Wild Hare
Oof, that's a rough week @frustratedearthmother
I'll be thinking of you today

Agree! I had one of their front load washers - lasted a couple years and it was expensive too. The last time I bought a washer and dryer I bought the most basic model I could find. No fancy gimmicks - just clean clothes. Getting back to basics is a whole bunch cheaper and I bet they last a lot longer with less bells and whistles.I hate Samsungs. Their washers, their refrigs and more. Nothin' but trouble each time I bought one!
So sorry for your losses!Lost a 600+ lb steer... that's over $1800 buried.... pulled a dead calf Sunday and cow is all swelled up and no milk so not going to try to graft a calf on her ... good cow so don't want to sell her, but there's a whole lactation lost. Couldn't afford a baby calf anyway... they are bringing $400-1,000 each right now...
I have been recycling since the 70's . Guess what... there are no contracts here anymore for the plastic. They are co-mingling the metal and plastic.... and alot of it is going to the landfill you say, why bother... There was a company that was making things like building blocks out of plastic but never hear anything else about it... so just bury it in the landfill... Yet, I still do it out of habit... like you, it just seems right.
Just crazy busy with all of DH's appt's. Two therapists and a nurse here on Tuesday. Cardiologist appt. yesterday. Back for lab work today. Got by the tax office for handicapped parking tags.No pressure, but we (I) get a little concerned when we don't hear from you for a couple days. I hope all is well.