Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Another parent's night down. When I got home DH was out finishing up the chores - he's such a sweetie! So, I threw together a quick dinner and I'm real close to giving it up for today. Where is that sweet man of mine? He's cleaning the kitchen - whatta guy! But, now I feel guilty - I gotta go help him.


Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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If my hubby is going to clean the kitchen, I prefer him to do it when I'm not home. He drives me nuts w/how he does it, but if I were to complain, he'd be hurt.


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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fem, ya got a good man there sis! Mine came in after work and did a load of laundry while I cooked dinner because he knew I had been canning all day. Sweet! :D


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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He really IS a good one...proves that patience and training pays off - LOL!! :lol: I amuse myself...

What a difference a day makes. My dad is no longer having surgery tomorrow - thank God! He and his regular doc decided to watch this hernia instead of jumping right into surgery the way the surgeon wanted to do. Is it even the tiniest bit surprising that the surgeon wanted to do surgery???? This is what I think of surgeons...:smack Dad is 85 - the hernia is up high on the abdomen - and it's smaller than I thought it was. He's going to try a 'girdle' of sorts and just watching it for awhile. I am relieved! (especially since tomorrow is Friday the 13th!)

DH had planned ot stay home tomorrow while the barn-port was being built, but his boss asked him to go to Dallas for the day to do a presentation. So, it works out that I can be home and he can go to Dallas. He's up for a big promotion so he's doing pretty much anything it takes to keep the big guys happy.

So, the barn builders called a bit ago and wanted to know if they could start EARLY in the morning. Hey, no problem - the earlier the better as far as I'm concerned. The critters are ticked off at me anyway cuz they're locked up in the front pen. Most of 'em would much rather be out in the pasture wandering around than being penned up.

I put collars on seeral of the younger goats today. I've kinda neglected teaching them to lead and I need 'em to learn to go where I want 'em to - so today was RODEO, lol. One of the wilder ones, did a triple back flip and ended up flat on her side - Bad landing...

The little wether whose head/eyes got squished is doing much better - but - I think he's gonna get uglier before he gets prettier. All the skin around his eyes seems to be sloughing off. The hair all fell out, and his skin is literally peeling off - I couldn't get a real close look, but it looks like he's growing new skin so I think he'll be fine. I don't know what woulda happened if he'd been squished much longer than he was. The circulation to that area of his head was severely compromised so I half-way expected this to happen. My big worry was that no new skin would grow back...still :fl on that one - but I hope/think it's gonna be fine.

I'm working on emptying some ice cream containers so I can make quail feeders outta them, lol. I'meating it up as fast as I can, but dadgum those brain freezes!

I gotta get up early so I think I'm gonna take my sleepy self to da bed!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Whew - it's hot....and as I type that I'm trying to remember the last time I said "it's cold"?

Barn-port is done! But, what a different day than I expected. The guys showed up almost an hour late. They didn't have enough extension cord, they didn't have gas for their generator, they didn't have water and later on they informed me that they would like a soft drink and 'oh, by the way - our caulk gun broke - do you have one I can use". HUH? :th But I don't even care - cuz it's done!!!

I'll get pics later when it's not so hot.... I don't even want to go back outside until the sun is headed down.

The critters have been locked up for 2 days and wanted out every time I went through the gate. So, finally, I let them out to go see their new digs and what do they do - run right past it, lol!

Now MY work starts - gotta get a new fence built so I can drive up to the barn to unload feed or hay without having to fight through a field of goats....gotta move the pallets and feed cans out there and gotta get pens built inside the barn-port for whatever I might needa pen for. Not in a huge hurry, but it'll be constant for awhile. DH is gonna be gone for the next two Saturdays and then a weekend ride the first week in October (the same weekend I'll have the grandbabies again!). As much as I was bragging on him the other day ----- right now I'm kinda wishing he wasn't so married to the motorcycle...sigh. But, he works hard and deserves to have some fun time (spoken like a very sweet wife, huh?)

Noticed that a few of the pygmy does are in heat - but soooo not ready to breed anybody yet. However, I have a doe that I want to breed to my new buck. She is the doe that has consistently given me the best babies ever. She was very competitive in the show ring and all of her babies have been champions. She's almost 12 years old now but in great shape - so I'm gonna breed her one more time. Her twin sister, who surprisingly is the same age (lol) doesn't look as good and she won't be bred even though she has thrown some very nice babies too. Gotta go by the individual - and she just doesn't look as spry as her sister.

