Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
My sister has a pet cemetery with a pretty iron fence around it. She, my sister in law and even neighbors bury their beloved pets there. She has made it known that when she goes, cremate her, place her and her husband together in the pet cemetery next to PeeWee her tiny chihuahua that she loved so much. Not a bad idea.

I’ll say it again, my heart breaks for you and your husband.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You will never doubt that you didn't do everything you could. 💓
We tried. At one point a couple of weeks ago, I had an exploratory surgery scheduled for him and was talked out of it by a vet. She said she would do it, but didn't think it was necessary at that time. She wanted to try to manage him with meds. I don't know if at that point if it would have helped. But, he was cared for the very best way we knew how with veterinary advice the whole way.

I spent the last 3 months concentrating on him and have let so many other things slide. I'm behind on canning. I used up quite a bit of canned chicken and beef for Beau to eat. There were times when he'd eat nothing else. He particularly enjoyed the brisket chunks, lol. I need to get busy canning more meat.

I wanted to get a fall garden started and didn't do that either. I could probably still get some things planted except that we are living in a swamp. We had a foot of rain in September and it rained Tues - Sat this past week. I'm almost ready to move to the nearest desert - especially if said desert doesn't include mosquitos!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks @Mini Horses. He was a special guy and didn't deserve to go so soon. I've had dogs all my life and have loved them all - but he was something special. He wouldn't let me out of his sight and lived to make me smile. I miss him fiercely. But, you're right - sometimes nothing works.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
Very sorry for your loss of a dog that you obviously cared greatly for. When my shepherd came down with leukemia, and the meds weren't working, we made her comfortable til she didn't want to eat, and I made the appt with the vet to put her down, on his way home... she loved to ride in the truck... He got held up with an emergency and I had already gotten her in the truck on her bed in the back under the camper top... and said we were going for a ride in a little bit. She curled up and when he called me and said to meet him in half an hour at his house, I went to get in the truck, and she was gone... so I called him back and said that she had passed knowing she was going to get to go for another ride that she loved to do. Haven't had another dog since then.... maybe one day now that I am in my own place.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I just thought life was settling down and returning back to normal. We got a phone call from DH's cardiologist yesterday. He's been going through some procedures to resolve circulation issues in his legs. I don't know why we thought those procedures had been concluded. The nurse on the call explained that after his last post-procedure scan that they weren't happy with the results. We had been concerned because he's had some discoloration in his toes. We'd really like to keep his toes (and feet) so here we go again.

He now has 7 procedures scheduled between tomorrow and early December. Geeze louise! Thankfully they are all office procedures. He should only need pre-procedure pain medication for the most intense one and I'll definitely be the taxi for that one. The others he could go solo if I've got something else on my agenda.

I've also been looking around at the goat situation. Think it's time to make another cut. My plan is to get the numbers down to my easiest keeping goats - that means most of what I keep will be the Kiko crosses - and my favorite Nubian.

I have a guy who buys pigs from me every fall and he's already called and indicated that he wants some more this year too. Sometimes he butchers here and sometimes he does a kill and carry. He will even butcher one for me if I want. I don't mind butchering and I've gotten better with practice. I can generally go from hanging pig to an ice chest full of pork in about an hour and that includes skinning. I have a neighbor who I learned from and I can only hope to get as good as him. He can do two in the time it takes me to do one, lol. But, he's had a whole bunch more practice than I have.

I'm thinking that since we're about to embark on this marathon medical adventure that I might go drag DH out of bed and take a drive down to Galveston today. We can watch the ocean, browse a few shops and have a nice lunch and enjoy the beautiful weather we're having today. Maybe...

On that note - I need to get the critters fed and find some not so hole-y clothes.