we wouldn't need to make 4-5 trips with the wheelbarrow, dodging goats in the process. They were closed for the night, so we wouldn't be in the way. It was a lot of work, but so satisfying to see so much food...free food!...in that pasture and the pigs still frolicking around with joy.
I was going to get the last of the squash with my wheelbarrow, and lots more acorns, but with the extra corn run it was dark by then. The coyotes are coming around earlier for some reason, so I don't go out there at dusk anymore. The squash and acorns will still be there tomorrow.
I fed the first of the fermented acorns this morning, about a gallon. The pigs went bonkers for them, and cleaned them all up.
I can't wait to see how long we can go without feeding them purchased foods!

I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but I did deworm them last week with some of the herbal dewormer that I made for my goats, using the same herbal ball method, but tossing one to each pig rather than straddling them and forcing it into their mouths....can you imagine???
Got home from my teaching job (GREAT group of students this term...it is so much fun again!) and had only a couple hours of daylight left, so I RAN to change, feed the poultry, and load up the car with grain sacks for corn pickin'! I called my dad to come help me but he was at the grocery store, so I went by myself and picked up seven very heavy sacks full of over-ripe sweet corn that was laying on the field, where it fell when the workers harvested the stalks for decorating. I was on my way back...figured that was a good start...when dad called and said he wanted to go.
So I detoured to pick him up and we wheelbarrowed those sacks right out to the pig pasture and dumped all of them in. Mya grabbed one, and I let her have it...only one, though! And the pigs were absolutely ecstatic, bouncing around, grunting happily, and playfully pushing each other out of the way and fake-biting each other's ears.
Did I mention that there was a huge, stuffed and packed down garbage bag of day-old bread on my steps when I drove into my driveway? I threw the last 5 loaves from the last batch that appeared on the same steps last week, no need to make them last.
Dad and I went back to the field and filled......FOURTEEN sacks!!! Gorgeous, plump ears. There are more, but I will wait for the current stalks to be harvested and a lot of the remaining corn was obviously on the ground for a long time and was developing some mold at the silk end. Not a huge problem, but we had 21 sacks of corn so why bother, right?
I dropped Dad off at home and called dh to meet me so we could dump all those sacks of corn into the pig pasture. We drove the car through the farm next door, as their nice road runs along my pasture fence, so we wouldn't need to make 4-5 trips with the wheelbarrow, dodging goats in the process. They were closed for the night, so we wouldn't be in the way. It was a lot of work, but so satisfying to see so much food...free food!...in that pasture and the pigs still frolicking around with joy.
I was going to get the last of the squash with my wheelbarrow, and lots more acorns, but with the extra corn run it was dark by then. The coyotes are coming around earlier for some reason, so I don't go out there at dusk anymore. The squash and acorns will still be there tomorrow.
I fed the first of the fermented acorns this morning, about a gallon. The pigs went bonkers for them, and cleaned them all up.
I can't wait to see how long we can go without feeding them purchased foods!

I can't remember if I mentioned it or not, but I did deworm them last week with some of the herbal dewormer that I made for my goats, using the same herbal ball method, but tossing one to each pig rather than straddling them and forcing it into their mouths....can you imagine???