Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Gloom and doom, gloom and doom, lol. One thing I've learned in the multitude of years I've spent on this earth is that life is cyclical. There are great times and there are not so great times. We're in one of those challenging cycles right now but I have full faith that things will change. I mean, I'm getting a new fridge, lol. I've been annoyed at this one for awhile so...the universe is seeing that I get another one. Also, got to the very back and found a (ahem) few things that were past their prime. So, even though it's a PIA to go through the clean up - I'll be starting with a brand new, not quite so overstuffed fridge.

Weird night last night. Kept hearing things move around on DH's side of the bed. His, thankfully empty, water glass jumped off the end table. Later I heard it roll around on the floor and bump into the closet doors. During that time I had dreams of a ghost in the garage throwing buckets at me, lol.

Youngest DGD's birthday yesterday. She lives with her dad since DD passed. They are growing up so fast. I need to get on her schedule this summer so we can spend some time together. She is so busy with sports and vacays in the summer that it's hard to sneak her away. Gonna make it happen though. Miss that girl - she's the one that's most like my DD. Just for the record - I miss all my grandkids, lol. No favorites - they're all different and wonderful in their own way.

Gotta finish this cup of coffee and finish cleaning out the old fridge. What an ordeal!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I hate Samsungs. Their washers, their refrigs and more. Nothin' but trouble each time I bought one!
Agree! I had one of their front load washers - lasted a couple years and it was expensive too. The last time I bought a washer and dryer I bought the most basic model I could find. No fancy gimmicks - just clean clothes. Getting back to basics is a whole bunch cheaper and I bet they last a lot longer with less bells and whistles.

Still working on cleaning out the old fridge. Guess it wouldn't be so bad if I weren't trying to clean the containers of all the old crap so I can recycle them. Can't stand throwing away all that plastic and glass. Means I have to dump the old stuff and rinse the containers. More work - but worth it to me.

Next I'll start working on the extra fridge in the breezeway so I can transfer some of the stuff from the broken one into it. Having three huge ice chests in the house is taking up a whole bunch of room and one of 'em is leaking around the plug. Nothing like having to clean up that mess too. I've got that end of it propped up now to mitigate the leakage.


Super Self-Sufficient
Mar 12, 2017
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Shenandoah Valley, Va
My sympathies for you @frustratedearthmother .... it seems like there are a whole bunch SHTF things this week with several people I know.
Lost a 600+ lb steer... that's over $1800 buried.... pulled a dead calf Sunday and cow is all swelled up and no milk so not going to try to graft a calf on her ... good cow so don't want to sell her, but there's a whole lactation lost. Couldn't afford a baby calf anyway... they are bringing $400-1,000 each right now...

Now this avian flu affecting cattle in Texas.... highly contagious has jumped to mammals.... and cattle prices dropped quite a bit just today... it will balance out I am sure..

I have been recycling since the 70's . Guess what... there are no contracts here anymore for the plastic. They are co-mingling the metal and plastic.... and alot of it is going to the landfill you say, why bother... There was a company that was making things like building blocks out of plastic but never hear anything else about it... so just bury it in the landfill... Yet, I still do it out of habit... like you, it just seems right.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Lost a 600+ lb steer... that's over $1800 buried.... pulled a dead calf Sunday and cow is all swelled up and no milk so not going to try to graft a calf on her ... good cow so don't want to sell her, but there's a whole lactation lost. Couldn't afford a baby calf anyway... they are bringing $400-1,000 each right now...
So sorry for your losses!

I have been recycling since the 70's . Guess what... there are no contracts here anymore for the plastic. They are co-mingling the metal and plastic.... and alot of it is going to the landfill you say, why bother... There was a company that was making things like building blocks out of plastic but never hear anything else about it... so just bury it in the landfill... Yet, I still do it out of habit... like you, it just seems right.

We went with a new trash pick-up service strictly because they offer recycling. We've become friendly with the young man that runs the company. I'm pretty confident that he does the recycling. He has posted pictures on his facebook page at the recycling center. (guess they could be random pics, but I think he's a good guy and does what he says) He even made a special trip to my house when we were doing construction just to pick up our construction debris. He didn't ask for any additional payment but we tipped him well. He is a small independent business and I like to support his efforts. Another perk of his service is that he returns the trash can and recycling bin to the garage. Love that guy!

What I have discovered is that our Walmart takes the plastic bags that are returned for recycling and throws them away. My DIL worked there for awhile and she tipped me off. It raised a bit of a stink in town and I don't know if they still toss 'em. Hope not!

Going to go throw together some salmon patties for dinner. DH will be happy!


Sustainability Master
Nov 13, 2010
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East Texas
Life sucks sometimes, you have been hit with a lot coming from all directions. I will pray that you get some relief. Those cycles where everything goes wrong, seem to never end. But they finally do end and things go right once more. I’m really sorry for the diagnosis on your husband. He is a very good man, I’m so sorry he is in such pain. Big hugs and love to you both.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
No pressure, but we (I) get a little concerned when we don't hear from you for a couple days. I hope all is well.
Just crazy busy with all of DH's appt's. Two therapists and a nurse here on Tuesday. Cardiologist appt. yesterday. Back for lab work today. Got by the tax office for handicapped parking tags.

Asked a few questions of his new cardiologist yesterday. I'd been told several things about his heart issue. Seems that his heart attack was completely linked to his blood sugar being so high. When blood sugar is that high you lose a lot of fluids because the body is trying to eliminate the sugar through urine. When you get dehydrated the blood gets thick. HIs was literally like molasses and his heart was struggling to pump that stuff causing the problem. Officially, it was a NSTEMI heart attack. Not as bad as the ones where there is actually a blockage and part of the heart muscle dies from lack of O2.

None of these things ever happen at an opportune time, lol. Kidding season and baby raising season is a lot of work and some of it is being neglected around here. :confused: I feel horrible but there are simply not enough hours in the day for me to get everything done. DH literally doesn't take a step without me being behind him and holding on to his belt. A couple of times a day I promise him that I will whoop his butt if he tries to get out of his chair - and I run outside to try to feed or check on babies.

Trying to get back to normal (whatever that is) but I'm tired. I haven't had a full night's sleep in over two weeks. It'll happen eventually!
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
OMG - got the new fridge today and spent all day re-stocking it. Had to wipe off everything that was in ice chests because it was dripping wet. Can't put wet, dripping stuff in the new fridge! When I got to the freezer stuff almost everything that had been frozen was mostly thawed. Didn't want to refreeze meat so whatever was totally thawed out got cooked up for the dogs, and everything that was still frozen in the middle got cooked for us. Dogs will be very happy for the next few days. This is when I miss pigs, lol.

By the end of the day, I had 3 miles of steps on my poor feet. I like to be barefoot, but standing all day in the kitchen, which is basically the same as standing on concrete, has my feet complaining. I should have put on some shoes, but I really hate wearing shoes in the house. Guess I better get over that!

DH did well today. He seems to be a little stronger every day. Heck, I even felt better today. Good thing since I've been going since about 5am.

Going to have to hit the sack soon.

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