Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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Came home yesterday with a truck full of feed. Came inside to change clothes and grab a diet root beer before getting into the middle of unloading it. Finally got out to the big barn and fed the pigs so they'd stay out of my way. Started bringing in feed and heard the unmistakable cry of a doe in labor... Now, I knew my Nigi doe was close, but her 145 day is today. But, she didn't care and she obviously didn't count, lol. I hadn't even checked her ligs before work...just looked at her bag and while it was a little larger than the day before it definitely wasn't totally 'filled'.

I don't have the big barn set up for kidding (yet) so I had to improvise. I pulled her into the feed room, spread out a tarp and put some hay down. She pushed, and pushed and I could see the tips of a tiny hoof so I just sat back and waited. Nope, not going right...just that kind of year I guess. Baby had his head tucked down below his chest. Feet were up, head was down. Really a simple fix once I figured out where his head was, lol. A lot of times they're turned back to the side and that can be a booger to fix. Thankfully, I was able to pop his chin up and he came shooting out. Next baby was a tiny, tiny little girl. Whoop!

Went out this morning and gave a second dose of Toltrazuril to the oldest kids, wormed them for the first time and tossed them and their mama's out to the big pasture. The mama's keep telling me they want out, but when I let them out - they want back in, lol. Never satisfied! But, this is it - their babies are 6 weeks old and big and out they go.

I've now had 16 babies. Nine girls and 7 boys. I've only disbudded 4 of them....argh! I absolutely, positively, without a doubt HAVE to disbud some of them this weekend. My least favorite goat chore - but has to be done. I'll probably just do the oldest ones this weekend and catch up with the rest next weekend.

I have to work later today. We're having a fundraiser for our students. We're hosting a 'bingo night' and it will be a lot of fun and usually brings in big bucks. It's a lot of planning and work but if it goes off well it'll all be worth it.

Ok, gotta get busy! Happy Saturday ya'll!
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Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
I need to get some posted. They are so stinking cute!

Had guests all weekend. My step-son and his two sons. It's always nice to have them, but I wasn't expecting guests and it wasn't the best timing, but we always make time for grandkids!

I packed em up and took em all to the fund raiser last night. They had fun and even won a prize at bingo.

Today I caught up on all the disbudding I needed to do. I disbudded EIGHT babies today. I only have the brand new babies left to do and one buckling that's just not thriving. He's had one problem or another practically since birth. He's the one that got stepped on and has a hernia - but I really believe it's healing up. I haven't seen his lumpy bumps in a few days, but I didn't want to chance doing his head today. I was afraid he'd strain so much that he'd pop his guts out... So, if all goes well he'll get done next weekend.

And, next weekend is when the rest of the does are due. I'm running out of places to put all these goats, lol! But, by next weekend I'll be kicking some more mama's and babies back out to the big pasture.

Shortly after that I need to start deciding who stays and who goes. I started this kidding season with 20 adult does and 5 bucks. I've had 16 babies so far which put me at 41...but I lost one baby and sold two so I'm at 38 goats right now. With at least 5 more does due to kid... geeze!

Garden is getting weedy... I really need to get that taken care of. Still need to replant some of the beans that the bad, bad goats ate when they got in the garden last weekend.

Too much to do - too little time!
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
And I thought I was bad w/the chickens last year! At least they don't take up as much room!


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Crazy weather day...Houston is underwater! Okay, parts of Houston are underwater. When I went out to feed at 5am we'd had barely a trace of rain - even though we had wind, thunder and lightening all night. But, around 6 - the skies opened up and walls of water came down. In my area we've actually been lucky to only have around 6 inches or so since morning. North west of Houston are reports of 16 inches overnight.

Other badness - the 'failure to thrive' baby passed last night. So sad - he actually seemed to have a pretty good day yesterday. I'm so glad I didn't disbud him - it would be horrible if his last day had been spent having his head burned. Poor little darlin'.... Craziest thing though because Saturday night I had a dream that he'd came running and jumping across the pen and hopped up in my lap and licked my face like a happy puppy. I knew there was a message in that dream...I just didn't know if it meant he'd get healthy or go to goatie heaven. Over the years I've learned that death is part of life on the farm but every once in awhile one of those little critters worms their way right into my heart and this little fella was one of 'em.
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Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
I'm sorry -- it's so hard to lose one.

Now, you have waaaaaay more than me, so I don't feel too bad.
Chickens are creeping up in numbers tho. Gotta watch it! I do have one hen definite broody. She began, I wasn't sure so gave her a couple nest eggs and she's been sitting them faithfully. So, I believe I will go get a dozen fertile eggs tomorrow and put them under her. I love to see a hen & chicks :love Been years since I've had any, so will indulge myself this Spring.

I've seen weather reports on the rain -- wondered about you -- glad you haven't gotten more.

Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
I saw the report and wondered about you as well. Glad you're not under the water! And, I'm sorry you lost the little guy. It seems like it's always the favorites that we lose.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Thanks, @Mini Horses and @Denim Deb. We're good right here, right now. Lots of drama all around town. Saw a news report about a stable that flooded and about 60 horses had to swim for their lives. Scary stuff! And of course, they say there's more rain a'coming.

We start the next round of kidding in about 4 days so I'll have my hands full for sure! Also have a guy comin' to get the youngest male Guinea Hog. I already have the other two to eat and one to breed so he needs to go. I want to get down to the mama, her baby girl and one male ad I'll be happy.

We also started "operation rooster reduction" today. Grabbed a rooster and turned him into dog food. I've got waaaaay too many mixed breed roo's running around. Actually, have tooo many chickens runnin' around, lol. And, two broody hens.....argh!

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