Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I've never had the sex links... I really love the heritage breeds, but I may give 'em a try next time I buy chicks - just for grins.

Really glad I've got three big dogs out in the pasture. We've had a lot of coyotes around since the weather turned chilly. They've been singing every night - long and loud. I know they've gotta eat too - but they need to find another place to scope out their next meal.

Sooooo - last night, as I mentioned, the coyotes were bold! When I got up this morning Cowboy and Missy were nowhere to be found. Not in the pasture...didn't respond to calls and whistles. CRAP! Later, around 11 when I was headed out to get feed Cowboy comes creeping out from under a shrub in the front yard. No Missy anywhere. I took him back to the pasture, went to town, came home and he was gone again. Sigh... At feeding time he was back in the pasture. Few minutes later Missy comes up from the neighbor's overgrown pasture on the other side of me. She jumped in - and got shocked doing it.

A few minutes later I talked to the good neighbor. He said he thought he saw Cowboy this morning when he was leaving for work, but it was really foggy and he just wasn't sure. He also told me that he'd had a game camera strapped to his front porch last night and caught a coyote in his front yard. No wonder Cowboy and Missy were out..... guess they went coyote hunting last night.

And just to make things more interesting, Missy is now locked in the trailer. I've been watching her and she's coming into season. So, MY plan is that Cowboy won't leave her to go coyote hunting. I hope he's down with my plan, lol. However, that leaves me a dog short to patrol the pasture. I guess Belle is about to have to put on her big girl panties and work with Cowboy.

I had a big ol' salad tonight straight from the garden! Nothing better than lettuce growing in the garden one minute and ten minutes later in my belly!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
That had to be scary! Missing dogs! I would have been freaking out. I'm glad they came home, I know you had to be worried.

So they went coyote hunting, reckon they got one? So far, my dogs stay in the fence, even when coyotes are close.

I like your trailer idea. In fact, I liked it so much that I put Sheba in the trailer recently when she came in heat. I had been watching her closely-and I mean CLOSE! I rolled her over every day and saw no signs. All of a sudden my boys were going nuts and acting like jerks. I looked at Sheba's lady parts, no swelling, no discharge, nothing. But obviously something was going on, so I locked her up. I felt bad for her and took her out every morning and put her in the garden while I did chores, then she got to hang out in the house with us. Evenings-back to the trailer. Best dog jail ever!
Cowboy and Missy jumped the hot wire and chased off coyotes...... :barnie Are you going to have to raise it another foot or two to make jumping 3 strings of hot wire really unpleasant? :he


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Not a good feeling at all to be missing dogs! But, I know that Cowboy knows where we live cuz he used to disappear quite frequently, lol. Last night was quiet after we dealt with a possum in the back yard. Raine had it "treed" to the top of the privacy fence. We went out intending to handle the problem but it was on the fence between us and the neighbors - wasn't a good place to be discharging a firearm. So DH grabbed a metal fence post and tried to encourage the possum to descend the fence. He was having none of that! He did finally descend, but on the other side. Not sure why he didn't want to come down on OUR side of the fence into the waiting arms of several young dogs and a guy with a metal fence post in his hands, lol. Hope Mr. Possum won't want to repeat that experience and will stay away!
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
It's ok! I've had it for ten yrs and went to advantage plan last yr ;) made first claim in all those years this yr -- have dental and vision coverage! Had eye exam...getting new glasses. They pay. :old. Amazing!!! You didn't age with sign up....calm yourself. 😁


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
i love all the paperwork they send you which says, "This is not a bill." ... ok, so we won't pay it right? *snickers*

in one case we actually won't (because the doc is nice and *mars bars*) it is a good thing we are in the *milky whey*...

and speaking of sweet stuff, i had fun breaking the fudge shop's website last week trying to get an order placed. they'd not had anyone order 18lbs of fudge at once before (and that was only one of the four orders).


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
Holy cow! 18 lbs of fudge! Sugar coma - but what a way to go, lol!

yeah! most of this is being given away to others so we'll end up with a few slices for ourselves. it is well worth it once in a while, but i like to keep it special and not have it all the time. like maple sugar candy. a little goes a long ways for me, but it is so good. :) those of you who have their own animals with all that cream i would be experimenting with how to turn that into fudge. might be a really nice cottage industry. :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
those of you who have their own animals with all that cream i would be experimenting with how to turn that into fudge.

I've made Cajeta (Mexican caramel sauce) out of goats milk....So Gooooood! But, I've never tried making fude. In fact I haven't made fudge in about a hunnert years or so, lol. Sounds good!

Yesterday we got a terrible shock. Got a letter from my Employee Retirement System saying that our monthly premium went up to $1187 a month! WTH? Panic abounded! DH is like - I guess I'll just die because we're absolutely NOT going to pay that much in insurance. Got on the phone.... stayed on hold for 45 minutes before finally getting through to a real human. DH starts telling him why we called and the first thing he says is "Sir - please stop right there." Huh? then he says "take a deep breath - the letter was sent in error." Obviously we weren't the only one who got it - hence the 45 minute hold time. Geeze Louise! What actually happened was that our premium went down almost $60 a month. Whew....

Went to Kroger bright and early this morning to pick up some briskets and rib roasts that were both on sale. Wouldn't you know it - they were totally out of the rib roasts and weren't giving rain checks.. :( Ugh! We picked up 4 briskets. One of them is going in the canner today. Another one will be ground up for ground beef. Can't find ground beef for 1.99 so I'll make my own!


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
Reaction score
Shenandoah Valley, Va
I went on Medicare 1 1/2 yrs ago. BEST THING I EVER DID !!!! Don't know what you have opted for as far as a supplement.... but if you have any joints that need replacing.... and haven''t had anyone advise you..... I suggest looking into a supplement plan.... PLAN G is what the ins lady at my job advised me to do. I have no basic health problems, take no medication regularly.... like diabetes or high cholesterol, or high blood pressure or anything. She said that is what she put her husband on when he retired and that is what she has also gone to for herself.
I had 6500 deductible at work, 80/20 on the prescriptions..... when I lost my full time status, I was eligible for medicare so not a problem to transition..... I pay the part B directly out of my SS check.... and the supplement that I pay out of my personal account is $100/month. My deductible is $287..... a year...... I am covered 100% after I meet that deductible. I also have the prescription part.... and pay 200/yr for that. I went with a very basic plan since I do not take "drugs" for any regular problems. I take next to no drugs anytime anyway. Like most on here, try to keep myself healthier instead of treating a problem instead of fixing the cause.....
But what I am saying... @Mini switched to the advantage plan because she said she never used the medicare and was paying more with nothing back.... so the advantage seems to be a better fit for her. It would not have been near as good a financial deal for me. My ankle replacement alone was in the many thousands..... I got 20 days in rehab all paid for except for the upgrade from semi private room to private room because I needed the peace and quiet.... not used to room mates and the constant stream of visitors in and out for them.... and I was trying to get used to the cast and then the boot plus the rehab.....
One thing, I have been told that it is nearly impossible to go from an advantage plan to a more comprehensive plan like mine..... so if you have any issues, try to get the most complete coverage.... you can always do like @Mini Horses and switch to a less expensive plan if you are not using the other.
I went to 3 different seminars when I was getting close to medicare age.... and was so confused.... so went to our ins lady at work, and we sat down, she asked me questions to determine what she thought I should do.... and I did what she suggested and am eternally thankful.....

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