Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I asked hubs: are they the Oilers? He said yes, but they changed the name years ago.
Well, actualllllyyyyy.... The Houston Oilers owner pulled the team out of Houston in 1997 because he wanted a new stadium and the city wouldn't give it to him. Guess the Astrodome wasn't good enough for him back then. He then moved the team to Tennessee. Their new name is the Tennessee Titans after calling themselves the Tennesse Oilers for a couple of years.

The Houston Texans are a completely new team - not just a renamed team. I guess they're not so new anymore - they were established in 2002.

DH's appt today with his endocrinologist went pretty well. No real changes - just keep on keeping on. Occupational therapy will be here at 8:30 tomorrow morning.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks for the lesson!!
You're welcome! Houstonians (and most of us in the area) felt betrayed when the Oilers were snatched away from us. It has created a bit of a rivalry between the Texans and the Titans.

Up way too early again this morning. What is it about 4:47a that makes my body want to witness it every morning? I don't like it. Only good thing about it is that I get to enjoy my coffee without playing waitress to DH. Oops, did I say that out loud? :hide

The adjustment to his shunt on Monday has helped. He is able to walk better and even think a little more clearly. Hope he continues to improve and that the improvement stays steady instead of fluctuating like previously. They tell us it may take months for him to reach the peak of improvement. Looks like this will be a bit of a prolonged process - but totally worth it if it gives him the much hoped for results.

We're supposed to get some cold-ish temps tonight. I think we're headed for the low 40's and maybe even high 30's. I've got a sprawling volunteer cherry tomato plant out there that I'll do my best to protect. It's got loads of little tomatoes on it that I want! Might look for some suckers on it and snap 'em off. It would be cool if I could get 'em to root and keep 'em alive over winter. Maybe add some grow lights and have fresh tomatoes all winter? Ha! I really need a green house!

First cup down. I need to tackle a chore or two before I reward myself with that second cup.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Another early morning start. Ugh. Downstairs and jump starting the day at 4:30a. Washing machine just gave me notice that the first load is done. Several more to go. Rumba was up and working not long after I came down.

Got great news last night - Grands are coming Sunday and will stay until Wednesday! Wish they could stay through T'giving, but they've got other plans. I'm not gonna complain too much. Our last visit got cut short so I intend to enjoy this one even more.

We've had some really cool nights. Low of 41 yesterday and woke up to 44 this morning. I probably screwed up. I covered my tomato plant Wed night, but didn't cover it again last night. It wasn't supposed to get this cold. Hope it isn't too damaged.

Might do a canner load of sweet 'taters today. Might not. Depends on how much other stuff I get done I guess. I promised DH that while we have nice weather, I'll get him outside to enjoy it. Might park him outside when PT comes this afternoon. That'll kill two birds with one stone. He can get some sunshine and do his exercises at the same time.

I should get busy - need to do some meal planning for the kiddos visit.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Woo hoo! Got some quality shut-eye last night. Had a couple of interruptions with DH's blood sugar, but went right back to sleep and didn't get out of bed until almost 7. I'm a new woman today!! It's a good thing too because I've got lots to do.

Need to clean DH's bathroom before the grands get here because that's the one they use too. We've got two full baths upstairs and I claimed the master bath for myself! DH uses the other one. I can't expect my grands to deal with his mess, lol.

I should get something outta the freezer too. Those kiddos expect to eat when they get here. They're pretty awesome though because they'll get in there and cook. Grandson makes some awesome chicken and dumplings. Granddaughter can cook just about anything. Their mama taught them well. Miss her every minute of every day...

Did another preg test on a goat yesterday and she tested positive! I think that's all of the ones that I wanted bred. Have some young ones that'll have to wait until next year. (or get eaten in the interim, lol)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Have a super wonderful love filled time with your Grands!!
Thanks so much! We'll have some fun. Don't know what we're going to do yet - but I bet there'll at least be some fishing involved.

