Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Pretty sure I'm going ahead with the SafeShed. It's the biggest one and I want the extra room. I'm just a little bit excited about it! Sure wish we could get it sooner though because there is a fairly long waiting period. By the time we get one delivered hurricane season will be over - this year. But it'll give us peace of mind for a lot of years to come.

We're having tons of fun with Beau. He's a pure joy and really smart and energetic. Really energetic. Did I mention that he's energetic? LOL! Won't be long until we get the next pup...should be within two weeks! Excited about that too! Right now he and Belle totally keep each other entertained.

Ever have a run of good luck that you just weren't expecting? I'm not going to complain - and I'm certainly feeling blessed.

We have a portable AC unit that started making a horrible noise and not discharging the condensation. Can't use it if the water runs over and soaks the floor and parts are grinding. Of course, the warranty had expired less than a month ago. DH sent them an email explaining the problem and they sent us a new water pump for free even though they really didn't have to! YaY!

Got a text from a guy wanting a couple of goats. Guess what - I've got a couple goats that I can fix him up with.

My friend gifted me three round bales again! Love her and am so thankful.

My neighbor called me yesterday and asked if I needed any vegetables/food. She'd been gifted some potatoes, carrots, onions, dried beans and some restaurant quality frozen sloppy joe's. So, today I'm canning! I've previously gifted her veggies/fruit/milk and meat when I was given them from the college food pantry so she returned the favor. I took her some extra eggs when I went to retrieve my goodies.

And....drum roll please... the biggest blessing of all: I was cleaning out a container that has been stored in my closet since my divorce about a million years ago. Was going through old papers and getting rid of stuff that's no longer needed when I came across a familiar looking thick envelope. I had put that envelope in that tub probably 25 years ago and had totally forgotten about it. It's full of old, totally matured savings bonds! Nearly 6K worth! I must be living right, lol! Very thankful for that find and will share it with my children.

Ok, back to canning.
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
Mark your calendar -- may be best day for the YEAR!! Wowser. The bonds were amazing to have "forgotten" all this time. :lol: Nice save.

Good thing you were going thru all the paperwork. Tedious but, for you it was a "grand" event.

Beau is moving out of the "puppy" look into a teenager. :D


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Mark your calendar -- may be best day for the YEAR!!
Can't say that most of 2020 has been so great - but that was a great day for sure, lol. One of those days that renews your faith in the power of goodness!

Just heard there are 4 "systems" that could develop into something tropical. Sure hope they don't.

Canned potatoes yesterday - might do beans today.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Yes you are Blessed!
And, all that is on top of having my health, a great husband, awesome kids and the most incredible grandchildren! Somebody slap me if I ever complain! :lol:

Beau is growing by leaps and bounds. Hard to believe he's 12 weeks old already. Geeze! He's a really smart guy too. Hope to get our next pup soon! I want her here already!

I put Chester the pygmy buck with the pygmy doe a couple days ago. Haven't even thought of any more breeding pairings. Guess I ought to just put a boy goat with some girl goats and hope for babies, lol!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Still haven't put boy goats and girl goats together. Eventually I'm going to have to do that if I expect to have a goat to milk next year. I'm milking one now and getting a whopping quart to 5 cups a day - depending on how she feels. (she's a temperamental _itch!) But, that's plenty of milk for us...I've got 5 or 6 days worth backed up in the fridge. I haven't made cheese in a while, but I make kefir every other day. Even the dogs get kefir - the probiotics are as good for them as they are for us.

I'm finally getting around to unloading the 3 round bales from the livestock trailer. It's pretty easy to put in there but a real job to get it out. I have to put straps around the bales and pull them to the edge of the trailer and either pull them out on the ground or back up to it with the hay forks and lift them out. Actually easier to pull 'em out on the ground, flip 'em over with the FEL and then pick 'em up. I need to get more hay...think I'll see if I can find someone to deliver, lol. If they dump 'em off their trailer I can easily pick 'em up and move 'em.

Finally got around to starting some cabbage and broccoli seeds. Hope to put them in the raised beds in the back yard. Unfortunately, I've had a terrible invasion of bindweed. I have no idea where it came from. I never had it before last year and now it's trying to take over the whole dang world around here. I put a few goats in that area, but I think they were a bit overwhelmed. They ate all the could but every time they slowed down they would disappear in the fresh growth, lol. That stuff is horrible!

Beau is growing like a weed and on Friday we get Raine (!!) the female English Shephard pup. Can't wait for the chaos that will ensue at that point, lol.

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