Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Bee-you-tee-ful day today! I started in sweats and am now in a t-shirt and shorts. (why is t-shirt singular but shorts plural?)

I did more work on the buck shelter and have it ready for a roof. Ok - it's a tarp roof, but it's still a roof. I also wanted to plant some carrot seeds and OMG devastation! I have no carrot seeds! In my search I came across seed sellers on ebay. Good prices and no shipping charges from several sellers so I had to take advantage of that. I think I have about 4 or 5 different varieties of carrots on the way along with a couple other goodies, lol. Sigh... seed shopping is definitely an addiction.

I've been harvesting some microgreens for a few days now. Not a lot, but enough to put a little green crunch on a sammich. Started some more yesterday and planning on setting up another tray today. They are almost instant gratification.

Candled the chocolate laced eggs last night and, woohoo, we've got development in at least two of 'em. Not a great % for 8 eggs, but some of the eggs I just couldn't see well enough to be sure. Hopefully, there are a few more. Got notice that the Deathlayer eggs have been shipped. May the post office be gentle with them!

Rehydration break over - headed back outside.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
i first read that as candied chocolate laced eggs and said "interesting" to myself... :) then i figured out what you meant there...

i have chocolate on the brain since we just got our 11lbs of chocolate bars. these we use for cooking and making candies and also for general chocolate eating. for some reason the person we get these bars from won't charge us for them (we know it has something to do with that we do make cookies for them and also because they like us :) ).


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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i first read that as candied chocolate laced eggs and said "interesting" to myself... :) then i figured out what you meant there...
LOL - I should probably be more specific! But candied eggs of some sort doesn't sound half bad. I used to buy one Cadbury egg every year, but I haven't done that in quite a few years now. They're good, but so rich I can't even finish one.

I got a few things done today - laundry, kitchen cleaning, goat shelter repair. Boring stuff. The exciting stuff is that I'm sort of doing an experiment with fall garden seeds. I started a few in peat pellets and I'm going to direct sow some of the same seeds. Just curious. I'm pretty sure the peat pots will sprout first mostly because they're inside on top of the brooder getting some gentle bottom heat. All the seeds I plan to direct sow (hopefully tomorrow) will have to be tough and decide if they want to peek their heads out in the cold (actually not so cold here). We hit 70 today and will reach almost 80 later this week.

I'm definitely doing some potential season busting planting here because I also want to start some fresh ginger. Never grown it before but I have an organic piece of ginger that's decided to sprout. I feel obligated to give it a place and conditions to do so if it wants to grow that badly. It's going to be in a pot though so I can pamper it if needed.

Plan on putting some mixed lettuce seeds in a container too. Not sure where the cravings for green stuff came from - but I'm ok with it. Maybe it's just the gloomy-ish time of year.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Gloomy time of year. Also.... 70-80 degrees. :gig
It's all relative, lol! :lol:

Beautiful this week - but last week was overcast and drizzly for daaaaays! That qualifies as gloomy in my part of the world, lol.

I'm moving dirt today to put in the newly cleaned up raised bed. I try to add a couple of inches every year or so. so. To all those who shovel snow - I feel your pain. I'm shoveling dirt and it's pretty darn heavy too... :\ However, the dirt I'm shoveling will hopefully grow something so it's worth the effort. I didn't garden much last year so I'm determined to make up for it in 2022 (and the later part of 2021).

Crushed up some egg shells to feed to the slacker quail. I've bragged on quail so much that I'm feeling pretty betrayed by their behavior right now. No eggs! They're plenty old enough, but I guess their need for sunny days is more than they're getting right now. Low sunshine = no eggs! :mad: Feeling the need to butcher more of them right now - don't wanna feed no more freeloaders!

I need to get as much as possible taken care of today cuz errands rear their ugly head for the next few days. I hate errands. I'd rather stay home SS'ing.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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This is NOT a complaint - but it's HOT. Ok, it's 80. Not really hot, but certainly hot for December. Not getting a lot done today because of appointments this morning and another one this afternoon. Had to put DH's car in for repair. There's some kind of expensive sensor on one of his wheels and it controls stuff like his cruise control... I don't get it, but this is at least the 3rd time it's gone out over the years. It's previously always been covered by warranty - but now it's not. Bye- bye $1K+. Sheesh. Looking at other alternatives for transportation, lol. Maybe a mini horse drawn buggy? A bicycle? Hoverboard? I dunno...but right now I'm tired of cars. Have an appt tomorrow to check out a new to us car but I think I'm going to cancel. We don't really want a different vehicle - we like the ones we have. But, this is a repeat problem with his car. Ugh.

Got one of the raised beds planted yesterday with some greens and radishes. Put some lettuce seeds in a largish container. I'm going to plant some ginger soon. I cut the rhizome into several pieces that are already starting to sprout. After the callous over a little bit I'll plant 'em. I will probably need to baby it through the winter season - but I think I can do that. Maybe...

Heading out to DH's doc appt.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Car trouble. Phooey! I want the darn things to always START and RUN with no problems.
You and me both! No motor/transmission issues thank goodness. But, with new fangled cars it's mostly computers and/or sensors of some type. You know - the modern expensive parts...argh!

We requested information on a car from a dealership in town. MISTAKE! Within 15 minutes we had emails, texts and phone calls (and I didn't give them either of our phone numbers). Unfortunately, I've bought at least 7 cars from this dealership and they have all my info. I swear it's like being descended upon by locusts...


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
I sold cars for 1 1/2 years and did pretty good. I got in trouble for being too honest. LOL But my reputation was golden in town and I wasn't about to compromise myself. The dealership got a new sales manager that I could not stand so I quit. But I did buy BJ a new 2004 diesel Lariat truck at invoice plus a no interest loan from Ford, I still have that truck. LOL

You are right, it's like being hung up over a tiger cage, fresh meat!

Son has a Ford King Ranch, 2019 Dually diesel to pull his RV. Nice truck, but so many sensors and gadgets on it! I do like the back up camera, nice for hitching up a trailer!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
You are right, it's like being hung up over a tiger cage, fresh meat!
LOL - right! I can't blame anyone for trying to make a living. But, I told the guy(s) and 1 gal that I seriously only asked for information by email because I only wanted information by email! There was a place for comments - I should have requested no phone calls. My bad.

I've bought no less than 7 vehicles from this place over the years. It's not that they're any better or worse than another place - but they're geographically desirable. I once bought a 4-wheel drive truck from them drove off the lot and turned back around and had to put it in for service. "Somebody" took that truck for a he// of a drive while it was there putting over 10 miles on it and brought it back with the undercarriage caked with mud, grass wrapped up and hanging off the axles and with the dash cracked in half! I told them to keep it and give me my trade-in back. To their credit they did - but the d--n well should have, lol. For DH's Volvo we drive 45 minutes to the dealership in a very high traffic area. I hate it! But, it is what it is.

More gardening on the list for today in between errands. The bug has bitten me bad, lol. Our crazy weather has been so temperate that there's no reason I shouldn't be gardening year-round.

Some of the does are starting to build udders. First babies could be here in early January. Time to get those CDT shots done now! I should pick up some shavings soon too. I'll finish the repairs on the buck shelter soon so that they can go back to their own pen so I can reclaim the area they're in now for mamas/babies. Can't wait for some babies! These will be Frankies first offspring. Anticipation!

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