Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
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When I used to work on a peach farm, I loved to pick a peach off the trees on a warm day and eat it while I was mowing. There's nothing quite like fresh picked, warm fruit.


<Insert Snazzy Title Here
Nov 23, 2011
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Fallston, MD
Oof, FEM, you've had a rough time! I hope that things settle out for you soon. I know that I am certainly not alone when I say that I'll be glad when 2015 is gone. Its been a tough, tough year for a lot of people, so you're not alone, either!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thanks! It has been challenging, and it ain't over yet, lol. My mom was moved from the psych ward to a medical floor because she's not eating or drinking. I'm not sure if it's deliberate or her new meds. When I was there Saturday she'd been ill from her meds and was trying to eat some chicken noodle soup so that was a positive sign.

I kept my dad over the weekend and he did great. He really hates to be home alone, so we're trying to give him some extra attention and it seems to be paying off. He's not trying to run away or call 911 anymore - thank God! He told me all weekend that he wasn't hungry, but every time I sat food in front of him he cleaned his plate! Seems like most of what they were eating at home was pre-packaged food and it's just not for him. Some home cooking is what he needs. I'll probably try to spend some time cooking up some simple meals and freezing them....things like meat loaf and spaghetti that'll be easy for them to reheat.

We were going to hire a caregiver, but my brother has decided to do it himself. My dad is thrilled - mom, not so much. She sees him as controlling, but that's mostly because he is! But - the things he is controlling about need to be controlled. Sorry mom, you don't get to drive (because you are a danger to yourself and others), and you don't get to keep guns in the house (because you threatened to shoot dad and yourself) and you don't get to be in charge of your money anymore (because it looks like you're giving it all away).

Background on the money issue - We have a suspicion that she's been gifting money to an a$$hole creep of a guy who sold them their walk-in Jacuzzi tub. I found phone records and text records and it seems that my 83 year old mother decided that this salesman was really important to her life. :confused: The last day she tried to drive (and my brother wouldn't let her) we also found $750 dollars cash in her purse!! WHAT THE H.E.double hockeysticks is up with that??? We're now getting bank records to see if there's money missing that can't be accounted for. Geeze louise.

No farm news other than the routine. Feed, gather eggs, milk, weed the garden, re plant a few things, mow... just the usual stuff.



Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Thankfully, besides hormone drunk bucks it's quiet on the farm. Chickens are starting to molt, but still laying fairly well. I'm sure that'll change soon enough. My silkie hen has disappeared...ugh! She was such a dependable little setter - I'm gonna miss her. I have plenty of other hens that will brood, but they all go broody at the same time, once a year, and always when I don't really want any chicks. The little silkie would dang near set any time I left a stack of eggs out there. Sigh....

I'm still milking Sparkle once a day and get about a quart and a half at a time. That's more than enough milk for just the two of us. And, I've still got 4 does out in the pasture feeding their half-grown kids so if I need more I just bring one of them in.

Garden, what there was of it, is winding down a bit. However, the peppers are still going strong and I noticed some okra plants popping up in a pen that no longer has any chickens in it. I doubt it has time to make, since okra is a hot weather plant, but I'll let it go and see what happens.

Mom is still in the hospital. It's been over two weeks now. I'll go visit with her today on the way to a meeting with a lawyer who specializes in Elder Law. My brother is trying to be their care-taker but he's easily frustrated and just doesn't understand that they are not capable of reasoning, or remembering anything anymore. I don't think it will work in the long term, but he doesn't want to pay a care taker. I want to let him try, but if I get the feeling that my parents are fearful of him (something they've said before) I will risk all out family war and make sure they get someone who they are more comfortable with. It stinks to be in that position, but I'm not going to have their last years be fearful of their own son.

DH and I are tossing around lots of options, but none of them are ideal. I think assisted living is the best idea, but not sure they can afford it. We're looking into applying for more aid from the VA called Aid and Attendance. If we can get it, it'll give them about 2K more a month. The application is overwhelming and I already know I don't have a lot of the information that they want. Hoping we can come up with it somehow...

Better get to work - I'm leaving early today for the lawyer meeting. My vacation and sick leave are rapidly disappearing. :(

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Hope you get it all figured out soon. It's a shame you have to use up your sick days and vacation days on this.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Hoping that mom will be released today. Case manager called my brother yesterday and indicated that they are doing discharge planning. Sounds promising.

I think I'll do a little cooking for them on Saturday and deliver it Sunday so they can have some home cooked meals in the freezer. My brother is doing everything for them so this will give him a little break too.

I was hoping to get a few projects taken care of over the holiday weekend, but not sure that's going to happen now. I really, really need to reduce the mouths to feed before winter sets in - if it ever does, lol. We've had some rain which has kept things cooler - but - now the heat/humidity is back. ugh

Getting hay is becoming a bigger priority too. I NEEEEED to get some procured and secured. I'm on a "list" with several dealers, but do you think even one of them has called me yet? Nope.

Also thinking about getting a fall garden going. The last few years I've had more luck in the fall than in the spring/summer. I want to get a lot of broccoli and cabbage planted. Nothing better than fresh grown broccoli. I've had a hankering for some Kimchi too so I need to make sure I get some Chinese cabbage planted too.

Too much to do - so little time. Nothing to do but keep plugging along...

Happy Holiday weekend!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Well.... thoughts of release for my mom were premature. Looks like they are moving her back to the psych unit. OMG! Earlier this week she was doing so well....but they changed her meds and she had a horrible setback - not able to stay in reality at all. My brother and I both told them she was delusional and psychotic, but they chalked everything up to depression. And THEY are the professionals?

Gotta get some critters wormed this weekend. Saw some pretty pale eyelids last time I checked. Seems like that's allll I do with critters these days! Never, ever before have I seen worm/parasite problems like I've seen this year - and I'm TIRED of it - and the critters are tired of it too.

I'm going to do some re-arranging in the big barn. I'll be sub-dividing it and also making it easier to close it up and hold the critters inside. That'll help me get my hands on 'em for easier medicating. I might even move the milk stand out there too and consolidate all my goat stuff in that barn. Right now I have the milk stand in the feed room of the smaller barn because it's closer to the house. When the does kid I bring them up to this smaller barn and keep them there through weaning or selling kids so it made sense to have the milk stand there.

I've kicked all does and kids out to the pasture now so I have to bring Sparkle back in to milk her. Usually it's not a problem and she stands at the gate waiting for me. However, since we've had ample rainfall lately she doesn't want to get her twinkle toes muddy and stays in the big barn forcing me to go out and lead her up. Silly goat.

That's just part of the "to do" list for this weekend. Of course, with everything so up in the air with family stuff now who knows how much I'll actually get done...

Happy Friday, ya'll.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sounds like my horse! She's convinced she'll drown in 1/4" of water.

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