Sustainability Master
hope everyone is and stays safe and well down there!
Thanks! I'm becoming more relaxed about it as time goes on. I think we'll be ok. Even if it tracks further west, towards us, we're as prepared as we can be.hope everyone is and stays safe and well down there!
Here's my plan: I'm going to sleep darn good tonight! I'm not going to even think about two more systems for at least a couple of days, lol. Glad my preps are all done.
Now I'm unprepping:
First thing was to put the brownies in the freezer. No storm, no more brownies.
Next: I put the goats back in their original areas.
They're looking at me like I'm nuts for all the goat shuffling - but that's the way it is right now. I need to start thinking about some breeding pairings. Have a couple to think about. Mostly - how is Chester the pygmy going to reach the Nubian does? Dilemma!
Stress of the last few days is catching up and I see an early bedtime in my future.