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- #10,971
Sustainability Master
Ya never know! But Baymule is a long way from me...not overcome-able but...maybe @baymule will have some culls you could pick up as starters?trying to save the little guys as long as i can!

IF I go through with it, that might be what I do. I won't keep a ram a ram either so if one comes here with dangly bits - he won't have them long lol! Don't need to deal with that!Most economical way to buy sheep I've found is to get bottle lambs from someone who doesnt want to raise them. Mine were $35 each. A weaned lamb or a ewe would run $120+. Just dont hand feed a bottle ram! Keep them afraid of you!!
I saw two kathadin/dorper cross rams (3 months old) listed for $250 each or $425 for both. Ewes about the same. (2) dorper ram lamb lambs 3 months sheep - farm & garden - by owner... (craigslist.org)
St. Croix hair sheep ewe lamb for sale - farm & garden - by owner -... (craigslist.org)
Still in the "tossing it around" phase. Probably be cheaper and less hassle to just pay the ridiculous prices for lamb chops, lol!