Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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DS is improving - probably going back to work today. Granddaughter is still sleeping more than usual...
DH seems to be progressin. I only heard his rib pop a couple times yesterday evening....still weird to hear him popping though...

FAMILY RANT WARNING - absolutely nothing SS contained in the following:

Weird family things going on right now and I guess I'm being a baby and let my feelings get hurt.


Lost my sister a couple years ago - and the whole family vowed to be closer and spend more time together. That lasted the first year I guess.

Talked to my mom last week and when she didn't even bring up Thanksgiving - I told DH "somethings up".

Talked to my brother a couple days after that and asked what's the family plan for Thanksgiving. He says "we're having it at my house" I say "cool"! (he lives right next door to my parents) I tell him that my crew will be there with bells on and we discuss what dishes we'll bring and I think everything is set.

Monday night he calls me and tells me that he and my mom decided NOT to do a big Thanksgiving because it's too much work and they don't feel real good right now. Uh... ok. Thanksgiving is still 10 days away at this point. So I ask him...are ya'll still going to have dinner? (didn't want them to eat a hot dog on Thanksgiving) He tells me "oh yeah, we're still doing everything as normal", and that his own kids/grandkids are coming and that my parents are coming over too. So, what it boils down to is that having MY group there is just too much trouble and so we're basically un-invited. How special is that?

Now - in their defense I guess I kinda invited myself... Guess I wrongly just ASSUMEDED that the family Thanksgiving would include us. So silly of me.

I've been re-iterating to my own children how important it is to be together and that they need to make a special effort to spend more time with their grandparents since they are getting so much older. So, my daughter made plans to come down from north of Dallas where she lives and my son re-arranged other plans to be there too. Now their feelings are hurt too...

I've offered to host - but again - they're keeping it small and close to home. I'm an hour away from them....

However - my brother did suggest that I come and visit our folks - just not on Thanksgiving. I've tried that several times and my mother in all her motherly love has previously answered my requests to visit them with "we're napping" so not sure that's gonna work out too well either. Seems like the only times it's really ok for me to visit them is when one or the other is hospitalized.

Gotta defend my daddy though. I'm sure he's totally unaware of these developments. He's got severe hearing loss so my mom makes all the decisions in the household because it's just too much trouble to discuss things with him. (according to her) If I call, he can't really hear me on the phone so I rarely have a conversation with him anymore.


Back to regularly scheduled SS stuff. If the weather is nice I'm hoping to harvest a few extra chickens. I've got 4 meaties left that I gave a reprieve to. Even hatched a couple of their eggs - and their babies are Sussex/meatie crosses and Faverolle/meatie crosses. GREAT BIG CHICKENS. But, that was enough of an experiment for me and now I'm ready to make a bunch of chicken broth, lol.

Really need to go ahead and put out a round bale I guess. I haven't had to feed a whole bunch of hay yet - but after the last few nights of freezes/frosts I guess it's time.

Kale and broccoli rabe are growing well and I might be able to sneak a few leaves to toss in some soup or salad real soon.

Happy hump day ya'll.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks, GG! You are RIGHT about that!

Got my big girl panties on now and planning on having a great day with my kiddos and grandkids.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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Sometimes that's all you can do. You can only make the effort and if others don't want to be bothered, there's nothing else that can be done. Doesn't make it hurt any less, though.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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So true, Deb.

Have I mentioned lately how much this time change is K.I.L.L.I.N.G. me? I go out in the morning in the dark, and I go out in the evenings in the dark... this is crazy! Oh well, I guess that's what Wal-Mart sells headlamps for.

My neighbor texted me at work yesterday - wanted to borrow my trailer to haul his truck to the shop. I said yes - he helps me with things all the time. When I got home from work I saw his truck sitting on my trailer in his driveway - but... something looked "off". A few minutes later I hear banging and peeked out the window to see him taking a hammer to the fender on my trailer... :ep Little bit after that I hear even more banging. Peek out the window again and he's got one of the tires off the trailer and has a sledge hammer and is banging up on the fender. I dunno what happened, but somehow he musta squished the fender down on the tire and had to beat it to get it not to rub the tire. He finally took off with it and later came home with an empty trailer which he didn't bring back to my house. He parked it in front of his garage where he usually parks things that he works on.

