Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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MRI confirmed major concussion.... The pupil is still enlarged. She won't be released back to school until she is cleared by a pediatric neurologist. That poor girl! But, she is so tough... wasn't really complaining of any major pain..."I kind of have a headache." :hu

And, the plot thickens. Turns out that one of the daycare workers was the one that threw the ball that hit her...saw her fall...helped her up and DIDN'T write it up or tell anyone... Can you say cover-up? Can you say FIRED! (at least she should be!)

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Why in the world would she throw the ball in the first place? If that worker is not fired, I'd really think hard about sending her back there. It does not sound like a safe place for her.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Oh no! Healing energy on its way!
I hope it all settles out soon and she bounces back quickly!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks ya'll! Her pupils are finally the same size again and she's regaining her usual spunk and energy - good news there! My DD is disputing the ER bill - as she should. The NP simply looked at her eyes and ears and sent her home saying 'she'll be fine'. Stupid, stupid, stupid....


The cold weather has found it's way south, and it wasn't kind... My old Buff Orpington rooster, Bo, succumbed last night. He was at least 12 years old and up until this last year was still cock of the walk. But, age and weather finally got him. He was walking (more like tottering) and eating at feeding time last night and gone this morning.

I need to work through lunch today and leave an hour early to get home and get ready for tonight's freeze. They changed the forecast - ugh. It wasn't supposed to freeze until next week, but now they're calling for it tonight. Thanks for the early warning!

I've been working on changing the big garden area into a place for the bucks. I'm converting the hoop house that was for tomatoes into a new pen for the guys. There's already a shelter out there that is suitable for the smaller bucks, but the big guys need something a little more spacious. I've just about got it all done, so I'll be moving the bucks around no later than this weekend - maybe earlier.

Sparkle, the kinder that nearly died with her head stuck in the fence, managed to do it again yesterday. What a dummy! Thankfully, she's up in the front barnyard so I couldn't miss seeing her. I'm trying to get a scur off of her head that keeps contributing to her getting trapped. I put a castrating band on it Sunday and taped it in place. I've never tried this before, so I'm just hoping it works. Just hoping I got the band low enough... It's a tall scur, but fairly small in diameter and really loose. I'm not sure why she never knocked it off when trapped in the fence, but I guess she's just not a fighter. Hopefully, in a couple weeks it will be gone and I can toss her back out in the pasture. She's freshly bred so she needs to be out of the small barnyard area and outside getting lotsa exercise in the pasture. I don't need any overweight does who tend to have more kidding problems.

Had a guy call me the other day who is looking for some goats to buy. He's bought from me before, so I'm hoping he'll come and get some of these extra bucks I have right now. Who needs 8 bucks? I'd like to sell at least 3 or 4 of 'em! And since I'm planning to cut down on the pygmies I'm sure I can find a couple does for him too. :fl

DH is continuing to improve from his wreck, but this cold weather has his bones really aching. Poor guy...he's trying so hard now to help out around the farm... but it's just not time. He needs to finish healing before he does something that will set him back even further. Patience, grasshopper!


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Lol Britsea.
This cold snap isn't fun! I'm not thrilled at all! Hope you're able to get everything done that you need to before the temp drops!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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You're right about that, Britesea.
Thanks, HQ!
I got most of my "to-do's" done after work yesterday. Was way past dark-thirty when I finally went inside. And, off all the noive, I woke up this morning to a whopping 41 degrees! "They" said we would get a freeze last night, and while I'm glad we didn't, I'm a little miffed. I worked hard! And, to top it off, I'm going to have to uncover everything that I covered...argh. And, then when it really does freeze, I'll have to do it all again.... geeze!

Sparkle still seems a little off today... I hope it's only because of the band around her scur. She's still eating hay, but not crazy interested in feed. Totally unlike her, or any healthy goat for that matter! If she's not acting better by tonight, I'll be taking her temp and maybe start her on some antibiotics if needed.

Better get to work, TGIF!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks, Deb. She seems to have snapped out of whatever it was. She's back to being pushy at the feeder so I'm sure all is well.

Yesterday was productive. I finished off the shelter for the bucks and got them all moved into their new digs. Tried putting Dusty (9 month old Nubian buck) with the two grown Kinder bucks. OMG - it was horrible...they tried to molest Dusty repeatedly. He's bigger then they are so I thought he'd hold his own....but nope. Either he's too young to challenge them, or more likely, the whole two against one thing was overwhelming for him. I moved him back in with the smaller bucks where he promptly proceeded to molest them. ARGH! Thankfully, Red had the solution to the whole mess. I saw her standing at the fence and flagging her tail - so she and Dusty went into their own pen. Problem solved - at least temporarily. Today I'll probably have to re-do their arrangement...

By moving the bucks, I've opened up two pens in the barnyard area. One of the pens will be used for additional garden space since I gave up my big garden area for the new buck pen. At least until spring, I'll try to convince some of the chickens to take up residence in those pens. I'd like to get back to breeding some of the purebreds again. They'll need to be penned separately for a month or so before I start incubating eggs again.

It's cold and drizzly today, so maybe I'll concentrate most of my energy inside the house. MY DD, her fiancé, and the grandkiddos are coming in for Thanksgiving. I need to give the guest rooms a good going through and inspect DH's bathroom to make sure it's fit for guests. He and I have separate bathrooms for most of the year, but when we have guests they use his. And, I've been surprised and horrified at his idea of clean before, lol.

My lower back is a little tight this morning from all the lifting and hauling yesterday. So, maybe, just maybe, I'll grab one more cup of coffee and slide into the hot tub before I start my day.

Happy Sunday, ya'll!

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