Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Typical week in my part of Texas - HOT! Can't believe I'm actually going to say that we NEED some rain. Crazy, considering that we were a total mud pit for about 7 months.... geeze!

I tossed some of the mama/baby goats out to the pasture. Their babies are big enough for the great outdoors and I don't need the milk from the mama's - so - out they went! And - it really helps with the feed bill. The goats that are kept 'up' rely totally on purchased feed and it is a definite drain on the pocketbook. That took 7 goats off of the feed bill. Now I just have Sparkle up (because I'm milking her) and the older doe and her two kids are still kept up. I want to be sure she gets all the nutrition she needs. The 'outside' goats still get some feed but it's mostly just a token feeding.

Sparkle isn't the biggest volume milker, but she routinely gives around 1/2 gallon daily. That's plenty of milk for two people with enough left over for yogurt and/or cheese. I've still got two (maybe three) lactating does out in the big pasture that I can pull up if I need some extra milk.

Today's plan is to get into the garden and clean out all non-producing plants. I still have time to get in another summer planting so I'm going to put in some more bush beans and maybe some black-eyed peas. They love hot/dry which is where we're at right now. The first batch of 'bush beans' I planted were totally mis-labeled. They grew into a solid green wall about 6ft tall that made beautiful blooms and barely a bean anywhere. Not sure if it was a bean problem - or a pollination problem. But, they're coming out and a different variety will be planted in their place.

It's time to cut back the tomato plants... the stink bugs never gave up and moved on so I'm going to take away their food source. I hope with no food that the bugs will disappear and the tomatoes will come back and produce a fall crop for me. I put off building a green/screen house this year but I definitely won't put it off again. If I ever hope to grow an edible tomato again I've got to make a change. I hate bugs...

DH had a big problem couple nights ago. He was headed to the airport to pick up his boss when he hit a huge pothole. He had not one, but two blow-outs on his car. GRRRR! His boss had to take a taxi to the function they were both supposed to be at and we waited almost 2.5 hours for a wrecker. Worst part of the deal is that his brand new fancy-dancy car didn't even come with a spare tire! They give you a can of flat fix and a little pump - totally worthless! So, while his car is at the dealer waiting for the mucho expensive special order tires he's having a 'donut' kit installed in the car. It wouldn't have helped him in this instance since he blew TWO tires....but for future run of the mill flats he'll at least have a spare.

Monetary damage: $700 for the donut kit....$325 x 2 for new special order tires...and hopefully he doesn't need new wheels because they are $800 apiece. Guess I need to sell a few more goats!

That's about it - gotta get outside and get busy.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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dang, not having a factory spare is just nuts. I'm looking at having to buy a new set of tires for my car and the price is just outrageous. you'd think they were made of gold not rubber. just read the last 12+ pages of your journal to catch up and i have to tell you how jealous that you have gotten an English collie. we had them when we were kids and i absolutely love them. i have looked around here and have never found any. you are so right, they are the perfect farm dog ! sounds like you've kept yourself busy and out of trouble for the most part. btw I'm also jealous of your fig tree. dried figs and cheese is one of my favs.



Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hey goatgurl, good to see you!

Isn't that just stoopid?!? We had a similar problem with a rental car when we were in CA. Had a blowout when DH hit a curb. (seeing a pattern here?) Same thing - a can of flat fix and a tiny little pump which do nothing for a big blowout. I'm just grateful we actually bought the extra rental car insurance on that trip...whew! Anyway - at least now he'll have a donut for regular ol' flats now. DH drives way too many miles to NOT have a spare of some sort. We got his new Volvo after his bad wreck last September. I think we bought the car in late October-ish. Since then, about 8 months, he's put 20K miles on it. I've had my truck about 18 months and only have 15K on it!

Got a lot accomplished in the garden yesterday - but not nearly enough. Isn't that the way it always goes? Our actual air temp was 99 yesterday with a heat index well into triple digits. I kept the water hose with me all day and constantly just hosed myself down. I was a wet, stinking mess, lol! But - I was able to put in about 5 hours of hard work while staying fairly comfortable. Guess I'm going to do the same thing today.

Also need to get some toltrazuril and wormer into the youngest set of kids out there. Need to check their mama (the 13 year old) and see if she needs a repeat wormer. She's really come around since her post-baby worming so my guess is that she's gonna be fine. I've said it before and I'm gonna say it again....pygmy goats are tough! My purebred Nubians need much more attention than the pygmies. So far the pyg-nub crosses are proving to be pretty hardy too. I'm going to make it a priority this week to catch up on all my registration papers so I can legitimately call the pyg-nub crosses Kinders.

One more cup of coffee and then I need to get to it. Happy Sunday folks!

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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When it's really hot out, I try to wet down my arms, neck, wipe my face w/cool water, etc. And if at all possible, I go w/out shoes. You actually lose a lot of body heat thru your feet.


Sustainability Master
Jul 22, 2011
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Klamath County, OR
I like to put a wet towel on my head, held on with a cord (a la biblical looking headdress). The towel shades my head, and the water cools things down really nicely. I don't go barefoot, but sandals work for me.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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my only trick is to go out to work at daylight and work till i can't stand it with judicious hosings in between. then i come in pull off my wet clothes and stand in front of the fan. then i go out just before dark and do the goat/sheep chores. my trusty thermometer in the shade says its 101 with a 115 heat index this afternoon. remember when we all griped about the rain and cold this spring? grandpa use to say "ole' joe, he'd gripe if ya hung him with a new rope, never satisfied". i guess that's me, don't want it to hot or to cold...just right is fine with me


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I don't go barefoot anywhere but the immediate yard (too much poop everywhere else!) - but I do get my slip-on barn shoes wet too. However, today I'm regretting that my shoes are wet - UGH! Only way to combat that gross feeling of putting on damp shoes is to wet 'em all over again!

Got one of the 4x8 beds weeded and replanted with bush beans. Real bush beans this time I hope! I've almost got the second bed finished and I'll probably plant a couple squash plants in there. I found three eggplant plants (is that redundant or what, lol?) that were hiding in the bigger garden yesterday so I'm gonna baby them along a little bit and I think they'll be just fine. Everything is drinking up water like crazy.

Goatgurl - you are exactly right! I swore I wasn't gonna complain about dryness after all the rain we had.... but we are dry, dry, dry right now!

Weather folks say relief may be in sight this upcoming week. We've got a chance of showers most afternoons this next week. We'll see how that goes, lol.


Almost Self-Reliant
Aug 12, 2014
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i hear you on the no barefoot thing. to much poop, to many stinging bugs and to many sharp rocks.
and i swore the same thing this spring but there i go, griping again. we don't have any rain in the forecast for the week. the grass is crunchy and the trees are already dropping leaves. as we know pretty soon it will be wet and cold again and we'll fuss about that too.

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