Whew, I'm finally cooling off. I think I'm gonna go think about starting dinner so I have more time this evening when it's finally cool enough to get outside. I've been picking eggplant like crazy - so I'm thinking that's whats for dinner.

Okay - things to do so I gotta get busy...


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like a fun day! You shoulda charged those guys caulk gun rent and soda fees :p Who comes to work without tools and water anyway!?? Sheesh...some people.

Eat that ice cream, I know it's hard, but...just stop thinking of yourself for a moment, and think of the little birdies, who are poor and lowly, and have no feeder...and then man up and eat that ice cream till you have plenty of feeders!!! :lol:


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Whew, busy times lately... but ask me what I've done and I couldn't even tell you...

Got the barn finished off Friday - need to get some crushed concrete in here so I can drive up to it no matter the weather. FOUR HUNDRED dollar$$$$ a load for 14 tons.... ARGH. And, what's worse, I'll need at least 2 truck loads of it. Then I'll need it spread - my neighbor to the rescue but it'll take hours and hours to work it into shape so I figure I'll owe him a couple hundred. He won't want to take that much, but it'll be worth it and I like to pay him a good rate so he never gets tired of helping me, lol!

I've really got to get serious about moving some critters outta here. I'e got a couple old goat gals that I might just gie away to a pet home. I'd like to keep 'em all forever, but I just can't and if someone can get some enjoyment out of 'em it'll be a good thing. I needa move some chickens too. I'e neer had any trouble getting buyers, I just need to get 'em on Craigslist or put up a note at the feedstore.

Tougher decision will be on the mini horses. I've got three. I love them, but do I need them - nope. The grand kids love 'em too so I don't think I could ever get rid of 'em all.....but which one?.... or two? I'm so bad at this reducing the numbers thing....much better at adding critters!

Getting excited about getting the quail. They should be fairly easy to deal with cuz they'll be all in one place instead of spread all over the place like the chickens are. Grow out faster, easier to harvest - nuttin' wrong with that!

Had a bad issue with my phone the other day. DH went to do an update and EVERYTHING, and I mean EVERYTHING disappeared. My contacts, my pictures, my aps... it wouldn't even start up....just had a picture on the screen of plugging into i-tunes..... oh gee whiz! So, DH tries to do a 'restore' and it takes three hours and yep, it restored alright.... it restored all of HIS stuff onto my phone. Geeze, we need a separation, lol, of the phone kind! All that crap about whats yours is mine is really true! I got all his contracts and none of mine. So upsetting though to lose all my pics :( I shoulda downloaded 'em, but I didn't...shame on me...

Thats about it - gotta go find food.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Went grocery shopping after work today.... I should NEVER go shopping when I'm hungry - I bought allll lkinds of delicious looking stuff and 'bout fell over when they gave me the total, lol. OH well, we'll be eating good for awhile! Tonight's menu - STEAK! It's delicioso! I been wanting a steak for a few days now - the carnivore in me has been feeling neglected.

Operation 'critter reduction' has started. I've got two pygmies leaving this weekend. But, dang - now I found the cutest little sheep. I've been wanting a little tame sheep so I can let it chew down the pens that I have to use the pushmower for. Now, have I ever owned a sheep before - nope. But I gotta try everything once, don't I? I'm not convinced that I'll do it - but I've been tossing it around for awhile. Our grass has to be mowed nearly year round unless we have a hard winter, which we haen't had for a couple years. Still just a thought....

Got quail eggs coming soon too. (thanks WBF!) So, some chickens have to go. I'm gonna put some on Craigslist and see if I get any bites. I've got some fairly rare breeds so I'm hoping they'll get some interest.

I've got some more goats to add to the 'sale' list and maybe a horse or two...maybe. Chickens and goats are pretty easy to part with, but I'm not so sure about the horses. I've been a horse person all my life, it'd be like giving up one of my hands or something. But, I do not need three horses.... I do not need three horses... I do not need...

Went to the AT&T store today and got some of my phone issues recovering the pictures though. My bad, I shoulda backed it up previously.

Dinner is ready! Cannot type and eat at the same later gators!


Little Miss Sunshine
Sep 27, 2010
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You know you gotta have that sheep....I'm just sayin, and post pics ASAP!!!! :D Well, at least it will pay for itself, right? Eats grass, saves you time...much less time to water a sheep than to mow....and then if he doesn't act right you can eat him :lol: So, there's meat...I call a win/win here sis. You just can't really lose by getting that sheep. I'd totally get the sheep. I want sheep too, so for a while you'd even be helping out a friend, by letting me live vicariously through you :D Get the sheep ;)