Frustratedearthmother's Journaling Journey


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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And now there's just two left to deliver! Brought up one of the FF Nubians about 7:30 pm because her ligaments had gotten very soft - still there - but soft. Her tiny little udder had gotten a tiny bit bigger and much harder so I thought she'd deliver today. Nope - went back out a couple hours after I had brought her in and put her in a kidding pen and she'd delivered a single buckling all by herself! I was so proud of her - but she wasn't in a very good mood and didn't love her baby until after she'd passed the afterbirth. In the interim, I had to put her on the milk stand and steal some colostrum for the little guy. She was NOT impressed with that entire ordeal.

He's the first official mini-Nubian! Whoop, whoop!

I've had some Kinders bred to the Nigi - wonder what I should call them? Mini-kinders? Hmmmm, gonna have to cogitate on that one, lol!

I need sleep...wonder if the boss would mind if I take a nap. ;)


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
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I've been having major problems with computer viruses, adware, malware whatever you call it - it stinks! Spent 3 hours and a 'few' bucks getting it fixed yesterday.

Whew... kidding season is over. Unfortunately, it ended on a downer. The last doe due to kid wasn't due until today. Thursday night I checked ligaments and her udder - all was well. Even checked her about midnight because I was outside for another issue. Ligaments were tight and udder the same size as it had been for a couple weeks. Went out at 5am and she had been in labor...had a baby's head out, but was hung up on the shoulders and the baby was dead. I pulled it, and the doe ran off - totally freaked out so I wasn't able to check and see if there was another one. No choice but to go on to work.... Came home Friday and she was just kinda hanging out in the barn. I wanted to check her but she's not letting me even get close. She didn't come up to eat, but I put some feed in a secluded place for her and she went to it. By Saturday she was eating with the herd, but certainly not fighting for her space at the feeder, but this morning she was more enthusiastic. I can only guess/hope that she's going to be ok. She was the only pygmy that I had bred this year...sigh. The only positive (if you can find a positive) is that the baby was a buckling. Wasn't what I had wished for - but certainly didn't wish for him to not make it.

Ended up with 22 kids total being born. Lost three. :( Sold two :) Total of 17 out there now. I've still got another round of disbudding to do and then the selling will begin. YAY!

I'm in the midst of some changes in the barn. I'm moving my 'feed room' totally out of the pasture area. I moved my goat trailer, which hasn't been pulled in years right out side the gate and moved all the feed into it. That opens up the former feed room to be utilized by goats and eliminates any chance of goats/horses breaking into the feed room and endangering themselves with their gluttony, lol!

It's hot and muggy out there but I need to get back to it. Happy Sunday ya'll!
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
Sorry you lost him, but glad the momma seems OK.

And I hear ya on the feed room! That's one thing I really like about my new area on the farm. There is no way the horses can get to the feed room short of tearing down the fence. And I just can't see them doing that.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
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coastal VA
OK -- keep the doeling from Cocoa -- "Cocoa Puff". That tiny one is a keeper, no matter the sex or type...:love

Sorry about your losses but, we all know they happen. Stinks but happens. Glad you got the feed room converted. Hey, my 4 horse mini trailer is used for storage a LOT. Sometimes I even buy hay and leave it in there, use from it. At least it gets some use. The little 2 horse one is available for emergencies but, I looked at it a few days ago & need to get a couple welds. Luckily, a guy is nearby to do it.

You have some nice looking kids and yes, LOTS of color.


Sustainability Master
Mar 10, 2012
Reaction score
Great minds think alike @Mini Horses!

Definitely keeping "Cocoa Puff" and the tiny little doeling. Also keeping Sparkle's baby, Lucy. (grandkids named her) she's the fancy dappled one I posted the pic of earlier. She's about 7 weeks old now and she's HUGE! She's a singleton and high % Nubian so I've got high hopes for her to be an awesome milker too.

Selling all bucklings and several trained milkers along with some Nubian does and their doelings. It's hard for me to let go of a veteran milker, but I've got replacements. Gotta get those numbers down!

My garden is a bust already. Nobody taught these veggie plants to swim. Too much rain! I'm keeping up with the few things that are working out and I'm continually replanting hoping that the weather will cooperate soon. Eventually we've GOT to dry out and we have such a long growing season that I can get several plantings in and hope for the best. If not, I'll be ready for fall which is my preferred planting time any way - except for tomatoes.

The plantings that I have in tubs, (mostly tomatoes) are going to be fine, so it won't be a total loss. And - there's always my son's garden! It's flourishing. He's on higher ground than I am and his entire garden is raised so he's ot having these problems. Long story short - I'll be raiding HIS garden soon enough, lol!

I'm tired, time to get upstairs and put my ol' bones to bed.

edited to ad: Forgot to mention that I've got chickies! I saw 8 little ones following one of the broodies around. The other broodie is still on some eggs so I have no idea how many I'll have tomorrow. Hopefully 'varmints' don't make a dent in them tonight...
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Denim Deb

More Precious than Rubies
Oct 21, 2010
Reaction score
We're getting a ton of rain as well. I can't even finish getting set up let alone get anything in.

Mini Horses

Sustainability Master
Sep 2, 2015
Reaction score
coastal VA
LOOKS (we will see) like you will be getting dry weather all week FEM...would work well for you, right?

My area is getting at least a chance of rain every day this week and I have all week off :\ Hopefully light & scattered most days -- I can deal with that. Today, evening showers -- means I can work fence until mid afternoon. I'll be ready to stop then anyway.

Put a doz eggs under each broody last night. They are still on them this AM :clap. All EE & Cream Legbar eggs. I just want to see those biddies! Love to watch hen & chicks. Now I will have time to set up a brood area for them once hatched. And working on pens for my Marans, to keep separate for collecting fertile eggs. Sure hope another hen goes broody as I don't really want to do bator.

I'm envious of your little group strolling in....:love Pics?

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