Found this recipe in Mother Earth News Salmon and Purslane Salad Recipe
1 can salmon
1 cup mature purslane leaves, stripped off the stems (immature leaves contain more oxalic acid, and are thus less nutritious)
1 very small onion, sliced thin
Chopped fresh herbs to taste (I like thyme and oregano, but Walt prefers dill)
Vinaigrette salad dressing
Drain the salmon and put it in a mixing bowl. Add the onion slices, the purslane leaves and the fresh herbs. Mix in vinaigrette salad dressing to taste. Serve.
Thanks Britesea! DH and I are trying to eat more salmon anyway - so I'll give that a try. Oxalic acid and me don't get along too well so I'll be sure to go for the bigger, mature leaves.... I've got tons to choose from!
Been a little bit of a slug today... Spent about 3 hours in town this morning and I really do NOT enjoy running errands. I had to get feed and so far today I've unloaded exactly ONE bag, lol. One down and 11 to go... ugh.
I did empty the dehydrator. I had nine trays of various squashes in there...and now I have nine more trays of various squashes in there. I love dehydrating. I'm gonna do onions next I think.
I think I might be officially devastated.... not sure yet but I'll let ya'll know when I know. After the big rains (of which we had more today) it looks like EVERYTHING in my garden is wilting away. What the HECK? Yes, we've had tons of rain. It can now officially be measured in feet... (not complaining) But, tomatoes, summer squash, and peppers look baaaaaad. And, the stink bugs have found the tomatoes too. I knew if I pulled up them stinking pea plants that they (stinkbugs) would move to the tomatoes. I need to go out and bag some more... since the plants have wilted so much it makes the developing tomatoes so much easier to see. I'm not sure it's even worth my time now. ARGH I have spent soooo much time on the garden this year... and it was looking so promising... sigh. Such is the life of a farmer. Okra, corn, onions, melons and winter squash still look far.
Rain has stopped for now so I better make use of the little bit of daylight that's left.
Had to go out around midnight last night and move the mama goat and her two babies...their pen was filling up with water and rapidly shrinking. A couple of the chicken pens are flooded too. I'll open the gates and let them out of their pens. There is a little high ground left - just not where it's needed, lol. Water was in the feed room again.... thankfully the feed is all in trash cans that sit up on pallets.
Oh goodie - 80 percent chance of rain today with 3 to four inches possible. yay...
Weeeeellll that's a good question, lol. It's good for the pond - it's overflowing now. It simply can't hold anymore water and it's out of it's banks. It's good if you're a goose that loooooves the pond! It's even good to replenish the ground water around here. Last summer some folks had their well go dry.
Butttttttt, it's not so good in my feed room which got flooded. Water receded quickly but left mud and muck and stinkiness in it's place. It's not so good for a baby chicken that somehow got into a tub of rain water and drowned. Not so hot for the chickens in runs that are flooded. I opened their gates so they could get to higher ground and they're so stooooopid that they didn't even figure it out, lol. They just sat on top of their coops and looked forlorn. They've got that look perfected now! Not so good if you're a goat who doesn't like to get their feet wet. They've been hanging around in the barn for a couple days now. I was feeding them a bale a day and today I said we've got to stop this madness! Go. Out. And. GRAZE/BROWSE. They refused... whaddya gonna do?
Horses are kinda neutral on the subject. Sometimes they stay outside in the worst of it - other times they hunker down in the barn when it's barely sprinkling. Ground is soft though so I'm sure it makes their sore feet a little happier!
Not looking too good in my garden either... maybe too much water...maybe some fungus starting up or wilt of some kind. Tomatoes look bad, summer squash looks bad, peppers look bad... They look just like a plant that's had NO water at all - looking totally wilted. Not sure if they'll pull through. On the other hand, my corn and okra look good. Green beans looked good this morning and looked dead this afternoon.... I just don't get it. The plants aren't in standing water - but the ground is absolutely saturated now.
Most of the creeks and rivers are at capacity but thankfully we got a break today and didn't get as much rain as was predicted - at least not yet.
Rain is still in the forecast tomorrow but it looks like we'll finally catch a break next week!
Sooooo, it is a blessing to finally be caught up on our rainfall. My neighbor, who keeps tack of these things, says we're at around 15 inches since this stuff started. CRAZY! I will absolutely NOT entertain the idea of a hurricane or tropical storm showing up anytime soon and dumping even more wetness here. Where's the 'praying' smiley when you need one???