Might want to take them shopping. Need to get their Christmas lists - or ask if they'd prefer money. I kind of think that money is a cop out on my part - but they generally love it. I'm so time crunched these days that I kind of hope they prefer money. I cashed in our AMEX reward points for some gift cards the other day. That's free money. Love those reward points.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Up and not quite "at 'em" this morning. Working on the first cup of coffee and need at least a gallon more. But, the day will be wonderful because the grands are coming!!! They aren't leaving until around noon so it'll be late afternoon and almost dark when they get here. I wish they were already here! It'll be okay though....we'll have a great visit no matter what.

I got a bunch of goats moved yesterday. Hope that's the permanent winter move, (at least until kidding starts) but most likely not. Everything changes. Need to move a round bale today or tomorrow at the latest. I'm thrilled that I'm getting over 3 weeks out of a bale. I think this last one was 25 days. At that rate I should have enough to last until new hay starts coming in. If not - oops!

Tried to start my big generator yesterday - just because DH has been nagging me about it, lol. But, I think it's a good idea to do it at least monthly and I think I skipped a month. Shame on me. Pushed the start button and BOOOOO. I guess the battery is dead cuz I just get a "hmmmmmm" instead of a big ol roar. Oh great. I put the charger on it so hope it fires right up this morning. I have a back-up, smaller generator that I need to check out this morning. So many things to take care of when you're the only one taking care of things. I need a clone of me...or live in help, lol!

Guess all this whining isn't gonna fix things so I better get up and get busy.

Happy Sunday ya'll!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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OH my gosh. My son, my son. He is my fixer of things. On the odd occasion I ask him for help he usually gives me the look. "Mom, are you sure it's really broke?"

"Yep, I pushed the button and it wouldn't start." So, he walks out to the generator....pushes the button and gets the same hummmmmm I got yesterday. "Told you so" I say. It's broke or at least needs a new battery because I've had the charger on it all night. He pushes the button again and gets the hummmmm again. Except his hum turns into a roar and it fires right up. ARGH! It happens every time. He asks me how long I held the button down. Well, I held the button down until I heard it start humming - and I let go of the button. I don't want to break something so I'm not going to keep holding the button down if it doesn't start right up. But...things that won't work for me cower in fright before him and start right up. Every. Single. Time. Works with generators, lawnmowers, cars, tractors. Everything starts for him! I guess I've got nothing to complain about, lol.

Had a good day with the grands. Ran errands this morning, and lounged around and watched a movie mid-afternoon. DGS made his famous chicken and dumplings for dinner. While it simmered we went out back to the pond and dropped a line. DGD was the only lucky fisherperson today. She caught a bass. I'm pleased with how they're growing. I think by this time next year we'll have some nice bass.

The plan for tomorrow is for early morning fishing at the park about 5 minutes from here. Not sure I'll make it but the grands and DDIL will definitely be out there. I need to see how DH is in the morning. If his blood sugar is behaving I can slip away for a little bit.

Tired tonight. Not much sleep the last couple of nights. Hoping for better tonight.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Another night of interrupted sleep - but I'm getting used to it. Kids and DDIL are fishing. DGS caught a bass but I haven't heard anything else. DH has PT this morning so I skipped fishing to get him ready and to be here.

Had some inquires on some goats I have listed, but so far only tire kickers...or goat kickers? LOL - I amuse myself.

I need to unload some feed, but I might wait until DGS is home from fishing and can feel useful. He does love to help. He's the kind of kid that literally walks around looking for something to do. Gotta help keep him busy - wouldn't want him to be bored!

Had a buck in the wrong pen this morning and wouldn't you know it he's chasing around one of the yearling does. One of the very small yearling does. She's half myotonic and pretty short. She's stocky, but not big enough to bear a Boer kid. I'll head to the vets early next week and pick up some Lutalyse for her. I've got some in my med cabinet but I think it's at least several years past expiration.

I've got a pork loin thawing for tonight. Probably roast some white and sweet potatoes in the pan with it along with garlic and onions. I'll figure out another veggie for a side dish and probably make cornbread. Poor DH...I guess I can come up with some lower carb side dishes for him.

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