Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hopefully soon on the pics. We're sposed to be hit hard with rain all day today and most of tomorrow so might be a few days before I can get her back out of the barn. We do need the rain - and I refuse to complain about it. But, if I had my perfect wish we wouldn't get all the rain at one time. They're predicting 4 - 6 inches in the next day and a half or so. The pond is down, down, down so this ought to go a long way to getting the level up some. And,the new barn-port oughta keep the critters dry and happy.

I did get most of my fall garden in so I'm glad for that. I've got three kinds of cabbage planted... regular green cabbage, savoy cabbage, and Napa. I do love sauerkraut and kimchee. Also have broccoli and kale going. After this rain lets up I'll be planting some lettuces and salad greens and I might try some early peas...maybe I can trick 'em into thinking it's spring??? Oh, and onions- nearly forgot abou them. Around here they're hit or miss as fall plantings. Some years they do great and other years they rot in the ground...

Happy Friday everybody!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Quail eggs are tucked into the incubator, warm and cozy. Thanks again, WBF! I'm wrapped up on the couch, warm, cozy and sick....ugh. Sore throat and ear ache - not fair! Started yesterday on my way to work and I really thought it would disappear with a cup of hot tea, but it didn't. I thought it would go away with a nap on the heating pad, but it didn't. I thought it would go away with a good night's sleep, but it didn't. I'm missing a family b'day party today. Step-granddaughter is having her first b'day party and I don't get to go. DH, (nurse that he is) won't let me! Course he didn't have to work too hard to convince me. Not fair to go and put all the kiddos and other grand folks at risk.... I know he's right, but I don't have to like it.

Dora the Dorper is calming down and getting downright almost cuddly. However, I don't think she likes being a single sheep. I was really hoping she'd be okay with goats around....and she might be eventually. When she's in her little stall in the barn and the goats are in there with her - she's content. But, if they leave the barn or if I put her out in a pen - she's unhappy. I don't even wanna think about finding another sheep right now, lol. Not part of the plan for sure.

We've got rain! My gauge holds 5 inches....guess how much rain was in there when I checked a few hours ago? Yep - five inches - and it's been raining constantly since I checked it. It's probably running over by now. We've been so dry for so long that the ground has absorbed most of it. Only about an hour ago did I start seeing water pooling on the ground and the ditch in front of the house start to hold water. It's a little early to put out rye grass seed, but I kinda wish I already had some out. I usually broadcast seed in October. Not sure about this year cuz we've taken down the dividing fence between the two pastures so I can't keep 'em off of one side while I plant the other. The plan was to have tht fence rebuilt before now, but it's just been too hot to work on it and now it's gonna be too wet. Also too wet to get my driveway material brought in so that we can drive back to the new barnport. Best laid plans, huh? Not gonna complain too much, cuz we so desperately needed the rain.

That's it for now - I feel a nap coming on.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Glad you got some rain, and hope you feel better. I'd give you a hug, but I don't want to get sick! :lol:

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Yep, I know the last time I was really sick, that's about all I did, so was able to shake it pretty quick. Glad you're feeling better.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I have recovered!! :weee

Today was an easy day. I got the two old goat gals off to a new home. I like the young couple that got them. They do dog rescue and she said that she just loves anything 'senior'. Geeze, maybe she should adopt me, lol!

Dora the Dorper sheep has turned into quite a sweetie. She will eat out of my hand, or if she's got her head buried in a feed bucket I can rub her all over, pick up her feet and do just about anything with her. She even approached me today for snacks instead of me having to go looking for her. I think she's gonna do just fine.

Got a little bad news the other day. "A", the young man who has helped me with farm work, went off to college a couple months ago on a football scholarship. Heard this week that he tore his ACL... I really hope that doesn't negate his scholarship. There's no way his family can afford to send him to an out of state college of that caliber without his scholarship. He needs surgery. I'm so worried about his future. He's such a wonderful young man that today when I was talking to him he was reassuring me that God has a plan for him and that everything will be ok. Prayers and positive thoughts for him will be appreciated.

Bred a doe today. One of my F1 Kinders to another F-1 Kinder... these babies will be F-2's.... another step closer to full Kinder-hood, lol. I've got a stuffed chicken in the oven. I ususally don't buy 'ready made' foods, but this is a shrimp and sausage jambalaya stuffed boneless chicken. They were on sale for half price so I just hadda try it. It's smelling mighty good in there right now. I needa go find a side dish or summpin to go with it.... I'm sooooo hungry!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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Sweet you got the old girls gone sis! :woot

Praying for "A"!!!!! I sure hope that kid doesn't lose his scholarship over this! That'd be so so sad!!! :(


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks WBF. I'm hoping the same thing, if this young man loses his scholarship he'll have to come home and while I know he'll persevere, it will definitely give him another big challenge and a hurdle to overcome. But, he's the kind of young man who will never give up.

My old gals went to the best home ever! They sent me a pic today and I'm absolutely jealous!

Their new home...ain't it the cutest thing you ever did see??


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I am very pleased that they ended up in such a great place!

The little sheep is doing ok...she is such a chow hound! She's supposed to be here to eat grass - not grain! In light of that - I moved her into a pen to do her job - grass eater extraordinaire. Ehhhh... she's not happy, lol.

I've been doing some intensive care with a little roo..ok, not so little, but not grown either. Found him today just sitting...not moving..not really stressed... just not ambulatory. Can't find an, jut for grins I wormed him, and hand fed him lots of goodies. He loved it all..ate right out of my hand and just sat in my lap like a big ol pet. Got no idea what his problem is, but I'll pamper him 'til he gets better or dies.... geeze...

We're still hot - ugh. Little garden I got planted is coming right along. Despite the 6 inches of rain last weekend, plants still need to be watered. you'd think we'd be quite swamplike with all that precep - but nope - ground is barely still moist.

I'm still milking one of the Kinder gals pretty regularly now. She's only producing on one half of her udder because she had a stoopid baby that couldn't figger out that she had two faucets, lol. But - that one faucet is pumping out close to a quart per milking. That's about a half-gallon a day from half an udder! Next freshening I predict she'll be pumping out darn near a gallon a day. Gee whiz - her mama is a pure Nubian that gave about that much on her first freshening. I think I'm sold on Kinders.

So glad it's almost the weekend! TGI (almost) F!