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- #1,781
Sustainability Master
We're hanging in there - thanks for asking. 
DH is still inconstant pain, but I guess he's getting used to it... if you can. He can get in and out of a chair by himself now. We went back to the doc Thursday and they increased his pain meds. We have another follow-up with the ER doc on Friday and an apt. with his primary care doc on Tuesday.
While we were out Thursday we stopped by a Volvo dealership to take a quick look at a new car. DH waited while I test drove a car, but he fell in love with a different version of the car that I test drove. Of course, the car he loves is a much fancier version that gets less gas mileage and costs much more than the car I drove. But, I'd still get it for him if the dealership hadn't tried to sc*** is in the short time we were there. I sent a scathing email to the salesman and made sure to copy the Pres/CEO of the dealership on the email.
I got Lil Bit buried, but with all the rain we've had I couldn't get the hole very deep cuz I hit standing water. So, I did the best I could only to go out a couple days later after a 6+inch rainfall to find that she had partially floated out of the hole... omg!
Can this week get any worse?
I had put eggs in the incubator before we left on vacation and had a pretty good hatch. I've got 20+ chicks out of the 30 or so eggs I put in there. I had tossed a few early as they were infertile and out of the ones left had about a 85% hatch. I think I've even got some meaty crosses in the bunch.
I'm milking Chanel every day now, but only once a day, and getting almost two quarts per milking. Not bad...and it's plenty of milk for DH and I.
Gonna put a pot roast in the crock pot for tomorrow, so I want to go get that ready tonight. I'm going to try very hard to work an entire day tomorrow. DH is going to try and work from home. Guess he really doesn't have much choice, lol. He's not fit for driving and even if he were, he's got no car. We should have payment for his car by tomorrow or Tuesday. It was totaled...
DH is still inconstant pain, but I guess he's getting used to it... if you can. He can get in and out of a chair by himself now. We went back to the doc Thursday and they increased his pain meds. We have another follow-up with the ER doc on Friday and an apt. with his primary care doc on Tuesday.
While we were out Thursday we stopped by a Volvo dealership to take a quick look at a new car. DH waited while I test drove a car, but he fell in love with a different version of the car that I test drove. Of course, the car he loves is a much fancier version that gets less gas mileage and costs much more than the car I drove. But, I'd still get it for him if the dealership hadn't tried to sc*** is in the short time we were there. I sent a scathing email to the salesman and made sure to copy the Pres/CEO of the dealership on the email.
I got Lil Bit buried, but with all the rain we've had I couldn't get the hole very deep cuz I hit standing water. So, I did the best I could only to go out a couple days later after a 6+inch rainfall to find that she had partially floated out of the hole... omg!

I had put eggs in the incubator before we left on vacation and had a pretty good hatch. I've got 20+ chicks out of the 30 or so eggs I put in there. I had tossed a few early as they were infertile and out of the ones left had about a 85% hatch. I think I've even got some meaty crosses in the bunch.
I'm milking Chanel every day now, but only once a day, and getting almost two quarts per milking. Not bad...and it's plenty of milk for DH and I.
Gonna put a pot roast in the crock pot for tomorrow, so I want to go get that ready tonight. I'm going to try very hard to work an entire day tomorrow. DH is going to try and work from home. Guess he really doesn't have much choice, lol. He's not fit for driving and even if he were, he's got no car. We should have payment for his car by tomorrow or Tuesday. It was totaled...