Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks ya'll!

Ran a couple of errands this morning. Have DD and fam coming in for the weekend. Bought groceries and goodies for the grands so pretty set there. We'll do something simple Friday night because only Son-in-Law and one grand coming that night. The rest of 'em will be here Saturday. Thinking about pulled pork for the main meal Saturday night. It's easy and a pork shoulder provides a buncha meals.

DH has a doc appt for another leg procedure. Sure hope this is the last one. Shouldn't complain though because his legs are feeling much better and even the skin color is better with better circulation. Yay! Now if I could just get him to use his legs more. I keep trying to convince him that walking is his friend!

I guess I should probably get up and run the vac and dust or something...maybe.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
I guess I should probably get up and run the vac and dust or something...maybe.

if you have a bunch of pet turtles with velcro on the bottom then you could attach dust mops and they could do that for you. :)

all those relatives coming, maybe they like omlettes, strada, etc. :)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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As it turns out, DD and family are very fond of quiche. That means I’ll be providing several quiches for dinner tomorrow night. Found an interesting recipe for a Mexican quiche that will be one of the choices.There will also be a bacon and caramelized onion along with a vegetable variety. Haven’t decided yet whether to include a crust, but probably will on at least two of them. DH and I can always leave behind the crust on our servings.

I need to get me a bunch of pet turtles, lol.


Sustainability Master
Oct 24, 2019
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mid-Michigan, USoA
As it turns out, DD and family are very fond of quiche. That means I’ll be providing several quiches for dinner tomorrow night. Found an interesting recipe for a Mexican quiche that will be one of the choices.There will also be a bacon and caramelized onion along with a vegetable variety. Haven’t decided yet whether to include a crust, but probably will on at least two of them. DH and I can always leave behind the crust on our servings.

all of those sound great to me. :)

I need to get me a bunch of pet turtles, lol.

my work here is done... ;)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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As it turned out only son-in-law and grandson came down. SIL races motorcycles and had a race this weekend. Daughter and the grandgirls decided to stay home.

Made a couple of quiches for Friday night good and they were totally devoured, lol.

Saturday morning they got up early to get out to the race track. I didn't go out until about 9am. DH stayed home to work on the slide show and his eulogy for his mother's service. It was C.O.L.D. at the track. It was so cold that my poor truck was begging me to come warm it up. I gave in and spoiled my truck by starting it up, turning on the heat AND the seat heaters just so it could have a break from the cold, dampness.

SIL as doing great in the race and running in a comfortable 4th place when the chain on his bike broke. ARGH! He was so disappointed. We were all pretty frozen by then so we came back here and had grilled cheese and tomato basil soup. Those boys can eat! Three sandwiches for grandson. I used almost an entire loaf of bread, lol.

They went back out to the track for more bike maintenance and got back in the early evening. Son and DIL came over for dinner too. Pulled pork and corn on the cob - no carbs there, lol. I steamed some broccoli just to be able to say there was something healthy on the table.

They headed back out to the track before 6am this morning. His first race isn't until after lunch so I'm hanging out at home until at least noonish. Hopefully it'll warm up some by then.

Better get outside and feed the starving critters!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Woo Hoo - Son in law won one of his races and came in 3rd in the other one. So exciting - but very hard for me to watch. There were several wipe-outs during the day - one required the Life Flight helicopter to take a rider to the hospital. Every time he goes out on the track I hold my breath.

I could easily NOT go - but I go to support family and because if something happened to SIL during a race I want to be there for grandson. Wouldn't want him to try to deal with something like that by himself. One of the wipe outs happened to a person who pitted right next to us. He walked away from his crash, but his poor bike! It was missing quite a few parts and had picked up quite a bit of grass and mud as it slid off the track and into the grass. It was really windy and that played havoc with the guys going around the curves such a high rate of speed. Yikes! Several of the wipe outs yesterday were blamed on the wind.

Getting close to weaning time for the babies. Hopefully I can start making some decisions on which little goats might stay and which might go. This shouldn't be so hard - but it is!

We're supposed to have a stretch of nice weather this week. Hope it holds so I can get in some prep and planting soon. I'm ready!

Need to go buy grain and fill up the truck today. I'm scared!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Been working outside for the last couple days. Weather is awesome! I can't ditch the feeling that I'm running behind on everything right now. Especially the garden... (even though we're still having low temps at night)

Unloaded a lot of feed yesterday - but need to finish the last few bags today. Topped off the goats mineral feeders and nearly got stampeded by the gals to see who could get to them first. The babies love the minerals too - along with their creep feeder. Fourteen babies eat a LOT!

"Thinking" about a new tiller purchase. Tired of fighting the old one every spring. It's at least 20 years old and has been reliable until recently. DS has had to work on it the last couple of years to get it going in the spring. Probably has something to do with me not storing it correctly and not starting it often enough in the off season and it's just old. I tried to start it yesterday and broke a cable...maybe two. Things didn't sound right and didn't feel right so.... I'm going to need to decide pretty quickly though. My old one is a Troy Bilt and it's been good for a lot of years. I'd like to get another rear-time, but maybe something not quite as large. I dunno - guess I need to see what's available. And - I want something that I can use a row making attachment with.

DH had to go shopping today to get a new suit for his Mom's service on Saturday. I told him not to donate his other one when he retired! ARGH!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Been a minute since I updated the journal. But, since my life is so boring there's not been too much to post, lol.

However - today has already been a banner day. I had some goats listed for sale and I just sold all three of them! And (drum roll please) while the buyers were here they asked if I had anything else for sale. Um....yea! I had 4 bucklings. Now the buyers have 4 bucklings + the three does they bought from me. Seven less mouths to feed!

I've got two pigs left. At least one of them will be butchered soon, probably within a week, with the other one not far behind. Found out that my son has an empty freezer that I will take advantage of for a portion of the pork. I also want to can some chunks and grind some too.

Garden is calling to me. Got a little done yesterday and hope to get some serious planting done soon too. Again - weather dependent. But, after today's possible rain and a small chance on Monday - weather forecast is nice!

Need to go out and move a young doe into the pasture with the other does since she lost her roommate this morning. She'll be happier to be with the other gals.