Whatever happened I know he feels bad about - and I also know that he'll make it right. I just hope he doesn't worry himself too much over it! I have a feeling I know what happened. He had to use his tractor to push his truck up on to the trailer and I think he musta banged the fender and bent it down so that it was rubbing the tire. He's a handy guy and has already offered to replace the trailer floor for us. It got a hole in it when he used it the last time!

He's actually used this trailer more than I have, lol. It came with the tractor I bought and the only time I pulled it was when I brought the tractor home.. oh, and I did use it to go a couple miles down the road to pick up some hay. He's hauled it to Colorado for elk hunting, used it to haul his Mom's car home when she had a wreck, and now has used it for his broken truck. It's nice to have neighbors you can share things with! I told DH that I'll probably get some more fence work out of him for this, lol.

Been looking up recipes today when I wasn't busy at work. I love doing that - but I'm sure I'll just go fairly traditional with most of the meal. Maybe get a little crazy with dessert.... :hu
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Glad you have someone who will actually take care of things that they borrow. I don't let anyone borrow my horse trailer because I don't trust em.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
It's great to have someone that will fox what they break! The landlord keys one of the family members here borrow heavy equipment and is almost always guaranteed to come back broken. Like the time he returned the bobcat with the tire OFF the rim. WTH!? And it always seems he had something or broke something when we need to use it. :rolleyes:
sorry about the family trouble. I totally hear you. The bf has his own list of family grievances. It makes life challenging for sure!


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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here's hoping he can fix the trailer without problems. i think that's one of murphys laws, lend something and expect it to be broken


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Trailer is still sitting at the neighbors house and I still haven't talked to him, lol. See how worried I am?! NOT

We had a pretty busy weekend. Boring, but busy. We spent most of the day Saturday just cleaning up around here. I did some of those things that I cleaning windows and baseboards and other similarly yucky stuff. Got the floors cleaned, the bathrooms cleaned, and the breezeway is no longer a barn. Baby quail are still in there, but they'll go out when the kiddos get here.

Sunday we had company most of the day. DH's son and his new girlfriend came by. It was our first time to meet the girlfriend and unfortunately she was sick and spent most of the time napping while she was here. Poor thing - she felt horrible. But, whatcha gonna do?

While they were still here DH's motorcycle riding buddy came by too. He has a new bike and wanted to show it off - and he wanted to see DH. They haven't hung out since the wreck and they gossiped like a couple old ladies, lol. He's a really good guy and it was good to see him.

I'm still menu planning for Thursday. We'll go basically traditional with maybe a few twists. I probably won't make those decisions until the last minute so not gonna stress over 'em. OH - I was watching one of those cooking shows yesterday and they always get me in trouble! Trisha Yearwood cooked a turkey in an "oil-less" turkey fryer. :ep Sooooo, I just had to have one. Went and picked one up at lunch today and DH already has it assembled. It's on the back porch right now burning off all of it's newness. I can't wait to try it out with real food.

While feeding tonight I noticed that Noir has some funky looking poop. She doesn't look the least bit 'off' but I'll prolly catch her up tomorrow and give her a good look-over. With all the rain we've had lately and the absolute deluge we had Saturday night, if I were a goat, I'd be stressed for sure so I'm not surprised really. Need to get on top of it because I sure don't need any sickies over the holiday.

Finally, after about forever, I got 5 eggs today. Crazy that I'm excited over 5 eggs when I was getting 30+ daily earlier this year - but there've been a whole lot of days lately where I haven't even gotten ONE :barnie So, it's looking like the egg drought might be over. Woo hoo!
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